I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 38: A bear child is still a bear parent


"Uncle Aizmaiti, don't go this time, and lend me your donkey."

"Brother Jiansol, try to reduce part of the load on the camel to the donkey. I will go with you and let the children ride on it."

"Brother Caesar, if Uncle Aizmat doesn't go this time, our manpower will be reduced. You need to help take care of it."

After a busy meal, Chen Mu finally settled the matter.

As a tour guide, he was supposed to ride a camel, but in order to free up his seat, he had to walk with Gensol and Caesar.

The parents with children saw it, they didn't express anything, they seemed to take it for granted, they just pretended to ask the children to say thank you to the tour guide brother, but those bear children were still unwilling, they stared at Chen Mu and winked.

Chen Mu smiled and said nothing, the boat in his heart has been rippling on the small river of mmp.

Nima, if I change the occasion, I'll kill you brats and take care of these parents.

At half past four, the team can finally set off.

Chen Mu wrapped himself up like an Arab sheik again, walking at the front of the camel caravan, introducing the scenery of the desert while walking.

In fact, walking on the road at this time, the scenery is just the best.

The sun is gradually setting, the temperature becomes less high, and it is very comfortable to walk.

Moreover, you can watch the sun falling from the sky bit by bit in the desert and feel the scenery on the desert.

The terrain of the desert is flat, and occasionally one or two weathered rocks will appear. The afterglow of the sun shines on the ground, which is a bit close to the artistic conception of "the desert is solitary, the yellow river is setting in the sun".

Of course, it’s missing a solitary smoke, and it’s also missing a Yellow River, but these are not important, you can make up for it by yourself...

Anyway, the very uneducated tour guide Chen read the song "The Envoy to the Fortress" by Wang Wei to the tourists at this time, pretending to be coercive.

Most of the tourists have learned this poem, but they have already returned it to the Chinese teacher, so they did not notice the details of "Guyan" and "Yellow River". Listening to the recitation of Tour Guide Chen, they all looked at the sunset in unison , the expression is full of yearning, as if at this moment, he saw the scenery that the poet saw thousands of years ago.

If it weren't for those little brats, everything would be perfect...

"Little Fatty, look quickly, what kind of rock is that? It's black, but still a little shiny. Could it be an extraterrestrial meteorite?"

"Hey, it's really like ah, go, pick it up and have a look... Mom, mom, I want to take a picture."

"Mom, I want to take pictures with Xiaopang too."

Then, the camel team stopped.

Those two squat things climbed off the back of the kneeling camel, ran over and picked up the broken stone.

"Cut, it's just a broken rock."

"It's boring, I thought it was a meteorite."

"Son, don't you want to take pictures? Hurry up and pose, come, mom will take pictures for you."

Chen Mu looked at the two things in an arrogant posture facing the camera as if they were about to enter the sky, and couldn't help but turn his eyes away and look into the distance.

Only in this way can he calm down the restlessness in his heart a little bit.

Along the way, the original journey of less than an hour and a half was dragged into more than two hours.

The four brats stopped and went, doing things, and their parents pressed the shutter tirelessly, constantly recording those aggressive poses into the camera, which seriously slowed down the trip.

Chen Mu had been patient all the time, and when he saw other tourists getting a little impatient, he went to negotiate with those parents.

"It's rare to come here. It would be a pity if we don't take more photos. You should be able to understand..."

The reasons for those parents are very good, and Barabara came out in a bunch.

"Understood, understood, fully understood."

Tour guide Chen is very professional, and the smile on his face has been solidified there. After the other party has said something, he said another sentence: "Other tourists are impatient to wait, please cooperate, otherwise the road will be difficult to travel when it is dark. , would be dangerous."

"What danger?"

The parents looked disapproving.

Chen Mu opened his mouth and came: "There are some coyotes and wild dogs in the desert, they come out to look for food at night, if we meet, children are the most likely targets of attack."

There are indeed coyotes and wild dogs, but there are so many people in their line of work, even if there are coyotes and wild dogs that come out to look for food, they will avoid them far away and dare not approach them.

All in all, Tour Guide Chen just found a reason to frighten people.

"It's not as scary as what you said, it's easy to frighten children."

When those parents heard this, although they were still talking blah blah, they didn't dare to dawdle any longer, and hurriedly urged the four bear children to get on the camel and move on obediently.

Before the last ray of the sun completely sank into the horizon, the camel team finally arrived at Yakash Village.

In fact, Chen Mu felt sorry for the tourists. If they had arrived at the village earlier, they would have been able to see Yakash Village while the sun was still shining, so that their first impression of the village would be more direct and better.

It's almost dark now, and I can't see anything clearly, and it feels like that's the case.

Chen Mu didn't care about these things, and arranged things like meals and accommodation as soon as possible, and planned to wait until tomorrow to find an opportunity to take tourists around the village to make up for the "village tour".

"Tour guide, why do we live in this house? Can we change to another place? It doesn't feel very clean."

Basically, four people live in one family. The arrangement has been made properly, but unexpectedly, the parent of one of the bear children raised another opinion. The reason is that his child is not used to sleeping on a bed without a soft mattress, so he wants to change places to stay.

Tour guide Chen put on a dead face: "I'm sorry, the accommodation conditions are like this. Our place is a farmhouse, which is incomparable with a big hotel in a big city. Let's just let it go."

While saying this, Tour Guide Chen was already thinking in his heart: "Who the hell introduced this group of people, ask them later, and then block them directly, and they will not do business with this person in the future."

The bear child's parents had no choice but to give up after a few words, so as to appease the child and go back to eat.

At first I thought this matter was over like this, and everything will be discussed tomorrow, but I didn't expect that there would be another disturbance in a while.

"This... what's going on?"

Chen Mu looked at the boy and his parents who appeared in front of him again, and just a few children from the village, and felt a pain in the head.

"My child was beaten by people in the village, what do you say to the tour guide?"

The bear's mother pointed to a little girl in one of the villages, and said angrily, "Xiao Ming was playing by the well in the village, but this little girl refused to let him go, and even pushed our Xiao Ming. Isn't that bullying?" ?”

Chen Mu turned his eyes to the little girl in the village and asked, "What's going on?"

When the little girls in the village heard Chen Mu's question, they were a little timid and did not dare to answer, but another older girl said, "Brother Mu, Ayimu didn't do it on purpose, because they threw stones into the well."

All the children in the village knew Chen Mu. Even though they were young, they more or less knew from their parents' daily conversations that it was because Xiao Mu brother brought tourists to the village that the family made money.

For them, they can add more good meat and vegetables to their meals at home, and they can make an extra set for them when they make clothes at home. Usually, their parents don’t have to work so hard because they earn money... these things are very important to them. They are the most important things and precious, so they all respect Chen Mu in their hearts.

The little girl who was talking pulled the little friend who was pushing people back, and said in a low voice: "Brother Mu, Ayimu is still young and not sensible. When I saw them throwing stones into the well, I couldn't help but push him away." It’s useless, I can apologize to them on Aimu’s behalf.”

Also apologize, say apology!

I don't know why, but when he saw the little girl's dirty face, Chen Mu felt as if he was being grabbed by something in his heart, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Turning his head, he looked at the children and their parents, and said bluntly: "Do you know what the well means to the people in the desert? Throwing things into the well is the worst behavior here. , you must apologize to others."