I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 70: song and dance


"Look at the left, everyone. There is a ruins of an ancient village. Look at the tallest building. Does it look like a man and a woman rolling on the ground?"

"Look a little farther ahead, that bare rock on the Gobi Desert, hehe, isn't the shape weird? That's the famous Guitou Mountain here, and some villagers even pray to it to have children."

"That sunken place was originally a small lake. Usually in spring, many small animals would come here to inhabit and mate. It's a pity that the lake is dry now, and you can't see that piece of scenery that is not suitable for children. "

After Chen Mu took the fat man to receive two groups of passengers in a row, the fat man quickly got started. When the third group of tourists came, Chen Mu had already let him take the guests, and he just followed along.

It has to be said that Fatty is very talented in being a tour guide. He is proficient in all kinds of gags. He never stops when he has a small mouth.

The only thing that makes Chen Mu secretly slander is that this product is better than he can make up. He can tell a touching story whenever he sees a piece of bare rock, and it is easy to fool people in minutes.

Moreover, he especially likes to speak yellow accents, and the topic always goes down three ways. When he meets tourists who are mainly young or male, he should not be too popular.

What "a man and a woman rolling on the ground", what "Ghost Head Mountain", what "scenery not suitable for children"... These topics can especially attract the attention of tourists and make them happy to hear.

"If you keep doing this, you kid, just wait for the Anti-Pornography and Anti-illegal Affairs Office to come and 404 you!"

Chen Mu couldn't help "communicating" with the fat man in private, but the effect was obviously not good. The fat man still went his own way, anyway, the tourists liked it, and as the boss... well, he had to bear it.

Tourists kept coming, and the reputation of "Yakashi Farmhouse" has spread, and now every day when Chen Mu answers the phone, he gets soft hands.

Moreover, after the reporter and the female doctor came back from Suokemei Village, they reluctantly left.

It is estimated that if he goes back and writes the report, the popularity of the farmhouse will increase even more, and maybe even people from the surrounding counties and cities will come here for a while.

Everything seems to be heading in a good direction.

"Take it easy and take your time. It doesn't mean that the more you plant, the more money you will get. I will pay you as soon as you plant it."

By the time the sixth group of tourists arrived at the gas station, Chen Mu had let Fatty lead the group by himself, while he was in the forest farm, watching the children plant trees.

After such a period of time, he has accumulated enough vitality points to upgrade the map.

Before leveling up, he used the vitality points he exchanged to grow four trees. He collected the branches at night and asked the children to help him plant them in the daytime.

His ten mu of land has already been fully planted, and now he is starting to plant trees outside. There is no other way. Although the land does not belong to him, he still has to keep planting trees.

Regarding the matter of contracting the land, the old Uyghur man has never responded. It is said that he told the Great Mullah Alimu about it, and the Great Mullah Alimu told him to come back and tell Chen Mu to wait.

Chen Mu faintly felt that Mullah Alimu was going to help him again, so he stopped worrying about this matter, anyway, he was grateful to him from the bottom of his heart.

Sitting on the reclining chair, watching the children busy in the forest farm with great vigor, Chen Mu felt in a great mood.

"Brother Xiaomu, are you tired? I'll rub your back for you, okay?"

Standing behind Chen Mu was the little girl Ayimu who pushed people at the mouth of the well last time.

She also wanted to help plant trees, but Chen Mu saw that she was too young and crooked when handling the shovel, and it was very difficult, so he immediately pulled her to his side and let her stay quietly.

The little girl was obviously focused on planting trees to make money. Seeing that Chen Mu wouldn't let her work, she couldn't help becoming a little anxious. She wanted to please Chen Mu pitifully so that she could get a chance to get a job again.

"Don't beat it, just sit still..."

Chen Mu waved his hand, and was about to talk to the little girl, but he didn't expect to see an older child digging the hole too shallow, so he couldn't help standing up and reminding loudly: "Sabier, dig a little deeper, or the wind will kill the saplings." Blown down."

"Okay, Brother Mu."

The child smiled shyly, spit two mouthfuls into his small fist, and dug harder.

Chen Mu was finally satisfied, and sat back on the recliner again.

In a blink of an eye, he saw Ayimu's small mouth was flattened, and his eyes were full of tears. He was extremely wronged.

Chen Mu thought for a while, looked at the little girl a little funny, and joked: "Why are you like this? Brother Xiao Mu thinks that you are too young to do this kind of work, so you are easy to get hurt, so you are not allowed to go, you are still alive Am I angry?"

"Brother Mu, I'm not angry with you."

Ayimu wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and wanted to defend himself, but after thinking about it, he probably couldn't figure out why he was angry if he wasn't angry with Chen Mu, so he couldn't help crying "Wow". Come out: "I... I might just be mad at myself..."

"Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..."

Chen Mu didn't dare to tease the little girl anymore, and while stroking the little girl's head to comfort her, he changed the subject and asked, "Ayimu, can you sing?"

"Yes... yes."

"Can you dance?"

"I will."

"Why don't you do it this way, you can perform for Brother Xiao Mu, and I'll pay you, how about it?"

"Huh? Acting? As a salary?"

"Yeah, Brother Xiaomu likes watching people sing and dance the most. Would you like to try it?"

After thinking for a while, the little girl shook her head and said, "Brother Xiao Mu, I can show you a show, but there is no charge."

Chen Mu smiled sweeter, and patted the little girl's head: "Ayimu is so good, okay, then please start your performance now."

The little girl stood up a little bit in a dignified manner, and began to hum a little song in her mouth, and then started to dance to the beat of the song.

Although Chen Mu didn't quite understand the meaning of the words sung by the little girl, he knew that the dance she was dancing in front of him belonged to Sai Naim, which is an item in the list of intangible cultural heritage of our Daxia country.

Although the little girl's movements are full of childishness, her serious and serious appearance is even more pleasing to the eye and very beautiful.

After dancing for a while, probably only about two minutes, the little girl stopped singing and dancing.

Probably because the whole song is too long, she is too young to remember it, so she can only skip here.

Chen Mu applauded: "Ayimu, you dance really well."

The little girl pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

She was so proud of herself that she forgot all her little emotions before.

Chen Mu thought for a while, took out twenty yuan, and handed it to the little girl: "Here, take it."

The little girl shook her head: "Brother Mu, I won't take your money."

Chen Mu stuffed the money into her pocket and said: "This money is not for your performance today, because you haven't finished singing the whole song, and you only danced half of the dance. Next time you will memorize the whole song." Now, show me another show, okay?"

The little girl thought for a while, then nodded and said, "Okay, brother Mu, I will definitely ask Apa to teach me the whole song when I go back, and I will perform it for you next time."