I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 71: storm


After three days, Chen Mu's black technology map hadn't been upgraded yet, which made him try to summon it almost every two hours to see if it worked.

According to the experience gained from several upgrades in the past, the longer the standby time, the greater the change after the upgrade.

The time for this upgrade is much longer than before. Obviously, the subsequent changes must be great, and Chen Mu is looking forward to it.

Sitting in the living room, watching the white-eyed little girl busy in the kitchen, Chen Mu couldn't help asking: "Yi Li, did your brother work like this before? I mean, did he always work so hard? "

As the boss, Chen Mu's main job now is to stay at the gas station to answer calls from tourists, continue to take orders and arrange itineraries, completely turning into a logistics job.

The fat man took over the job of leading the tour guide.

He only returned to the gas station at noon yesterday, and in the evening he led another group to Yakashi Village, which was completely continuous.

Chen Mu was worried that this guy would not be able to take it anymore, so he asked him if he wanted to take a day off, but he refused the boss's kindness like a chicken blood, and he didn't want to stop even for a day.

Ma Yili came out from the kitchen with a plate and handed it to Chen Mu: "Brother Xiao Mu, don't look at my brother as fat, but he has worked hard since he was a child, and he has never been lazy."

Chen Mu took the plate and took a look. It contained steaming scrambled eggs.

The color of the scrambled eggs is just right, neither dry nor wet, with ham sausage and onions cut into small pieces, it looks very delicious, not to mention the aroma.

Picking up the chopsticks, he took a hard bite. As soon as the egg entered his mouth, Chen Mu couldn't help but boast: "Wow, it's delicious!"

Ma Yili smiled, and said: "Brother Xiaomu, wait a little longer, I have made noodles, and they will be ready to serve soon."

After finishing speaking, the little girl fumbled around, turned and walked back to the kitchen, and then started to get busy.

From the kitchen window, a ray of sunlight just came in, falling on the white-eyed girl like a spotlight, it was very bright and dazzling.

Chen Mu ate the scrambled eggs, and couldn't help asking, "Yi Li, how did you manage to make the scrambled eggs so tender and smooth?"

The white-eyed girl picked up the noodles with chopsticks and rinsed them in cold water, and replied: "It's actually very simple. Here's a little trick. At the beginning, add a little warm water to the egg liquid, and then put it in the pot." It is easy to scramble out tender and smooth eggs if you fry them in the oven.”

When Chen Mu used to scramble eggs by himself, he just stirred them and poured them into the pot, and the scrambled eggs felt quite delicious.

But now I am eating the scrambled eggs made by the little girl, thinking back to the things I scrambled in the past, they are dry and hard, and they are completely different from the plate in front of me.

"Where did you learn this?"

Chen Mu was curious and asked casually.

"I learned it by listening to the radio. Because my eyesight is bad, I like to listen to the radio when I am free. There are several programs on the radio that teach cooking. The more I listen to it, the more I learn. .”


eyes can't see...

Listen to the radio and learn like this...

Why is there such a big difference between people

Chen Mu looked at the little girl who was busy in the kitchen. Although her movements were not fast, they were orderly and very harmonious... This scene made him think suddenly: "It's just like this before I have formally learned it. If you can find a master chef to learn from, you will be a famous chef in the future!"

Chen Mu felt that this matter should be mentioned to Fatty. When he has money in the future, he must let his children learn things. Such a precious talent should not be wasted in vain.

After eating, Chen Mu continued to watch the landline, and now the calls are basically made by tourists.

Alecun was watching TV, and Ma Yili also came out after finishing her work in the kitchen, sitting aside and listening quietly.

After watching for a while, Alecun suddenly turned his head and said to Chen Mu who had just finished answering a phone call: "Brother Xiao Mu, just now the news said that there will be a big storm in Shamen Township these two days, which will cause a large-scale sandstorm. I don't know How are we doing here?"

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, and thought about the Shamen Township that Alecun mentioned. In his impression, it was a little east of Bahe Town. It was about five hours' drive from the gas station. Is this distance close? , it is not far away.

If there is a big storm in their place, it may also affect here.

It's a pity that the black technology map is being upgraded, and I can't check the weather forecast immediately, and I can't do anything.

After thinking about it, Chen Mu decided to be more careful, and went out to find the Uighur old man and told him about it, and asked the old man to go back to Yakash Village tonight and try his best to send a letter to the fat man, telling him about it, so that he could have a better understanding. prepared.

"A big storm?"

The old man showed a look of lingering fear, and said: "We also encountered a big storm a few years ago. The sky was covered with sand, and the roofs of many houses were blown away. It was terrible... Alas, I hope they are safe in Shamen Township Let's do it!"

Chen Mu has never seen a big storm, so he doesn't know how powerful it is, but it should be quite scary to scare the old Uighurs like this.

After talking about the business, he was about to go back and continue to watch the landline, but the old Uyghur man stopped him: "Xiaomu, you want to set up a forestry company to contract the land, and it is almost done."


Surprised and delighted, Chen Mu asked, "Uncle Aizmaiti, have you even done the land contracting? I thought you were just helping me set up a forestry company."

The Uyghur old man nodded: "Mulla Alimu said that you and our Yakash village have set up a cooperative, and the forestry company is the one under the cooperative... Well, the entity enterprise... Anyway, I don't understand the old man, that is, we contracted the land. You have to do your best, it's easier for our village to handle this matter than running around by yourself."

Chen Mu rubbed his hands happily: "How much land was contracted? Is it the one thousand acres I said before?"

The old Uighur shook his head and stretched out two fingers.

Chen Mu was a little disappointed, frowned and said, "Only two hundred acres? This... a bit too little."

The old Uighur said, "It's 20 square kilometers."


Chen Mu took a deep breath and was completely stunned.

Twenty square kilometers equals 30,000 mu? !

Is this really true

However, Chen Mu was not happy for two seconds, and in a blink of an eye he began to worry again: How much will he have to pay for contracting so many lands

The old Uighur said: "The big mullah of Alimu said that after the land is contracted, it can only raise seedlings and plant trees, and cannot be used for other purposes. That's why we can contract so much. Otherwise, the leaders will not approve it."

After a slight pause, the old Uyghur man continued: "The big Mullah Alimu also said that the leader means that if you really want to plant trees and afforestation, the contract fee can be reduced to a minimum of five yuan per mu, and you can contract for 50 years. , see if you are willing or not? If not, you can contract for another 20 years, but the price per mu will be eight yuan."

Chen Mu is not good at math, so he secretly calculated with his fingers. If it costs five yuan per mu, it will be 150,000 yuan a year, and if it costs eight yuan per mu, it will be 240,000 yuan a year...

150,000 to 240,000, that's a huge difference.

However, such a contracted amount is much less than what he expected before.