I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 6: Add a WeChat


Chen Mu drove the little Jinbei Sea Lion towards Bahe Town.

Sitting in the driver's seat, opening the car window, letting the dry wind from the desert blow into the car, the whole person's spirit was immediately lifted, and the previous depression seemed to have disappeared a lot with the wind.

For Chen Mu, what he likes most here is the driving experience.

Both sides of the entire road are boundless deserts. Most of the time, he is the only one driving the car at a gallop, and no one cares about the speed.

Of course, the only regret is that his car is very old and its performance is too poor. It only costs a little more than a hundred feet at the end, and it can't get up fast at all.

This little Jinbei has been around for some years. It was already second-hand when Chen's father bought it back then. It has gone for 70,000 yuan, and it has gone for nearly 90,000 yuan in the past ten years. It is almost overloaded, so it makes a lot of noise when driving. , with a bit of shear wave strong shock property, which makes the waist and butt very comfortable.

After walking for more than two hours, I saw a Jeep parked on the side of the road from a distance, with the hood open, and someone stood there waving at him.

"Yo, it's a beauty!"

Chen Mu immediately drove the car in a gentle manner, approached and stopped.

The car was a dark green Wrangler with only two passengers, both girls.

On a hot day, they were all dressed coolly. One was a vest and denim shorts, and the other was a short-sleeved T-shirt and a short leather skirt. It was eye-catching.

After parking the car, Chen Mu pretended to be concerned like a dog: "What happened to you?"

The one waving at the side of the road was a girl with dyed yellow hair, the one in a short leather skirt, she looked at Chen Mu and said, "Handsome guy, do me a favor, our car is broken down, can you help me take a look? "

Chen Mu glanced at the shepherd and asked, "What's going on?"

The girl replied: "We don't know what's going on, anyway, it just turned off when it was on."

Although Chen Mu really wanted to pretend this comparison, but for things like car maintenance, it would be okay to ask him to change a tire or something. When the car stalled for no reason, he felt that he couldn't do it, so he could only honestly say: "I'm afraid I can't help you either." , you should have a problem with the engine or the oil circuit, you have to find a professional car mechanic to fix it."

The girl frowned in distress, glanced at her companion, and subconsciously asked, "Then what should I do?"

"Well, there is a town more than a hundred kilometers ahead. Where can I take you, find a car mechanic to come over and have a look, or call a tow truck to tow the car to the town for repairs."

Although Chen Mu has only been to Bahe Town a few times, he is not familiar with it, but the last time he went to a car repair shop to repair cars, he felt that the skills were not bad, so he could introduce the two girls there.

The two girls looked at each other, and the yellow-haired girl nodded: "Okay then, I'll trouble you."

When the two girls got into the car, Chen Mu started the car vigorously and continued on.

Compared with before, he became more gentle and gentle when driving, with only half of the foot under his feet, and he walked very smoothly.

The yellow-haired girl who spoke just now sat in the back, but the short-haired girl in a vest sat in the passenger seat.

Not long after the car drove, the girl with short hair frowned and asked, "Why are you walking so slowly? Can you drive faster?"

Chen Mu turned his head to look at the short-haired girl. The girl was obviously aloof, and he didn't know how to be polite when he spoke.

In comparison, the yellow-haired girl in the back is much easier to deal with.

He originally wanted to drive the car more smoothly, but now that the short-haired girl said that, he couldn't get used to it, so he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom: "Okay, then I'll drive faster."

When the speed of the small broken car increased, it immediately started to vibrate again. Chen Mu got used to it, but the two girls were jolted from side to side without the slightest preparation, and hit the car window several times in a row.

"What kind of broken car are you, it's going to fall apart... Hey, drive slowly, drive slowly!"

The yellow-haired girl screamed from behind, and kicked the back of the driver's seat several times in a hurry.

"Don't worry, my car is very strong, and nothing will happen."

Chen Mu lightly supported the steering wheel with one hand, and patted his chest as a guarantee.

The short-haired girl in the passenger seat held the handle and squinted at Chen Mu: "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Didn't you tell me to drive faster? It's the fastest now, what's wrong?"


The short-haired girl was helpless, she was silent for a while and then said: "Then...then you should drive slowly!"

"Didn't you think it was slow just now?"

"You...you slow down!"

"Okay, then I'll defer to everyone's request and drive slower."

Chen Mu showed a harmless smile, let go of the accelerator a little, and the speed of the car immediately slowed down again.

When everything returned to normal, the short-haired girl gave Chen Mu a hard look, but said nothing.

On the contrary, the girl with yellow hair behind said: "Handsome guy, I can see that you are trying to trick us on purpose."

"Nothing." Chen Mu waved his hand in front of him, and said solemnly: "Just let you experience it."

"My name is Huang Qingyi, I haven't asked your name yet."

The girl with yellow hair stretched out her hand from behind and handed it to Chen Mu.

"Oh, my name is Chen Mu, nice to meet you."

Chen Mu shook it lightly, and didn't take advantage of others, but that little hand was indeed soft and slippery.

Huang Qingyi pointed to her companion and said, "Her name is Lu Xuexin, we are classmates, and this time I came to Xinjiang for a self-driving tour."

"Self-driving tour?"

Chen Mu chuckled: "You two are really brave enough, the two girls dare to drive here, are you not afraid of danger?"

"What's the matter with girls, girls can't drive by themselves?" Huang Qingyi scoffed at Chen Mu's words: "Besides, in this bright world, what danger can there be?"

"Bright world?" Chen Mu smiled and pointed to the back: "Just like today, if your car breaks down, you will meet me. If you meet someone with bad intentions, what will happen to you two. "

"What can happen?" The yellow-haired girl said disdainfully: "Like you, Xue Xin beat you down in minutes, and she has a fourth-degree black belt in Taiwan boxing."

"Wow, that's amazing. Fortunately, I didn't think badly just now."

"I'm sorry you don't dare."

We are all young people, there is no obstacle in chatting, and we got acquainted quickly.

Of course, Chen Mu and Huang Qingyi were the only ones who knew each other well, and Lu Xuexin in the passenger seat basically didn't speak much, and kept aloof.

Send people to the car repair point, go in and communicate, the repair point decides to send someone to send a car to the place where the car broke down to check, repair it if it can be repaired, and drag it back if it can't be repaired, so Chen Mu and the two girls have to So farewell.

Before leaving, Huang Qingyi took the initiative to add Chen Mu's WeChat.

Chen Mu hit the snake with the stick, and asked Lu Xuexin to add a friend.

Comparing the two girls, Lu Xuexin is more beautiful, how could she miss the beauty's WeChat.

Lu Xuexin hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed.

Chen Mu put away his mobile phone contentedly, turned around and drove away.

Although we just met by chance, isn't there a saying that "many friends have many paths"? Let’s add up WeChat before we talk about it. People should have some social attributes.