I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 64: sold out


In a parking lot in City X.

Anarguri sat on her land cruiser, waited for a long time, couldn't help throwing her phone to the passenger seat next to her, and said to herself angrily, "Why is this person like this?"

When she was with Zhang Juanjuan just now, although she said that she didn't think the woman she saw in the hospital was Chen Mu's girlfriend, but when she was separated from Zhang Juanjuan and she was left alone, she couldn't think of anything. But Li couldn't help wondering: "Is that girl his girlfriend?"

"Two people walking together, it looks like they are very close!"

"It's rare to see such a beautiful Xia girl."

"Could it be the girlfriend you just made, didn't you have it before?"

Anargul felt as if there was a kitten in her heart, waving its little paws and scratching at her constantly, which made her very curious.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help picking up her phone again, and sent a message to Chen Mu: "Don't blame me for gossip, I wanted to ask you just now, I'm just sorry, the girl who was with you is your girlfriend ?"


for a long time-

There was no reply at all, which made the Uyghur girl throw her phone into the passenger seat again: "I don't even reply to messages, I'm so pissed off!"

Helpless, Anargul could only start the car and drive home quickly.

While driving, the more she thought about it, the more depressed she felt, as if something was blocking her heart.

In particular, she didn't know what happened, what Zhang Juanjuan said before leaving made her feel very aggrieved: "It seems that people really didn't like you from the beginning."

What, who wants him to take a fancy to it

Hmph, don't let me know you have a girlfriend and come on a blind date!

Obviously she knew that Chen Mu was also arranged for the blind date, but when the girl's petty emotions came up, there was no reason to say anything.

"Hurry up, go back quickly, the test results are out, there is an old man in critical condition, we need to send her to the hospital as soon as possible."

Chen Mu drove to the gate of the hospital. The female doctor was already waiting there. As soon as she saw him, she immediately got into Xiao Jinbei's passenger seat and urged him to go back.

Chen Mu didn't ask anything, and drove away in the car, leaving City X in a hurry.

Back at the gas station, Chen Xiwen got out of the car, and immediately wanted to lead the camel, ready to rush to the patient's village as soon as possible.

Kessel was not around, and a woman could not be allowed to run around in the wilderness alone. Chen Mu could only go over to help pull the camel out, and then walked into the desert with the female doctor.

At this time, the reporter comrades heard the news for some reason, and rushed over in a hurry, saying that they would follow Chen Mu and the others.

Chen Mu had no choice but to lead a camel for that guy and let him follow.

The group of three walked into the depths of the desert, and Chen Mu and Chen Xiwen had no sense of the scene here.

On the contrary, the reporter comrades were very excited, riding on the back of a camel like a general, triumphant and looking forward to himself.

Their destination was Sokme Village, a village much smaller than Yakashi Village.

Originally, in Chen Xiwen's plan, he planned to start with the villages with a small population, and do medical examinations and free consultations for the people in the villages one by one, so as to speed up the speed, and then go to the villages with more people.

But she didn't expect that in this village with only over 90 people, before she could finish checking everyone's body, she had already found that there were several old people with physical problems, and the two of them needed blood tests , it must be treated immediately, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

When they came to Suokemei Village, as soon as they appeared at the entrance of the village, everyone in the village saw them. Many people came out to greet Chen Xiwen warmly: "Doctor Chen."

Chen Mu has never been to Suokemei Village, so he doesn't know the people here, but Chen Xiwen stayed here for a day and a night before, and the villagers all recognize this beautiful and kind female doctor.

Although the environment they live in is poor, their emotions are not impoverished. They can tell who is a good person and who treats them well, so they all show enthusiasm and respect for female doctors.

Chen Xiwen approached the village head familiarly, explained the test results of the two old people in the most straightforward language, and then suggested that the village head send them to the big hospital in X city immediately.

After hearing this, the village chief said in a bit of embarrassment: "Their children are not in the village. If they have to go to a big hospital, the family may not be able to afford it."

Chen Xiwen thought for a while, and comforted him: "I know some people from the Poverty Alleviation and Relief Foundation in the city, and I can go and ask to see if you can apply for subsidies... But anyway, the patient's current The situation is very dangerous and must be taken to the hospital immediately."

The village head is not an ignorant person. Hearing what Chen Xiwen said, he nodded after thinking for a while and said, "Okay, Doctor Chen, then I will go to their house with you to talk about it."

Half an hour later, the two old men finally got on the camel, and the group started to walk back.

During the whole process, the journalists kept holding their cameras and taking pictures.

When he saw Chen Xiwen helping the bedridden old man out of the house, he clicked and clicked to take pictures continuously. It seemed that he was so excited that he couldn't even hold the camera steadily.

Back at the gas station, Chen Xiwen wanted to drive the old man to the hospital immediately, and the reporter comrades also clamored to follow.

Chen Mu simply took a moment of laziness and asked the reporter comrades to accompany Chen Xiwen, while he stayed at the gas station to rest.

After the female doctor and the reporter left, the gas station finally became clear.

Chen Mu wrapped his head with a turban, dressed himself as an Arab sheik, and then walked to the forest farm, ready to turn around, look at his own trees, and water them by the way.

Not long after he left, Hu Xiaoer got out of nowhere, his whole body was dirty and covered with dirt.

Chen Mu pushed the guy away in disgust, and found that the guy's mouth was still covered with leaves of the Haloxylon tree. He couldn't help knocking on the guy's forehead, threateningly: "All day long Knowing to steal brother’s saplings, if they can’t be sold, next time brother will sell your wife and even your son.”

Hu Xiaoer mumbled his mouth when he heard the words, and ate the leaves of the Haloxylon tree near his mouth, acting extremely calm.

Chen Mu was helpless, and didn't want to talk too much with this guy, so he continued to watch the trees watering.

Bahe town.

forestry company.

Their business was very good today. Li Ming was so busy that he didn't even have a chance to drink his saliva. It was not until the sun was about to set that he could finally catch his breath.

I thought I could get off work after tidying up, but I didn't expect someone to come in at this time, and said, "I want a thousand Haloxylon seedlings."

Li Ming was like a dying old dog, leaning helplessly in front of the counter: "It's gone, it's gone, the seedlings in the warehouse are sold out today, I want to come back tomorrow."

The guest frowned: "I want it today, but I don't have time to come over tomorrow, please go to the warehouse to have a look, if there is anything left, give it to me first."

This business is like this. People who come to buy seedlings come all the way from all over the country. a trip.

Li Ming drooled helplessly, and said, "Just wait, I'll go and have a look."


"No trouble."

After waving his hands to indicate that it was okay, Li Ming dragged his tired body and walked into the warehouse.