I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 59: Before talking about Dr. Chen


After graduating from university, Shao Kun has been working in the "W City Evening News".

Speaking of attitude, Shao Kun is diligent, but for a journalist, diligence alone is obviously not enough.

After working for so many years, he is still just an ordinary editor.

He needs a report that can attract the attention of readers to have a chance to stand out in the editorial department.

Seeing this blog post by "West Woman Doctor", he immediately felt that this was an opportunity.

The blog post does not include the locations of the gas station, Yakashi Village, and Bahe Town Medical Station. They are all located in the northwest, not too far from W City.

So many netizens on the Internet are actively discussing the topic of "the most beautiful doctor for poverty alleviation". If he can take this opportunity, go to that place first, interview more information about "the most beautiful doctor for poverty alleviation", and report it, Wouldn't it be possible to catch fire

After reading the entire blog post several times and reading the replies from many netizens, Shao Kun thought this was a good opportunity, so he immediately turned off the computer and walked towards the editorial office.

Asked the editor-in-chief for leave, Shao Kun didn't say that he was going out for an interview, but only said that something happened at home, so as not to let other people in the editorial department notice anything.

Then, after leaving the newspaper building, he quickly got into the car heading to Bahe Town, and hurried over there.

After sleeping for a long time, Chen Mu finally felt that the fatigue on his body had subsided a lot, and he became refreshed.

In the evening, after sending money to the children and letting them go home with the old Uighurs, Chen Mu walked alone in the forest farm to inspect.

Ten mu is neither too much nor too little. At this time, 80% of the forest farm has been planted with young saplings.

Although many saplings are newly planted and haven't grown up yet, we can vaguely see how the greening here will be successful in the future.

Not enough land...

Chen Mu pondered.

To contract more land...

This is the solution, but the problem is that he has no money on hand.

Moreover, the land in the northwest is not so easy to contract now, it is completely different from when his parents first came here.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu decided to talk to Mullah Alimu to see if he could help.

He wants the land for no other purpose but to plant trees. In this regard, it is not impossible to contract the land.

Of course, he can also directly plant the saplings without contracting the land.

But if the land is taken away by other people in the future, they will shovel all his trees, and he will suffer serious losses.

So, get the land first, then plant the trees.

The next day, just as Chen Mu woke up, he was about to grab something to eat, and then he went to find Mullah Alimu.

But he didn't expect to hear Alekun calling him as soon as he walked into the business room: "Brother Xiaomu, someone is looking for sister Chen."


The first thing Chen Mu thought was that Chen Xiwen's family members had come to the door, so he quickly looked up.

I saw that it was a fat man, he was not very old, he should be before the age of thirty, and he looked dusty, as if he had driven a long way.

"Who are you? Who do you want?"

While sizing up the opponent, Chen Mu stepped forward to find out.

"Hello, I'm a reporter from W City Evening News. I'm here this time to interview Dr. Chen."

Shao Kun immediately handed over his business card, and then took the initiative to identify himself.

"W City Evening News? Reporter?"

Chen Mu was a little confused, so he took the other party's business card and looked at it. It looked real, but what made him more puzzled was why a reporter from "W City Evening News" suddenly appeared here.

After pondering for a while, Chen Mu asked again: "I'm sorry, Dr. Chen is not here today, why are you interviewing her?"

Shao Kun heard Chen Mu's words, and a hint of disappointment appeared on his face.

He drove for nearly nine hours yesterday before arriving at Bahe Town. Because it was too late, he stayed in the town for one night, and then hurried over the next day.

I expected to see the female doctor and conduct an interview as soon as I arrived, but I didn't expect it to be empty.

Hearing what Chen Mu said, he didn't answer, but instead asked, "Then when will Dr. Chen come back?"

Of course, it was impossible for Chen Mu to say, so he just replied: "Dr. Chen went to a nearby village to see a doctor, and I don't know when she will come back."

After a slight pause, he asked again: "What do you want to interview Dr. Chen about? Can you tell me about it? I know Dr. Chen quite well."

When Shao Kun heard this, he suddenly came to his senses. It is of course important to interview the female doctor himself, but since she is not here, it is also essential to interview the people around her to have a more comprehensive understanding of her.

Moreover, looking at Chen Mu's face, he suddenly remembered that this young man's face seemed to have appeared in those photos in the blog post.

That is to say, when Dr. Chen was treating illnesses and saving lives in Yakash Village, this young man was also there.

It's also a great access object!

Shao Kun's emotions suddenly rose again, and he said with bright eyes: "Hi, what's your name, please? Before interviewing Dr. Chen, can I have a small interview with you first?"

"Well… "

Under the gaze of the other party, Chen Mu took a step back calmly.

Why is Mao so excited all of a sudden

Chen Mu couldn't figure it out, he always felt like he had become a little sheep being targeted by a big bad wolf.

But in a blink of an eye, thinking that there was only one person in the other party, and seeing that vain body, he could easily hold him down with one hand, and he felt at ease again.

With a light cough, he repeated the previous question: "Reporter Shao, can you tell me the purpose of your interview first? Why do you want to interview Dr. Chen? Let me clarify the matter first, and then I will consider whether to accept your interview .”

Shao Kun thought about it for a while, and then roughly talked about the enthusiasm caused by the "Northwest Female Doctor" blog post on the Internet, and then said: "I came here this time to interview Dr. Chen, but here Before that, I hope to interview you first so that I can have a more comprehensive understanding of Dr. Chen."

Oh, so that's what happened...

Didn't expect such a thing to happen...

Chen Mu didn't take that columnist seriously before. At the time when he vowed to write an article about what happened here, he just heard about it.

He didn't expect that someone would actually write a blog post later, and it would become a big hit. This was really beyond his expectation.

If it wasn't for the gas station where there was no way to access the Internet, he would have wanted to check it online immediately.

After a quick turn of his mind, Boss Chen's gaze towards the reporter became much more amiable. He half-closed his eyes and smiled, and asked politely: "Reporter Shao, what do you want to interview me for?" Come on, don’t worry, let’s sit down and chat, um, would you like something to drink, coke or tea? We also have milk and soy milk.”

Shao Kun was a little apprehensive at first, because he was afraid that after explaining the situation, he would be charged for the interview fee, but he didn't expect him to be so enthusiastic after listening to it.

After the two sat down, Shao Kun took out a pen and paper, and put a small tape recorder on the table, then smiled and looked at the young man sitting in front of him: "Don't be nervous, before we talk about Dr. Chen, let's talk about it first." Let's talk about you!"