I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 27: When did you take the test


Putting down the phone, Tai Khan let out a long sigh of relief, venting more than half of the anger in his heart, and he seemed to feel much more refreshed.

After getting out of the car, he tidied up his clothes, and walked towards his Dayaochi Hotel with big strides.

Bahe Town is not big, and there are only three or four hotels in the town. The Dayaochi Hotel is considered to be the highest-grade hotel, with a tall and beautiful facade that looks like those hotels in big cities. This is the result of Tayyhan's hard work .

To build the business from scratch to what it is today, Tayyhan relied not only on his hard work, but more importantly on his keen business intuition.

Like this time, he just overheard a Uighur friend talking about some changes in the village, and he felt that this was an opportunity to take his career to another level, so he pondered over it for several days.

He now owns a hotel, a restaurant, and a store selling local products. With the level of development in Yibahe Town, he feels that this is the limit of what he can do, and his business cannot have greater development. , unless a great opportunity suddenly presents itself...

And such an opportunity really appeared.

Chen Mu's farmhouse tourism is such an opportunity.

As long as the business grows and tourists become more and more popular, Tai Khan expects his hotels, restaurants and shops will benefit and grow.

Therefore, he is bound to win this business.

Of course, he also considered the feasibility of "not cooperating with Chen Mu to set up a travel agency", but after his calculations, he felt that doing so would have three disadvantages.

First, this business is easy to be followed. In order to avoid followers, the most important thing is to quickly occupy the market.

Second, without the model that Chen Mu has developed and the customer resources in hand, the travel agency would need to spend a lot of money on advertising to develop the market in the early stage, and the investment is high and the return is slow, and the time is also unfavorable.

Third, if cooperation cannot be negotiated, Chen Mu is also a competitor.

Therefore, cooperation is clearly in his best interest.

Soon after having a comprehensive consideration of this business, Tayyhan went directly to find Chen Mu.

Of course, before looking for Chen Mu, he also did some understanding of Chen Mu.

Chen Mu is a young man who hasn't graduated from university. His parents just passed away in an accident. He came here to run a gas station for less than three months. In his opinion, Chen Mu probably doesn't know much about this place. He doesn't know much about society... Should be inexperienced.

Based on this information, Tayyhan quickly made a judgment and chose to talk about cooperation with Chen Mu in the way of "putting pressure first and then giving sweetness".

Tayyhan has been in business for so many years, and he is not the kind of arrogant young man. If Chen Mu's parents were the object of conversation, he would definitely choose a softer way, but for Chen Mu, he felt that such a way the best.

The result was not as expected.

Chen Mu rejected his cooperation intention without thinking too much, and he never expected that he would be labeled "reckless" by Chen Mu.

Tayyhan was indeed angered by Chen Mu's refusal, and more importantly, he felt that he had been underestimated. It felt like being poured with cold water, which was extremely uncomfortable.

You know, he is full of enthusiasm and expectations for this tourism business in his heart, and the current result is completely unacceptable to him.

Since face-to-face cooperation fails, it is necessary to take some necessary measures outside the negotiating table.

Although Tayyhan was not born and raised in Bahe Township, he is a Uighur after all, and he has unique advantages to survive here.

Over the years, he has made many friends, and he believes that at critical times, these friends can give him useful help and win him this precious opportunity.


The cooperation between the two people involved was just a few words, and the cooperation collapsed. In the next two or three days, the wrestling in the dark went on silently.

Three days later, Tayyhan, who had not received any news, couldn't bear it anymore, and called the previous number again.

"Hello, old Chen, I'm Taiyhan."

"Yes, is there any news about the last time I asked you for help?"

"Huh? Is there any difficulty? How is it possible? That young man has only just come here."

"Okay, old Chen, you say you'll accept it, I'm not in a hurry, I'll listen to you..."

Ten minutes later, Tayyhan hung up the phone in a daze, his eyes glazed over.

He sat in his seat, unable to recover for a while.

Does that young man have such a big background behind him

Tayyikhan's friends have already helped him, but the obstacles encountered by the leaders at a higher level made his friends feel that they had been kicked by the iron plate.

"Brother Tayikhan, I advise you not to beat that young man's brains, you will suffer a lot."

The advice from the friend on the phone just now echoed in Tayyhan's mind.

He could understand that the friend meant that he would never help him with this matter again, because there was someone behind the young man.

What's more, his friend is already very powerful in the town, but he still doesn't know who is behind Chen Mu.

It was as if he was confidently throwing a stone towards a certain place, hoping to make some noise, but after the stone fell down, it disappeared without a trace, making no sound, which was very scary.

Tayyhan sat blankly for a while, and suddenly realized that he had made a mistake, and the source of this mistake came from his misjudgment of Chen Mu.

That young man is obviously not as ordinary as he understands, maybe what he understands is only on the surface, and the things under the surface are just containing unexpected energy.

Taiyhan wiped his face with a depressed expression.

What he is worried about now is not whether he can get Chen Mu to agree to cooperate as soon as possible, but whether he will be retaliated by Chen Mu.

Perhaps because of this little mistake he made before, everything he had accumulated would fall apart, which made him fall into deep regret and fear.

Qianjiang highway, gas station.

Chen Mu, who was sleepy in the business room, was suddenly woken up by the Uighur old man: "Here, this is something that Mullah Ali asked the old man to give you."

Chen Mu rubbed his face to wake himself up, picked up the small package that the Uighur old man handed him, and looked at it suspiciously.

"This is... a tour guide card?"

When Chen Mu saw clearly the thing on the top, he was startled, how could there be such a thing

He was planning to go to the town to ask how to get a tour guide certificate in these two days, but unexpectedly he saw one.

Opening the certificate, he saw that his information was filled in correctly, and a photo of him was pasted on it. He was really confused: this certificate... When did I take the exam