I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 2: Return gift


There was not much milk in a carton, and the camel drank it up in no time.

It raised its head after drinking, milk was still hanging on its mouth, and it just looked at Chen Mu innocently, as if it was waiting for something.

"Want more?"

Chen Mu is amused, it means asking for a refill.

That guy didn't know if he understood, but he licked his lips anyway, looking so stupid.

It was the first time for Chen Mu to meet a wild camel, and he thought it was very interesting. He turned around and went back to get two more cartons of milk, and walked slowly towards the guy: "I'm coming, don't move around, I won't give you anything if you move around." You drank."

The guy didn't move, just looked at Chen Mu innocently.

Chen Mu was actually a little afraid that it would suddenly go crazy and hit him, so he approached cautiously, opened the carton very slowly, and poured the milk into the bowl very slowly, not wanting to irritate the other party with any movement.

The guy quietly waited for Chen Mu to pour the milk, moved his mouth, lowered his head and continued to drink, making a "sososo" sound from his mouth, very cheerful.

Standing by the side, Chen Mu secretly took out his mobile phone, took a few photos of the big head drinking milk in the bowl, and then put it back in his pocket with satisfaction.

Wild camels are rare, and it was an adventure for me today, so it would be unreasonable not to take a photo and post it on Moments.

After putting away the phone, Chen Mu thought for a while, and suddenly wanted to touch the big guy next to him.

He tentatively stretched out his hand, slowly reached the guy's body, and touched it, but the guy didn't respond at all, which made Chen Mu bolder, and put his flat palm against the opponent's fur, smoothly Touching the past, I really felt it.

Unexpectedly, this guy looks dirty, but his fur is soft and feels good.

He touched his body a few times, but the guy didn't care at all. Chen Mu couldn't help squatting down, and touched the guy's head.

With this touch, the guy reacted. He raised his head and looked at Chen Mu, his mouth was full of milk, like he had grown a white beard.

Chen Mu didn't feel scared at all, but felt a little funny, and asked, "Is it good?"

The guy continued to mumble, looking at Chen Mu as if he couldn't wake up, and didn't know if he understood.

Chen Mu remembers that camels generally do not make sound, and only at certain times, such as courtship, will they make low-pitched grunts, which are not pleasant at all.

So he didn't care about that guy's response, and touched the other's fluffy head again: "Brother treats you to milk today, how are you going to repay brother?"

The guy was silent for a while, then lowered his head and continued to drink milk until Chen Mu had finished the two boxes of milk he took out, then he licked his mouth and trotted away.

"Don't knock on my window again!"

Chen Mu watched the guy's back disappear into the night, then turned around, put away the bowl, and walked leisurely into the door.

There are no entertainment programs at the gas station, and even things like surfing the Internet are difficult. Because it is far away from the telecommunications base station, the signal is not very good.

The only thing he can do is watch TV. The cauldron behind the gas station can’t receive a few channels. After Chen Mu watched it for a while, his eyelids were too heavy to open...

I don't know how long this sleep has passed—


Chen Mu was awakened by a dull noise.

"what happened?"

Sitting up sleepily from the bed, Chen Mu saw that the sky outside was still dark, and the sound of "dang bang bang bang" outside was still going on, very rhythmic and inexplicably familiar.

I hurriedly ran to the front of the monitor to take a look, but I didn't expect to see an "acquaintance".

Last night, the guy who ran away after drinking the milk reappeared, and was hitting the window with his head.

"What's the matter? I ran back again... Are you addicted to drinking?"

Chen Mu was speechless.

Although there is still some milk in stock at the gas station, it's not much, and it can't stand the trouble.

That guy comes twice a night, one day or two is fine, what should I do after a long time

It seems that tomorrow I really have to find a way to tear off the advertising sticker on the iron gate.

Helpless, Chen Mu had no choice but to take two boxes of milk, went out and told the guy to stop: "Don't bump into it, don't bump into it, can I give you milk?"


Hearing his words, that guy immediately stopped, walked over slowly, and looked at him foolishly.

Chen Mu put down the big bowl angrily, opened the two boxes of milk, poured them in directly, and said while pouring, "I said brother, you can't do this, brother here is not enough milk, I can't stand you drinking like this." , why don't we make a discussion, you don't come after drinking this meal, can you go find something else by yourself?"

The guy pursed his lips, his eyes were still sleepy, as if he was deep in thought, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

"Okay, okay, you don't seem to understand... well, let's stop talking nonsense, drink milk quickly, and leave as soon as you finish."

Chen Mu felt that the only solution for the present was to tear off the advertising stickers, and he would have to find someone to reinforce the iron gates later.

But what he didn't expect was that the guy didn't bow his head to drink the milk. After moving his mouth a few times, he spit out something and fell to the ground with a "slap".


Chen Mu looked at the guy in surprise, and then looked at the things on the ground. He couldn't see clearly even in the dim light. It seemed to be a small stone or something.

The guy grinned, showing fairly neat teeth, as if showing a smile, then lowered his head to the bowl, and drank the milk.

Chen Mu was startled by this guy's anthropomorphic smile, he was dumbfounded for a while before recovering, and squatted down to pick up the small stone with camel spittle on it.

As soon as he got the thing, Chen Mu knew that it was not an ordinary stone, because the thing had sharp edges and corners, and it was not formed naturally at all, but had obviously been carved artificially.

"Are you bringing back a gift for brother?"

Chen Mu asked the guy who was drinking milk, and at the same time raised the small stone to his eyes, trying to see clearly.

Vaguely, the small stone looked like a small seal, with some words or patterns engraved on one side, but under the light in front of my eyes, I couldn't see what it was.

He took this thing and played with it in his hands a few times. Although he didn't know what it was, Chen Mu felt in a good mood, not because of the value of this small stone, but because of the human nature of the wild camel in front of him.

Last night, I made a little joke on it, asking how it would repay me, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the door early in the morning with a gift, which knows how to repay kindness better than humans, just for this simple affection, It's also very touching.

"In the future, I will often come to look for my brother. As long as my brother is here, I will take care of you all day!"

Chen Mu patted that guy's head and made a promise in a big way.

Why not raise one more camel? Chen Mu felt that he could still afford it.

The guy didn't know if he understood, he raised his head and grinned at Chen Mu with a mouth full of white beard.

That appearance is very naive.