I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 5: The well is dry


Four policemen got out of the car, two of them were Xia people and the other two were Uighurs.

As soon as they got out of the car, they glanced at Cherokee alertly, then at the two people tied to the parking pole, but said nothing.

The highest-ranking police officer was a middle-aged Uyghur man. The old Uyghur man greeted him as soon as he saw him, and chatted in Uyghur language.

The attitude of the policeman towards the old Uighur was very good. He held the hand of the old Uighur and listened to him, just like the younger generation in the family treated the elders.

Chen Mu watched the Uighur old man talking to the policeman. Although he couldn't understand what they were saying, he knew it well. It was obvious that meeting acquaintances was easy to do.

After the Uyghur old man finished talking with the policeman, the policeman began to lead the other three people to collect evidence from the Cherokee, taking pictures and searching, very busy.

"Uncle Aizmat, this police officer...is an acquaintance of yours?"

Chen Mu dragged the old Uighur to a corner and asked in a low voice.

The Uighur old man said proudly: "He is a distant nephew of mine named Sadiq. When he was young, his parents went out to work and lived in my house. When he grew up, he went to the police school. I recommended him... Well, he Now he is the director of the Bahe Town Police Station, this area belongs to him, and your parents knew each other before they died."

When Chen Mu heard what the Uighur old man said, he felt confident. When he was waiting for the director Sadiq to come to ask him to make a statement, he first stuffed a pack of cigarettes from Cherokee just now, and then lowered his voice. Question: "Comrade director, these two guys spent 678 at our gas station, do you think we can get back this money?"

Sadiq took a look at the pack of cigarettes, smiled, and stuffed them into his pocket unceremoniously. Instead of answering Chen Mu's words, he said: "I heard about your parents, and my condolences will change. Well, I You are friends with your parents, and you have the relationship with Uncle Aizmaiti, if you need any help in the future, you can call me directly, here, this is my phone number, please write it down."

This is the rhythm of the big boss in the future, Chen Mu quickly wrote down the phone number and thanked him at the same time.

Sadiq added: "The money these two guys owe you may not come back, but this time you caught the poacher, I can try to apply for a reward for you, as for how much the reward will be, that depends The county's regulations and arrangements."

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Chen Mu's heart sank halfway, but when he heard the second half of the sentence, he immediately recovered.

There is a matter of applying for a reward. Although I don’t know how much it is, the meat on the mosquito’s legs is also meat, so it’s better than nothing.

After chatting with Chen Mu for a few more words, Sadiq turned his head to interrogate the two tightly bound guys.

The two of them were also very bachelors, and when the matter reached this point, they had nothing to hide, and directly explained the ins and outs of the poaching.

The thing is probably that these two bastards from Zhonglin Province have everything to eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble. Because they owe huge gambling debts, they heard that poaching can make money, so they bought two shotguns and a car with fake license plates. The stolen car went straight to the northwest.

Everything was going well at first. They wandered around for more than a month and caught a lot of prey. Seeing that the money in their hands was getting less and less, they decided to return and exchange their harvest for money as soon as possible.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, he met Chen Mu because he wanted to eat a king's meal, and was caught for no reason.

If they could have known this earlier, they would never have entered this gas station.

In the process of telling the truth, they glared at Chen Mu from time to time, with deep resentment in their eyes.

After hearing the confessions of these two guys, the four policemen were a little bit dumbfounded. Sadiq looked at Chen Mu, couldn't help but gave him a thumbs up, and then called the police officers to take away the people, cars and stolen goods .

Come and go in a hurry, the efficiency of the police comrades is amazing.

Before I knew it, another day passed, and the wild camels came again in the evening.

Chen Mu took the initiative to take two boxes of milk and went out to feed him. The guy was not polite, he buried his head in the big bowl and drank happily.

Chen Mu squatted aside, stroking the guy's head, and said, "Thank you for giving me something, I like it very much."

The guy didn't know if he heard it or not, and he didn't raise his head at all.

Chen Mu hesitated for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Well... well, do you still have something like that? It's just like the small seal you brought over yesterday. If you have any, I will give you a few more. I will take care of it later. Your lifelong milk."

The guy still didn't look up.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and felt that he was a little greedy, how could he have a baby every day, so he added a little embarrassedly: "I was wrong just now, even if you have nothing to give my brother, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. "

The guy drank milk from the beginning to the end, and after drinking, he grinned at Chen Mu in satisfaction, showing a very humane smile.

Chen Mu also smiled back: "I promise you, I will buy more milk in the town tomorrow, and I will definitely give you some milk."

The guy grumbled, turned his head, trotted and left again.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and then shouted at its back: "Don't come here again at night, if you keep hitting the window like this, I will lose sleep because of you."

The guy didn't stop at all, and quickly disappeared into the night.

The next day, because Chen Mu was going to Bahe Town to buy some goods and daily necessities, he got up early.

Originally, I had agreed with the Uyghur old man yesterday that he would come early, but Chen Mu didn't expect the old man to show up until almost noon.

"Uncle Aizmat, has something happened at home?"

As soon as he saw the old man, Chen Mu couldn't help asking worriedly.

Although they have only been together for two months, Chen Mu already knows the old man's temperament very well.

The old man has a bit of old-fashioned stubbornness, and he is very serious in everything he does.

Today I made an appointment to come early, if there is no special reason, he will definitely not come so late.

So, there must be some special reason.

The Uighur old man had a sad face on his face, he sighed first, and then said in a low voice: "The well at the entrance of our village ran dry today, and you and Aunt Guli went to another nearby village to have a look. did it too."

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, and then he was speechless.

Living in the desert, there is no running water supply, and people rely on well water for daily life.

These small villages scattered on the desert are formed around wells.

If the well is dry, it means that the people in the village will have no water to drink, which affects their survival.

When he was in Ping Township before, Chen Mu didn't know this at all. It wasn't until these two months of contact that he gradually had a certain understanding of the difficult living conditions here.

After being silent for a while, Chen Mu looked at the ravine-like wrinkles on the old man's face, and couldn't help asking softly, "Then what should we do now?"

The old man smoked a long pipe and said, "Let's take a look again. There is still some water in the reservoir in the village, which should last for a while. Maybe Hu Dabao, it will rain in a few days, and there will be water again at that time." gone."

After a slight pause, the old man seemed to be explaining to Chen Mu, but also seemed to be comforting himself, saying: "If it still doesn't work, then we have to move to Bahe, and we can live there as well."

Abandoning family and business, relocating far away, this is not a simple matter, it seems to be just a one-sentence matter, but if you really want to do it like this, even Chen Mu feels suffocated when he hears it.

"Go, go, it's getting late, you go to Bahe to buy something, it doesn't matter if you come back later, I can stay at the gas station tonight and not go back."

After the old man finished smoking, he put away the cigarette stick and urged Chen Mu to buy it quickly, as if he had put the matter aside.

Chen Mu glanced at the old man, feeling very depressed, but he turned his head and left without saying anything nonsense.