I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 68: Thoughts collide


"It's delicious!"

During the meal, Chen Mu stuffed a large plate of chicken nuggets into his mouth, and couldn't help boasting while chewing.

He recalled the naan that the fat man was holding during the research, and suddenly felt that it must be delicious, and it would not be much worse than Aunt Guli's cooking.

The others didn't speak, they devoured one by one, even the most gentle female doctor and the Uyghur old man who ate the least usually took one bite after another, chewing slowly, and had no time to talk at all.

Needless to say, the fat man's eating appearance is not Len at all.

The white-eyed girl was indeed not his biological child, so she behaved much more quietly at the dinner table.

She held the bowl and chopsticks and picked the rice into her mouth one by one. She didn't pick up the vegetables very much, but kept listening to the sound of everyone eating, and would show a satisfied smile from time to time.

Chen Mu glanced at it, and felt that it seemed a little naive to dislike her before, so he couldn't help picking up a chopsticks of potatoes for the little girl, and said in the tone of a superior complimenting a subordinate: "Not bad, I didn't expect to cook so well, I will cook again in the future." Keep up the good work."

"Thank you, Brother Chen Mu."

The white-eyed girl was very disappointed by the boss's compliment, and smiled at Chen Mu: "Is this... enough to eat? If it's not enough, I'll cook another vegetable."

"No, no, it's enough."

Chen Mu shook his head hastily, how embarrassed to trouble the little girl to rush around.

Unexpectedly, the guy next to him who is not his own brother said: "Boss, just let her go. She likes cats in the kitchen since she was a child. Well, I don't know if it's because her eyes are invisible and her sense of taste has become stronger than ordinary people. , so she cooks very well, and she is very willing to do it."

So this is ah…

After hearing this, Chen Mu couldn't help sighing. There is a saying that says, if God closes a door for you, it is likely to open a window for you. Thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

However, it’s okay to add vegetables or something.

He looked at the fat man over there who was trying to sweep the dining table, and thought to himself that even if it wasn't enough, he couldn't add more, otherwise it would all go to this guy's dog.

After eating, the little girl consciously started to clean up the dishes.

Although her eyes are invisible, she has a good memory and is meticulous in her work.

After walking twice, she can remember the direction and distance of the kitchen. Not to mention everything is done in an orderly manner. After washing the dishes, she wipes them with a dry cloth and puts them away. She is really a good and capable child.

After lunch, the female doctor and the journalists rode away again on camels.

The female doctor will continue to go to Suokemei Village to do her free consultation, and the journalists will accompany her to take pictures and collect materials.

Chen Mu pulled the fat man to sit on the stone bench outside, and began the necessary induction training.

In fact, his so-called induction training is just that. It mainly talks about the specific arrangement of the entire travel itinerary, and some things that need to be paid attention to during the whole process. Anyway, he plans to take the fat man on two trips in person. , as long as the fat man is not too stupid, everything will be clear.

Fatty was obviously not stupid, he would ask some small questions while listening, all of them were on point, which saved Chen Mu a lot of trouble.

"What if the guests encounter some obstacles when they come? If they can't go to the Yakash village you mentioned that day, where should they live?"

The fat man had worked as a black tour guide, and he could foresee all kinds of emergencies in his mind, so he soon discovered another problem.

In fact, being a tour guide is like this. You need to have a quick brain. After all, anything will happen when you are away from home. The most important thing is to test the ability of the tour guide to adapt to the situation.

Chen Mu replied: "If they come late and we can't make the trip that day, let them make do at the gas station for the whole night. I used to put templates on the ground and let them make the floor."

After a slight pause, Chen Mu said again: "When I have the conditions, I plan to build a few small buildings and make it into a homestay or something, but that can only be done when I have money."

After hearing this, the fat man couldn't help but made a joke: "How long will it take to build a small building? Why don't you just build a few tents and let them sleep in the woods behind? People from the city like this... "

The fat man was joking, so he just said it casually, but Chen Mu was startled when he heard it, and immediately paid attention to it.

The fat man was still babbling, and he didn't notice Chen Mu's strangeness: "You don't know, when I was a black tour guide, I met several young couples fighting in the wild, and they like this kind of thing, hey, maybe Let them live in tents, and they feel very excited... ”

The fat man has probably been working as a black tour guide for a long time, and he will unconsciously drive out of the car from time to time when talking, and talk about some dirty things. When Chen Mu came back to his senses, he interrupted him excitedly: "You Let’s say we have some earthen tents, okay? It’s the kind of triangular earthen tents used by ethnic minorities, how about it?”

The fat man looked at Chen Mu and saw that Chen Mu was serious, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and nodded after thinking about it: "Of course it's best to get earthen tents, but there are very few of them in the market now. , In fact, even if you get some new tents, it’s okay, it’s best to get some big and small, all kinds of sizes, anyway, you can choose whatever you want.”

After hearing the fat man's words, Chen Mu's thinking became more divergent, and he thought that it would be great if he could get some Indian teepees that he saw in movies. , so that guests have an unprecedented experience.

"I think, if you really want a tent, add an oil lamp to the tent, and a stargazing telescope and a stargazing guide, it's all a gimmick..."

The fat man talked to himself, completing Chen Mu's train of thought bit by bit, and when he thought about things more or less, Chen Mu asked the fat man, "Do you know where I can buy tents?"

The fat man nodded: "You must know that. When I was a tour guide, I often helped those shops sell their products."

"Is it in City X?"

"Yes, City X."

"Go, let's go now."

"Huh? Now?"

"hurry up."

Chen Mu didn't care about it, he dragged the fat man to the little gold cup, and then drove straight to X city.

Fatty didn't expect his boss to be so resolute. After getting into the car, before he had time to fasten his seat belt, the car bumped and rushed out.

While enduring the bumps and fastening his seat belt, he firmly grasped the handrail on the car window: "Brother, let me tell you, is your car okay? Why is it bumping so hard? It won't break down halfway, right? "

"Don't worry, it won't break down even if you're knocked to death."

Chen Mu spoke confidently, and couldn't help humming the song "Desert Camel" again.

He didn't think this song was good, it was mainly because of his song library, there was only one song that could be related to the desert.

If I don't sing this song, I can't express the excitement in my heart.

What originally cost two to three hundred thousand yuan to solve could now be solved satisfactorily with a few thousand dollars, which is really a big money saver.