I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 48: research


Two nights before the exam, the Uyghur elderly insisted on staying at the gas station, saying that they wanted Chen Mu to study carefully and not be distracted.

Chen Mu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. In fact, he hadn't worried much about the exam. Now that the old man teased him like this, it made him feel very burdened.

There is no way, although he has already written down all the learning materials, he still spent these two days flipping through them again to consolidate his knowledge points.

The day before the exam, he had an early dinner, and then drove towards City X.

After driving for four hours, I came to City X, found a cheap and good youth hostel to live in, and only waited for the next day's exam.

Just after taking a shower, I was playing with my mobile phone on the bed, but unexpectedly the phone rang right on time.

Chen Mu glanced at the caller ID and answered: "Hi, beautiful girl, why are you calling me so late?"

It was Anargul who called: "I heard that you are going to X city to take the exam for the tour guide license, isn't it?"

"Yes, do you need me?"

"Hmm..." The other end of the phone seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said, "I just want to ask you out for dinner tomorrow, are you free?"

Chen Mu has an exam tomorrow, and he has to rush back after the exam, because there is a group of tourists who will arrive at the gas station tomorrow afternoon, so the time is very tight, after thinking about it, he directly refused: "Forget about eating, you Is there something you want to tell me? Well, is there something wrong with my sapling?"

Anargul: "It has nothing to do with your saplings, I just want to ask you out for a meal, can't I?"

It's not a problem with the saplings, that's fine.

Chen Mu continued to refuse: "Beauty, I really can't do it, next time, next time when the matter with my sapling comes to fruition, I'll treat you to dinner again."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, as if someone was talking, but it didn’t seem to be the case, anyway, I couldn’t hear clearly, and after a while Anargul said again: “Actually, I already have the test results for your saplings. I want to give it to you together."

Chen Mu was both surprised and delighted: "How was the result? Is there any problem?"

Anargul replied: "The problem is not a problem, but I found that the biologically active substances in the saplings are a bit high."

After a slight pause, she added: "But this is not a big problem, the data is still normal."

Is this a problem or not

Chen Mu tentatively asked, "Is that okay?"


The Uighur girl responded softly, and then asked, "Then do you want to have dinner together tomorrow, and I'll give you the test results."

"Let's forget about eating!" Chen Mu thought about it quickly, "Why don't I go to your unit to get the results, and I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"Then... well, when you get to our unit, call me."

The Uighur girl hung up the phone in a low mood.

Chen Mu didn't care, and he was in a good mood. The phone call made him completely dispel his worries, and he was going to use his vitality points to cultivate saplings later, so as to continue the great tree planting business on a larger scale.

the other end.

The Uighur girl looked at Zhang Juanjuan displeasedly while holding the cell phone that had stopped talking: "Look at you, I told you not to make this call, but you insisted on calling me. Now I've been rejected by others, how embarrassing."

Zhang Juanjuan is still in a state of thinking: "It seems that this surnamed Chen is really not interested in you. From the tone of his speech just now, he cares more about his little sapling."

"That's how it is. I've always felt that he's really not interested in me. Every time he comes, he just talks to me about the saplings, and doesn't talk about anything else..."

The Uighur girl suddenly remembered the phone call she made just now, and couldn't help but stamped her feet a few times with regret: "Oh, why did I listen to your nonsense and take the initiative to call him to make an appointment for dinner? That's it, It made me feel as if it was delivered to my door, and if they don’t want it, it’s really embarrassing and embarrassing.”

"This man is very interesting. Even if a normal man is not interested in us, he still has the mentality of throwing a net to some extent. He can tease him a little bit, but he keeps talking about things and doesn't do anything else at all."

Zhang Juanjuan smiled, turned around to comfort his best friend and said, "Actually, if you don't try it, how do you know if he is really not interested in you? Isn't it good now, and there will be no pressure when you get along in the future."

Anargul groaned for a moment, then held her forehead: "I still feel ashamed, I feel like I won't be able to hold my head up when I face him in the future."

The next day, Chen Mu got up early and rushed to the examination room.

It was a junior college of technology, in the eastern suburbs of City X, and many references came here one after another, and they were all scattered around the playground and waited.

Chen Mu sat on the edge of a flower bed and looked around. Many people were still holding books and staring at each other. There was only one tall and fat man holding a huge naan and eating it.

Looking at the naan, Chen Mu couldn't help thinking of the naan made by Aunt Guli, and he was a little hungry again after breakfast.

The fat man turned his head and caught Chen Mu's gaze. The two looked at each other. The fat man thought for a while, broke off a piece of naan with his hand, and handed it to Chen Mu: "Do you want to eat a piece, brother?"

Whew, this is so warm.

Chen Mu smiled and refused: "Thank you, brother, I have eaten it, you eat it, you eat it!"

The fat man smiled, didn't say much, and continued to eat on his own.

The exam will start soon. There are four subjects in the written test. The first and second subjects take an hour and a half, and the third and fourth subjects also take an hour and a half. The total is about three hours.

To be honest, Chen Mu was still a little apprehensive before entering the examination room. Although he had prepared well at home, he didn't know how the test questions would be.

Until he saw the exam question on the computer screen, all the anxiety in his heart finally disappeared—the question was not difficult.

Little by little... He used the mouse to do it madly, and he finished the three-hour exam in less than two hours.

Walking out of the examination room, he felt extremely relaxed, and he was very confident that he would pass the exam this time.

He thought that he was already fast in doing the questions, but he didn't expect to find that someone was faster than him after he walked out of the examination room, which surprised him a bit.

The man was also a little stunned. Looking at Chen Mu, he got another big naan from somewhere in his hand: "Brother, you also finished the exam?"

This person is the fat man who ate naan earlier, Chen Mu nodded: "Yes, I'm done, how about you?"

The fat man said bluntly, "No problem. I started reading half a year ago. If it wasn't because this is a unified examination and it takes so long to wait, I would have already obtained the tour guide certificate."

Chen Mu respects this kind of straightforward guy the most, and hates the kind of criticism that "you ask him if he has reviewed, and he always says he didn't review, but he got full marks in the final test".

"Brother, I think we are destined, come and get to know each other, my name is Ma Yiwen, and now I work in a small travel agency in City X."

"Chen Mu, runs a gas station on the Qianjiang Highway."

Chen Mu and Fatty exchanged contact information with each other, and the two quickly left for their own business.

This incident was just a small episode. After leaving the examination room, Chen Mu drove to the forestry company, got the test result from Anal Guli, and heard the explanation of the content of the test result, so he hurried back to cheer stand.

He felt that the behavior of the Uighur girl was a bit strange today, as if she had a guilty conscience, and she kept avoiding his eyes and not making eye contact with him when she was talking.

"Could it be... your period?"

Chen Mu didn't know very well, anyway, it wasn't his girlfriend, so it was up to him to blame, and it wasn't his turn to care.

After getting the test results, what he wants to do most now is to plant trees.