I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 41: Try to activate it


On the second day, the tourism project continued as usual.

Without the interference of those bear families, the tourists had a great time.

After sending the group of tourists away safely, Chen Mu pulled Jian Sol aside and asked him to help find a way to buy the three baby female camels.

This little ignorant man has committed crimes, as the boss, he must find a way to make up for the blame, so it's just a matter of doing his best.

Jian Suoer looked at Chen Mu, puzzled, and said, "There's no need for this. It's common for female camels to borrow seeds. The owner of the little female camel will be very happy when he finds out."

Chen Mu shook his head and pointed to Hu Xiaoer: "Anyway, it's quite lonely here alone, so it's good to buy three small female camels to accompany it."

Hearing what Chen Mu said, Jiansuoer stopped trying to persuade him, but looked at Hu Xiaoer a little enviously: "You are lucky for the wild camel. It is a blessing from Hu Da to meet such a good master."

Hu Xiaoer stood by Chen Mu's side, putting on a naive look, not sure if he understood.

However, the three little female camels obediently followed behind him, forming a special background board, which made him look like he finally had a bit of aura.

After Jian Suoer left, Chen Mu led Hu Xiaoer and his three wives and concubines who were already de facto married to the forest farm, and while walking, he asked: "I can tell you, from now on they will be yours Those of you, please watch over me, don't let them eat my saplings, or I will be blamed on you... Well, don't blame me for being rude to you then."

Hanpi didn't say a word, just smacked his mouth.

Chen Mu glanced at it, and snorted coldly: "Don't be sloppy with me, I know you will understand. If you still want to drink milk in the future, just take good care of your three."

Han Pi blinked, then turned to look at his wife and concubine behind him, lost in thought.

Chen Mu didn't care, as long as he controlled the power of milk supply, he could make this guy obey, so after he made a statement, he went straight to the forest farm where the special saplings were, and checked them one by one.

Compared with ordinary saplings, this batch of special saplings seemed to be in good condition. After walking around the area, Chen Mu only found one sapling with withered branches and leaves, which meant it was dying.

It seems that Anargul is right. This batch of saplings are genetically modified and more resistant to drought and barrenness than ordinary saplings. Therefore, after planting, the survival rate is higher.

Only one dying out of hundreds of trees is almost negligible.

After marking the location of the sapling, Chen Mu returned to the room and opened the map to check it.

After a few days, he had accumulated more than 20,000 ounces of vitality, plus the previous 10,000 ounces, it was a total of 30,000.

Moreover, the five-day period for exchanging vitality points has expired, and he can finally exchange two vitality points.

Apart from anything else, Chen Mu exchanged the vitality value, and the vitality value was automatically deducted by 10,000 immediately.

After everyone left the gas station at night, Chen Mu went into the forest farm again, and found the dying sapling in the dark.

At this time, there was no one around, and even Hu Xiaoer and his wives and concubines didn't know where to hide. Chen Mu glanced around and began to "luck" to inject a little vitality into the saplings.

"Use 1 point of vitality on the sea buckthorn tree, yes? no?"


"Using objects may not be able to carry too much vitality, yes/no to continue?"


Unexpectedly, this sapling couldn't carry this 1 point of vitality.

However, after Chen Mu thought about it, he still chose "Yes" to inject all the 1 point of vitality.

Anyway, this 1 point of vitality can't be separated and used. Since there is an experiment to be done, then just do it boldly.

On the map interface, 1 point of vitality was deducted in a blink of an eye, and the original "2" also became "1".

Immediately after—

The seabuckthorn sapling began to mutate.

It grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, the branches keep getting bigger and taller, and the branches and leaves become more and more lush.

Not only that, but the ground it was on also began to tremble, and Chen Mu almost fell to the ground from the trembling.

"This is its roots growing?!"

Taking a quick step back, Chen Mu and the sapling... No, it should be called a seabuckthorn tree at this time. He distanced himself from the seabuckthorn tree and watched it grow wildly.

Its branches and leaves continued to grow like crazy, expanding in all directions, reaching the height of two adults in a short while, and covering a radius of nearly two or three meters.

At the same time, in the ground, its roots are also desperately growing.

Several well-grown saplings in the vicinity were pushed up and down by it, and they were out of shape.

Misty Grass, the movement is so loud!

Chen Mu was a little surprised. Although he had expected it before, the result still exceeded his imagination.

The movement here was quickly noticed. Hu Xiaoer, who had been hiding in a dark corner before, got out with his wife and concubine, and came to Chen Mu's side, watching the scene of the seabuckthorn tree growing wildly.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

After Hu Xiaoer looked at it for a while, he seemed very excited, and began to trot around the seabuckthorn tree, barking as he ran.

This was the first time Chen Mu heard Hu Xiaoer make a sound, but the sound was really not pleasant, it was really similar to the sound of snoring as said on the Internet.

In order to understand Hu Xiaoer, Chen Mu checked on the Internet, and camels generally do not make a sound, and only bark when they are excited.

And the way they call is particularly disgusting, they will spit out the vocal cords from the throat, and then make a sound.

Get your vocal cords out of your throat...

Try to imagine this scene, it feels like putting the eyeballs in your mouth, taking them out when you need them, and putting them in your mouth when you don't use them... It makes people's skin crawl.

"Stop barking!"

Chen Mu caught the idiot, stopped its disgusting cry, and continued to observe the seabuckthorn tree.

After about five minutes, the growth of the seabuckthorn tree began to slow down until it stopped.

Then, it begins to bear fruit.

One by one seabuckthorn fruits grew rapidly, and one after another matured and fell to the ground, covering the entire nearby ground.

In the air, there was a burst of fragrance soon, with a bit of sweet and sour taste, which obviously came from the dense sea buckthorn fruit.

Chen Mu has seen sea-buckthorn fruit before. A normal sea-buckthorn fruit is only 4-6 mm, smaller than a small marble.

But the seabuckthorn fruits in front of me are much bigger, like longan, more than five or six times bigger, very amazing.

Before Chen Mu could recover, Hu Xiaoer had brought his wife and concubines to charge towards those seabuckthorn fruits.

As if lured by the aroma of the fruit, they ate the seabuckthorn fruits on the ground in big mouthfuls, as if they were reincarnated from starvation ghosts.

Chen Mu helped Fu forehead helplessly, thinking to himself, can't he be more cautious

This thing grows like this, as if it was irradiated, what should I do if I eat it and have bad consequences

Who knows if it will cause any harm such as infertility

But seeing the couple eating deliciously, Chen Mu didn't bother to stop it. He walked over and picked up a seabuckthorn fruit from the ground. After observing it, he found it seemed edible, so he put it in his mouth and took a bite.


The entrance is crisp, juicy, and sweet, surprisingly delicious.

Chen Mu couldn't help but eat the whole pulp, then spit out the seeds inside, and found that the seabuckthorn seeds were shiny and smooth, much plumper than ordinary seabuckthorn seeds.

"This is the function of the vitality value... Well, is it so powerful when used on saplings?"

Chen Mu was thinking whether he should put away these seabuckthorn fruits first, when he looked up, he saw Hu Xiaoer, that idiot who didn't count eating fruits, raised his head to bite the branches and leaves of the seabuckthorn tree.

"You idiot..."

This is an important experimental subject. How could Director Chen let this guy mess around? He hurried over and patted that big head to stop it from messing around.

But in the end it was still a bit late, the guy had already bit off a branch and leaf.

Then, it was slapped on the head by Director Chen, and its mouth loosened in fright, and the branches and leaves in its mouth also fell.


The branches and leaves touched the ground, and they grew as soon as they hit the ground. Root-like things quickly protruded from the branches and leaves and grew into the soil.

Is that all right

Director Chen was stunned for a moment, looking at the branches and leaves that quickly grew to the height of ordinary saplings, he couldn't recover.