I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 72: square area


"Can you really contract the land to me at the price of five yuan per mu? If it is really possible, I am willing to contract it for fifty years."

Without saying anything, Chen Mu immediately patted his chest as a guarantee.

Just kidding, this land is contracted back, what else can we do without planting trees

When he thought of planting all 30,000 mu of trees in the future, and seeing the forest sea everywhere, Director Chen was almost moved by himself.

Moreover, 150,000 a year sounds like a lot, but compared to 20 square kilometers of land, this is nothing.

Now a gas station has been subcontracted out for more than 200,000 yuan a year. This is the last card in Chen Mu's hand. In addition, there is still a farmhouse business going on, so he really feels that he can afford it.

Of course, if he was really asked to take out the contract money for one or two years at once, he would be a little blind, so he had to find a way to go back to his hometown to raise it.

So, after thinking for a while, he asked again: "Uncle Aizmaiti, how do you pay the contract fee? Can you delay it?"

The Uyghur old man lowered his voice a bit: "The big Mullah Alimu said that the leader has promised him that our village is poor, so we can first decide on the contract, and the contract fee will be paid every year."


Chen Mu felt that he was very lucky today, so there would be no pressure.

The Uighur old man nodded, and looked at Chen Mu worriedly: "Xiao Mu, 150,000 yuan a year is not a small number, and it will be contracted for 50 years. Are you really willing to contract this land to plant trees?"

Chen Mu understands what the old man thinks. For a person who has been planing food in this desert all his life, 150,000 a year is an astronomical figure, which is big enough to crush the entire village to death. As a member of the cooperative forestry company, the old man Still a little worried.

"Uncle Aizmaiti, don't worry, we will not only plant trees, but also raise seedlings. The 150,000 yuan will not be lost."

Chen Mu comforted the old man confidently.

In fact, he contracted the land not to make money, but to get enough vitality for the black technology map is the main purpose.

So for him, even if the gas station is overwhelmed, he is willing to contract the land.

After the farmhouse incident, the old Uighurs had confidence in Chen Mu's ability, and believed in his heart that this child could accomplish things, so when he heard what Chen Mu said, he immediately felt relieved and nodded: "Okay, I'll talk to him later. The big Mullah Ali Mu said, the contract should be finalized as soon as possible.”

Things were settled, Chen Mu continued to stand in front of the landline, waiting for the call.

Because the contracting matter has been settled, Chen Mu feels that he has become particularly energetic this day.

After answering calls all day long, three groups were determined, each with more than ten people.

After Boss Chen put down the phone, he began to count with his fingers, calculating how much money these three groups could earn, and how much the money would reduce the burden of land parcels. Thirty people appeared in front of him immediately.

Of course, those thirty people would not appear in front of Chen Mu's eyes, but when he was lying in bed at night and was going to sleep, a black technology map suddenly popped up in front of Chen Mu's eyes.

Automatically pop up

Chen Mu has not tried this, is this a newly added function

Before he had time to think about it, Chen Mu quickly checked the new interface after the map upgrade, wanting to see the difference.

It is indeed different...

On the basis of the original map in the new interface, there are two more function keys, one is "square inch +" and the other is "square inch -".

Chen Mu tried to touch the "square inch +" function key, and found that many fine vertical and horizontal lines immediately appeared on the map, dividing the map into many small square blocks, about a hundred squares.

Try to touch "Fangcun-", the map returns to its original state.

These two keys seem to be similar to "zoom in" and "zoom out", but they should be different. After all, if the two keys are the same, the map will not be specially upgraded for this.

What's the use

Chen Mu was a little confused.

Chen Mu looked at other places. It seemed that after the map was upgraded, there was only one change and nothing else.

Chen Mu tried to touch the "square inch+" twice again, and the grids on the map were quickly divided, and each grid was divided into four, turning into finer and smaller blocks.


Chen Mu became curious, and began to touch the "Square Inch" button continuously. The square continued to change into four, and finally stopped completely after he touched it many times.

Chen Mu looked at it, and the small square inch on the map had now turned into an actual area of about 100 square meters, which seemed to be the ultimate state of this new function.

What is the use of this

Chen Mu still can't figure it out. He feels that the only bad thing about this map is that there are no instructions for use, and the interface is not friendly enough.

The emotions that were originally full of expectations seemed to be interrupted suddenly, and suddenly became dissatisfied.

If you don’t understand it, let’s put it aside for now, and study it slowly when you have time tomorrow.

Chen Mu was thinking about going to bed after exchanging vitality points, but he didn't expect that when his eyes saw the vitality points, he suddenly had an idea in his heart, and looked at the small squares on the map: "Could it be... used like this? "

An idea suddenly popped up in his heart, Chen Mu immediately exchanged the vitality points, and then faced one of the squares in the forest farm, he chose to use the vitality points.

"Use the vitality value in the selected square area, yes? no?"


Chen Mu was a little excited, and even his voice trembled slightly.

If the vitality value can really be used in this way, then he will not need to secretly grow saplings in the future, and let the children take cuttings directly, and then he will use the vitality value to make the branches grow after the cuttings are completed, which will save trouble in raising seedlings.

As he chooses "Yes" to finish, the Vitality value column will decrease a little soon.

Chen Mu used the map to observe the saplings in the square inch area, and found that they hadn't changed too much. It seemed that the vitality value had disappeared.

"Is it because the place is too big and the vitality value is too little?"

Chen Mu was thinking secretly, and couldn't help adding a little more vitality to enter that square inch area.


After two consecutive vitality points, the saplings in the area still did not respond.

Chen Mu felt a little impulsive, and if two points of vitality were lost, it would be gone, and he didn't know if it would have any effect.

But just now when the inspiration came up, I couldn't care about anything.

Fortunately, he had accumulated a few vitality points during this period of time, otherwise he would have used up two vitality points in such a short period of time, and he would not be able to grow saplings for the next few days.

"Could it be because of the difference between adding it to the ground and adding it to the tree? Hmm... The objects used for this vitality point seem to be a little different... Unfortunately, it's too dark to dig up the ground and take a closer look... I can only wait until tomorrow. "

Chen Mu shook his head helplessly, planning to get up early tomorrow and go to the forest farm to see for himself.

Maybe tomorrow—

Then you can know what's going on.