I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 49: The first batch of saplings


Back at the gas station, Chen Mu led another group non-stop, with a total of ten tourists, heading towards Yakash Village.

There were no accidents on this trip, the tourists had a great time, and Chen Mu was also relieved.

Sometimes it really doesn't matter luck when doing things, it only depends on people, and everything is good if people are good.

The only thing that made Chen Mu feel a little unsatisfactory was a small incident that happened when he went to Bazaar Village.

A mother dragged her nine-year-old child over to kowtow to Chen Mu, saying that she thanked Chen Mu for bringing tourists to the village, which gave everyone extra income, so she wanted her son to do things with Chen Mu.

Chen Mu was overwhelmed by the flattery, and quickly said that the child is still young, so he needs to study more, and he will talk about it when he grows up.

Unexpectedly, the mother said that the school was too far away, and the tuition fees were too expensive, so she didn't want her child to go to school, and hoped that he could come out to do things early and earn money to support the family.

Chen Mu was astonished after hearing this, and was speechless for a long time.

Later, he inquired about the old man Jamal, the head of the Bazaar village, and found out that the mother was a widow. Her husband died in an accident many years ago when she went out to work. She has been doing rough work to support the family all these years. Pulling the child to such a large size.

Originally, she was almost unable to live on, and usually relied on a little help from the villagers. Who would have thought that Chen Mu would bring tourists here at this time.

Although the widow's house is too small to receive guests, she is good at needlework and can make beautiful Uighur specialties, such as four-legged flower hats, veils for Uyghur men, and veils for women, etc., and sell them to tourists. Making a little money immediately made the family's life much easier.

Probably because she was grateful, or because she felt that the child would have a future in doing things with Chen Mu, she dragged the child over to Chen Mu.

"How can this work? The child is still so young, so he should study for a few more years."

It is impossible for Chen Mu to accept people, not to mention that he doesn't know what he can do with such a child, but if he accepts this child and spreads the word in the future, and everyone sends the child to him, what will he do? Do you really want to be the biggest child labor leader in the neighborhood

Old man Jamal sighed softly and shook his head when he heard the words about going to school: "There is no school near us. If children want to go to school, they have to walk two hours to Mazai Township. It is too far away. I don't want to go."

When Chen Mu heard this, he couldn't help frowning: "Are all the children in the neighborhood like this?"

The old man Jamal said helplessly: "It's all like this, even the village of Yakash is the same."

Children can't study, or go to school every now and then, which will affect the children's learning effect. In the future, they can't even recognize a few words. How is that different from being illiterate

Ignorance and poverty are a natural pair, such a situation is really worrying.

But Chen Mu couldn't do much, he turned his head and stuffed two handfuls of chocolates for the child, and told him to go to school well, so that he can come out to do things after he learns to read and write.

The child didn't know if he understood what Chen Mu meant, but he was very happy holding the chocolate, and even said: "I know, brother Mu, I will learn to read as soon as possible, and then I will listen to Apa and follow you to do things."

After seeing off the tourists, Chen Mu exchanged his energy points for a Haloxylon tree and a seabuckthorn tree that night.

Chen Mu specially separated the two trees by a long distance, and at the same time used their vitality points on them, and then a spectacular scene appeared.

In the moonlit night, the two trees grew horribly in a short period of time, and they turned into two big trees in a short while.

Seabuckthorn trees are relatively tall, reaching nearly five meters.

This is not high among seabuckthorn trees, but the branches and leaves are more lush than ordinary seabuckthorn trees and look lush.

The Haloxylon tree is a little shorter, only about three meters, but its roots are clustered, and the whole is like popcorn, with many branches growing from the side, occupying a large area.

Chen Mu waited for the two trees to fully grow before returning to his room to sleep.

The next day, together with Alecun, he cut off the branches and leaves of the two trees, cut them into strips about 15 centimeters each, and put them in a large piece of oil paper for storage.

In doing so, the main purpose is to use oiled paper cloth to isolate the contact with the soil and prevent them from growing immediately.

This is the result of his experiment.

After using the vitality value, the broken branches and leaves seem to germinate as long as they come into contact with the soil.

However, if you use something like oiled paper cloth to separate it, there will be no problem.

When Alecun and the old Uighurs saw the first seabuckthorn tree before, they asked Chen Mu what happened, and Chen Mu only said that it was a special fast-growing seedling taken from the scientific research institute, which grew faster, anyway. Just a casual perfunctory, and asked the two not to talk outside.

At that time, both of them solemnly agreed to come down and never talk nonsense.

Seeing two new trees this time, Alexandra and the old Uighur didn't ask any questions, they just looked at Chen Mu with strange eyes.

Chen Mu didn't explain anything, and focused on harvesting the branches and leaves of the two trees as soon as possible, and he also cut off half of the trunks of the two trees to make them less conspicuous.

After a day of hard work, the branches and leaves of the two trees were finally placed on two pieces of oiled paper cloth. At night, Chen Mu began to "cutting" silently in the forest farm alone.

With an interval of 25 to 30 cm, just poke the branches on the ground and a small sapling will grow out quickly.

Under normal circumstances, if trees are planted in regular sand fields, the spacing between shrubs such as sea buckthorn and Haloxylon tree is about 1 meter to 1.5 meters, which is the best spacing.

But here with Chen Mu, his forest farm is completely private, and he doesn't need to consider the issue of soil moisture. He can plant it as he pleases, so the planting is relatively dense.

Seabuckthorn first, and then Haloxylon tree, each planted in two rows, and four rows of saplings standing there, neatly arranged like an army, which makes people feel a sense of accomplishment.

So far, his first batch of saplings has been produced.

Another night passed.

In the early morning of the next day, Chen Mu didn't care about Alekun and the old man's surprise when they saw those saplings, he dug out two newly grown saplings from the ground, and drove the little golden cup to Bahe town.

When he came to Bahe Town, he did not directly enter the forestry company, but wandered around the market twice, bought two cigarettes, and ordered two bottles of good wine, and then entered the forestry company with cigarettes and wine the gate.

"Hey, why are you here today, kid? I haven't seen you for a long time."

The person who received him in the forestry company was the same person Chen Mu had known before. When he saw Chen Mu, he greeted him with a smile.

Chen Mu is now his big client. Although the commission for selling trees is not much, the important thing is the long flow of water. For him, Chen Mu belongs to this kind of long-flowing client.

Therefore, his attitude towards Chen Mu has become particularly friendly and amiable.

"Brother Li, I've been quite busy recently, and I haven't been to Bahe Town for a long time, so I can't come over to chat with you. I just happened to be free today, so I said I would come to see you."

Chen Mu was a thick-skinned person, he obviously didn't come to find someone for nothing, but he said it as if he missed him so much. He was also very smooth when he stuffed cigarettes and alcohol into his hands, without any embarrassment or embarrassment.

The guy from the Forestry Company was called Li Ming, and when Chen Mu stuffed so many things into his small hands so nakedly, he immediately became nervous, not knowing what this guy wanted to do.

The point is that he was afraid of being seen by others, so he quickly turned his head to look, and it happened that there was no one else in the lobby of the forestry company, so he was a little relieved.

With a light cough, Li Ming hurriedly put his things into the cabinet next to the desk, and then asked, "Is there something wrong with you?"