I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 43: Ask an expert to take a look


Anarguri appeared at the gate of the forestry company not long after.

Chen Mu pointed at her, and said to the thin security guard, "Look, she is my friend, is it okay?"

The skinny security guard obviously recognized Anar Guli, and when he saw the Uighur girl in black leather pants and a white shirt, he suddenly became a little shy: "Manager Anar, so he is your friend, I... I don't know, otherwise I would have let him in."

"It's okay, thank you, Chen Liang."

Anarguli thanked the skinny security guard generously, and the skinny security guard's face turned red all of a sudden, and his eyes were full of joy.

As a man, Chen Mu certainly understood what the performance of the thin security guard meant, so he smiled and didn't care.

Open the door of Xiao Jinbei, let Anargul get in the car, then return to the driver's seat and drive away.

The thin security guard watched Xiao Jinbei reverse the car and leave for a long time before he reluctantly looked away and muttered to himself: "Who is this, driving such a broken car... well, she still remembers my name, Hehe, hehe, hehe..."

Xiao Jinbei walked on the road, but it was actually quite stable, mainly because the driver Chen was driving relatively slowly.

It's just that there are always some potholes on the city roads that cannot be repaired. Every time they encounter them, the Uighur girl's buttocks will inevitably suffer.

"Why is your car so broken?"

Sitting on the dilapidated little gold cup, Anargul took a look at the inside of the car, and said with a little disgust: "I would have driven my car out if I knew it. Your car is really uncomfortable to sit on, and you knock your ass."

Who told you to stretch your pants so tight, don't you knock your ass.

Chen Mu glanced at the pair of black leather pants tightly wrapped around his long legs, and condemned: "The municipal engineering in City X is really getting worse and worse, no one repairs such broken roads, tsk, really. "

"It's nothing to do with the municipal administration. It's obviously because your car is too broken. It's like there is no shock absorber at all."

"Comrade Anar, your thinking is outrageous. What's wrong with the broken car? After all, it's still a car. You can't look down on us poor people like this. It's too inconsistent with your temperament. You are such a beautiful woman. Shouldn't you be beautiful? Does kindness coexist?"

"You are the only one who talks a lot."

Anarguli curled her lips angrily, and noticed in a blink of an eye that Chen Mu looked at her legs, smiled slightly, and deliberately changed the posture of her legs, letting her two long legs show a beautiful figure in the air , and then stroked his hair with his hands, and asked, "Where are your eyes looking?"

"Your pants are so pretty, where did you buy them?"

Being caught, Chen Mu didn't panic at all, and said solemnly: "I have a cousin in my hometown, and I always pester her to buy things. Your pants are pretty good. If I have a chance, I will buy her a pair too."

Anargul curled her lips in disdain, looked out of the car window, and found that the car was heading south of City X, and asked, "Where are you going to invite me to dinner?"

Chen Mu smiled mysteriously: "You will know when you go."

Anargul curled her lips again, but stopped asking.

She suddenly felt that she curled her lips a lot today.

Xiao Jinbei walked for about twenty minutes, and finally stopped in front of a food stall near the vegetable market.

"Here... Is there somewhere to eat?"

The Uighur girl looked around suspiciously. She doesn't come here often and is a bit unfamiliar with the surrounding environment, so she doesn't know if there are any good restaurants nearby.

"Come, come, let's eat here today."

After Chen Mu got out of the car, he put the key in his pocket smartly, and went straight to the food stall.

Then, he showed his good personal cultivation, and said a lot of "can you make room" and "thank you" to many diners who had already sat down at the food stall, and finally got the right to use a small table. He invited Anargul over in a gentlemanly manner.

"Chen Mu, this is where you want to invite me to dinner?"

The face of the Uighur girl was already covered with a black line on her forehead, she just felt that this guy in front of her was extremely hateful, and she always broke her bottom line.

She was dressed like this... This man actually brought her here to eat, and everyone around her was secretly staring at her. Those wretched and shrinking eyes swept back and forth on her legs, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

While wiping the table for the Uighur girl thoughtfully, Chen Mu said, "The things here are pretty good. I came here for a summer vacation a year ago, and my parents brought me here."

The Uighur girl knew about Chen Mu's parents, and when she heard what he said, she stopped talking immediately.

Chen Mu continued: "And it's convenient to talk about things here. If you really want to go to those high-end restaurants and restaurants, it's not so good."

After carefully wiping the table, he raised his hand and called the owner of the food stall over. He proudly told him to bring out the best things, and asked the Uyghur girl to order some. Then he said solemnly: " Alright, let's talk about business before we eat."


Anargul was speechless, and completely lost the initiative to communicate today.

Chen Muyan said succinctly: "I have already told you on the phone that I have tried to plant two small saplings by myself in the past few days. I want to know whether they meet the standards of your forestry company. I want you to show them."

"Chen Mu, can you stop joking, how can it be possible to successfully grow seedlings in a few days, how is this possible?"

"I just tried it, can you help me take a look."

"Then you bring it."

The Uighur girl nodded angrily, and didn't want to talk to this person any more.

Chen Mu got up happily and walked towards Xiaojinbei, and took out the two saplings that had been wrapped in safety film from the back of the car, and brought them back to the Uighur girl: "Look, I made this myself, because I was afraid that the heat on the road would cause them to die, so I made some plastic wrap to wrap it."

Opening the plastic wrap, two small saplings were exposed at once. The Uighur girl didn't look at the branches and leaves first, but bent over and picked a piece of mud at the root, squeezed it with her hands, and felt it.

To be honest, it's really lucky that Chen Mu found such a food stall to sit down, otherwise it would be really hard to talk about it, just take out two saplings with muddy roots and open them, those high-end restaurants will definitely not allow it .

Chen Mu rubbed his hands and sat down, looking at the Uighur girl a little nervously: "I don't know what to do, the main thing is to let you, a great expert, take a look and see if I have really succeeded in cultivating and whether the saplings can meet the requirements. Your germination standards."

"Don't make noise!"

The Uighur girl poured some plain water on the table, then put a small piece of soil into the water, watched the changes between the water and the soil, and seemed to encounter something that puzzled her.