I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 57: Oh, the meaning of life


At dawn, the long-distance ambulance finally arrived at Yakash Village.

The old man whose condition was stable was sent to the car, and her son went to the hospital with her. Chen Xiwen's mission was finally successfully completed.

Chen Mu stayed up all night with Chen Xiwen, feeling that his whole body was in a state of insanity, so he had no choice but to continue leading the group, so he could only hand over the passengers to Jiansor and Caesar, and he and Chen Xiwen stayed in the Sleep in Yakash Village.

To his surprise, the columnist also stayed on the watch all night, and in the end he didn't continue his journey and stayed in the village of Yakash.

This made Chen Mu feel a little embarrassed, wondering if she should refund her money.

However, he has always been a resolute person. He only glanced at the stack of colorful banknotes in his pocket, and finally decided: I can refund anything, but there is no way to refund money!

When I woke up, it was already night.

The old man's son came back from the hospital and came to thank Chen Xiwen and Chen Mu.

After his mother went to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment, it was indeed a coronary heart disease, and her condition was still critical, so she was immediately transferred to a hospital in X City for treatment.

The doctor at the city hospital said that his mother was able to be saved only because of the emergency measures, so he was very grateful to Chen Xiwen. After the old man woke up, he told his son to repay the lifesaver.

At the same time, he also thanked Chen Mu, because it was Chen Mu who led Chen Xiwen to Yakashi Village, so that his mother could be treated by Chen Xiwen.

"I'm going to slaughter a sheep. Tonight, I would like to ask Dr. Chen to try our roasted whole sheep."

The villager's name is Talihati. Although he is already middle-aged, he always uses "you" when speaking to Chen Xiwen.

Hearing what he said, Chen Xiwen and the columnist didn't feel much, but Chen Mu was surprised.

For Uighur families, slaughtering sheep is a big deal.

Only families with better economic conditions will slaughter sheep to entertain distinguished guests.

The people in Yakashi Village are not rich, and they usually raise sheep for sale, so they are reluctant to eat them.

Now Talihati is going to take out a sheep to entertain them, which definitely has the meaning of entertaining them with all his strength, treating them as the honored guests among the honored guests.

Chen Mu thought for a while, and quickly said, "Brother Talihati, let's forget about roasting the whole lamb. It's too expensive. We can just get a few catties of mutton and eat it."

Talihati shook his head, and said solemnly: "No, you are Appa's saviors. If I don't treat you well, Appa will be angry when he comes back from the hospital."

The banquet of roasting whole lamb began in two hours.

In the courtyard of Tali Hati's house, a bonfire was lit.

A cleaned sheep is placed on top of the bonfire, constantly turning and grilling.

Aunt Guli's family, Chen Mu, Chen Xiwen and the columnist, as well as Tali Hati's family and several respected old people in the villages were all sitting in the yard, eating mutton and pilaf, and drinking wine.

Talihati's daughter is only seven years old, but she can perform graceful dances for the guests.

As the protagonist, Chen Xiwen was toasted with a lot of wine at the banquet, her face flushed from drinking, and she looked a little hazy.

She put her arms around Chen Mu's shoulders and said with a smile, "I'm really happy today. I haven't been this happy for a long time. Thank you."

"no need thank me?"

Chen Mu gnawed on a leg of lamb, his mouth full of oil.

Chen Xiwen said, "Thank you for bringing me here!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome, thank you for your patronage!"

Chen Mu continued to gnaw on the leg of lamb, and replied indifferently.

Chen Xiwen glared at him dissatisfied: "Why are you like this? Do you know that coming here this time is really important to me."

"What's the meaning?"

"I feel like I've found the meaning of life."

"Ah, what is it?"

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the female doctor seriously, wanting to see if she was too drunk and started talking nonsense.

Chen Xiwen continued: "I haven't felt like this for a long time. I am very happy and relaxed. I don't have to think about anything, but I know that I am doing the right thing. It seems that my life suddenly becomes brighter. meaning."

what a mess...

Chen Mu slowed down the speed of gnawing the leg of lamb, and listened carefully to what the female doctor said, so as to understand what she wanted to express.

"I have decided to make my life so meaningful all the time."

"So... what do you want to do?"

"I want to use my medical skills to help all those in need here."

Chen Xiwen showed a smile that she couldn't tell whether it was because of drunkenness or happiness. Anyway, the smile was sweet and a little silly, which made her complexion whiter.

Chen Mu understood it, but didn't know what to say.

The meaning of life is completely a matter of personal perception, and others have nothing to do with it.

For the poor, the most important thing is to live and have enough food, and nothing else is worth thinking about.

Only those who have money and leisure have time to make their lives more meaningful.

Chen Mu felt that he should pay more attention to the leg of lamb in front of him. It was rare to eat and tasted so good.

Chen Xiwen was quickly brought down by himself, while Chen Mu was brought down by the lamb leg.

On the contrary, it was the columnist who was highly skilled. While gnawing sheep bones, he could hold up the camera and take a lot of photos along the way.

After sobering up the next day, Chen Mu led Chen Xiwen and the columnist back to the gas station.

When the other tourists also came back, Chen Xiwen offered to recommend himself to Chen Mu to send the tourists to Bahe Town, on the condition that he needs to use the little gold cup, go to X City, and do some shopping.

Chen Xiwen didn't come back until after ten o'clock in the evening.

She bought a cart full of medicines and a lot of medical equipment, as if she had robbed a clinic and moved it back completely.

"I want to open a temporary clinic here to treat people nearby. It will take about two to three months."

Chen Xiwen was talking to himself while carrying things down.

Chen Mu watched from the side, not intending to help at all, but asked very puzzled: "Who agreed for you to open a clinic here?"

"I can pay you rent."

"Um… "

"How about two thousand a month? The accommodation fee remains the same."

"Um... ok... ok!"

"But I want to owe the money first, because I spent all the money on shopping today, and I will pay you back when I get home, okay?"


A few days later, a not-so-famous travel blog published an article titled "The Most Beautiful Doctor in Northwest China" on Microwave.

However, after only 24 hours, this richly illustrated blog post received more than 500,000 hits.

Among them, the keyword "the most beautiful doctor for poverty alleviation" quickly rushed to the top ten of the hot search list.