I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 36: Sand sculpture sharp turn


The girl was taken aback.

I don't know if it's because I didn't expect Chen Mu to say such a thing suddenly at this time, or because Chen Mu sold the wine so expensive that she felt like being slaughtered, anyway, she was stunned for a while, and then nodded: "Okay, let's open the bar. "


Boss Chen quickly opened the wine and handed it to the girl.

Then, he thoughtfully tore open a packet of peanuts and a packet of shredded squid, and poured them on the plate for the guests to eat.

"This... is not considered money."

Boss Chen secretly said something in his heart, feeling that with these supporting packages, the wine price he set just now seems not so expensive.

After a while, the young man's roar came from outside: "Chen Xiwen, you wait, turn around and tell your parents, let your Chen family wait, this matter is endless!"

It seemed that the young man had finally survived the danger of dying from his injuries, and began to enter the stage of talking harshly.

After he finished yelling, there was another sound of a car starting outside, and then the car drove away quickly.

The girl squinted at the door, couldn't help frowning slightly, then raised the wine bottle and slapped her purple-black lips.

She was in a hurry to drink, as if she wanted to get herself drunk quickly, the first bottle of wine was poured in with a "gurgling", and it took no more than five seconds from beginning to end.

"Ding, fifty dollars!"

Boss Chen seemed to hear the sound of eating gold coins in his head, and quickly opened the second bottle of wine, and handed it to the guest courteously.

Today this is considered an adventure, it is obviously a gas station, but I don’t know where such a woman came to drink, this is unbelievable in a big city.

Of course, it is because this is a gas station in the desert that the girls will sit down. Otherwise, no matter what happens in the city, they can drink anywhere, make a phone call, and be accompanied by others. Get Boss Chen to earn this money.

The girl drank another half bottle of wine, perhaps because the beer was relatively cold, she stopped and covered her mouth with her hands, took a break, then looked up at Boss Chen: "Sit down too, and have a drink with me, I'm alone It's too boring for people to drink."

Based on the principle that a waiter must have, Boss Chen shook his head and refused: "I don't drink well, I can pour a bottle, let's forget it."

The girl curled her lips undisguisedly, and after thinking about it, she said, "Then tell me a joke, to relieve boredom."

Tsk, that's a lot to ask for...

Boss Chen thought for a while, and opened his mouth: "Look at your appearance, your English level should be good, come on, let me tell you a joke about foreigners."

"How do you know my English is good?"

The girl looked at Boss Chen in surprise.

Boss Chen smiled shyly and said, "Why are you so serious? I just said it casually, and it doesn't matter at all."

The girl was taken aback for a moment, seeing the smile on the face of the man in front of her, suddenly a little speechless.

Boss Chen went on to say: "Okay, English is not important, I started to talk about my jokes, um, the jokes are like this, that is to say, our Chinese nation has a history and culture of 5,000 years, and the background is deep. Actually Foreigners have always been very jealous of this, so when they get along with us, they always make some small jokes unconsciously to tease us, in order to reduce this jealousy in their hearts."

After listening to Boss Chen's words, the girl was quickly brought into context.

"What kind of jokes do they like to make? For example, they always ask us meanly, you Chinese say this year is the year of the sheep, so is your sheep a goat or a sheep? We Chinese never When you think about what the year of the sheep is, it is of course difficult to give a good answer when they ask you that.”

"Then, those foreigners were very happy, jokingly saying that you still boast about 5,000 years of history and culture all day long, and you can't even tell the difference between a goat and a sheep. What kind of year of the sheep are you living?"

"Do you know how we should refute at this time?"

The girl kept silent and waited for Boss Chen to decipher it.

Boss Chen sold the key, and said: "We should say, you foreigners can't even speak well, what qualifications do you have to comment on our culture? For example, if there is such a passage, what do you think? I want to make it clear: my uncle accidentally kissed my aunt, just happened to be seen by my uncle, my uncle punched my uncle, and my aunt saw me again, my aunt was so angry that I pulled my uncle’s hair, my aunt quickly helped my uncle pull my aunt’s hair hand, but the uncle was not happy, and fought with uncle and aunt."

In English, both uncle and uncle are uncle, and aunt and aunt are both aunt. To distinguish who is who, you really need to add a name, otherwise it will be a mess.

The girl obviously understood what Boss Chen was talking about, poured herself a sip of beer, and smiled slightly: "It's okay, it's actually not that funny, um, let's have another one."

Boss Chen had no choice but to change his routine, and said, "Okay, let me ask you a question, A or C, who is taller and who is shorter? Why?"

"A and C... who is taller? Who is shorter? Why?"

The girl pondered for a while, then shook her head: "I don't know, just tell me!"

"A, B, C, D."

"What's the meaning?"

"A, B (than), C, D (lower)."


After announcing the answer, the girl felt that the slightly embarrassing face in front of her was a little mentally retarded and a little annoying, anyway, it was depressing.

After thinking about it, the girl took another sip of wine and said, "Come again!"

"Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, who has the longest legs?"

"Um… "

"Long (intestine) ham."


"I'll do another one, why can't the plane hit the stars?"


"Because the stars twinkle."


"Fahai wanted to commit suicide, so he went to bite the white lady, do you know why?"

"Do you want the white lady to hack him to death?"

"Because he wanted to kill himself by biting the snake (tongue)."


The two people who didn't know each other at all just talked for a long time by relying on the sharp turns of the sand sculpture, and it was endless.

Chen Mu always felt that homophonic stalks were relatively low-level, but he didn't expect to use them on the girl in front of him to have a miraculous effect. It can be seen that her mood has gradually improved a lot.

The two talked and guessed one by one, and they arrived at one o'clock in a blink of an eye.

A box of cold beer was almost finished by the girl, and several packages of peanuts and shredded squid were torn, which made Boss Chen very distressed.

Boss Chen also sat down at the table and accompanied the guests with iced Coke.

The girl doesn't need Boss Chen's service anymore, so she opened another bottle of cold beer on her own, and after thinking about it, she opened the last bottle and pushed it to Boss Chen: "We had a good chat today, come , drink a bottle with me."

Looking at the girl's appearance, Boss Chen probably couldn't drink any more. The last fifty yuan seemed a bit difficult to earn, so he thought about it, and asked tentatively, "Is this wine you bought for me?"

"Whispering, I invite you, drink quickly!"

Girls' eyes have a characteristic, the more they drink, the brighter they become, as if they would glow at this time.

In order to earn an extra fifty yuan, Boss Chen decided to risk his life to accompany Junzi, took the wine and touched him: "Okay, drink."

"My name is Chen Xiwen, what's your name?"

"Chen Mu."

They are all surnamed Chen... they are three-point relatives with the same surname.


As soon as the two clinked glasses, they raised their heads and fought inwardly.

After drinking the last bottle, the girl went to the toilet, turned around and was about to go back to the car to sleep. Unexpectedly, when she came out, she heard a muffled "boo", and then she was shocked to see Chen Mu fell to the ground. Drunk unconscious.

"It turns out that what he said is true, one bottle can be poured... There are still people like this..."

The girl curled her lips in disdain, went to help Boss Chen, and groped her way to the living area behind.