I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 73: disabled duck


The next day, before dawn, Chen Mu, who had been worrying about the affairs of the square inch area all night, couldn't sleep well, got up early from the bed, and walked into the forest farm alone.

In the surrounding air, the cold air is still lingering, and hoarfrost can even be seen on the ground.

Chen Mu wore that military overcoat and walked to the area where the vitality was added last night, wanting to see what was going on.


As soon as he stepped into that area, Chen Mu felt a little different. The color of the soil seemed to have changed a lot.

Chen Mu quickly found a shovel and wanted to dig it out, but before he could do it, he saw a small figure coming out from behind a seabuckthorn tree.

"This little thing, it looks...is it healed?"

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect to see wild ducks in the woods.

Since Chen Xiwen connected the bones for it, Chen Mu would feed it some diet and anti-inflammatory drugs every day, other than that, he didn't pay much attention to this little thing.

He has done his utmost to be benevolent, whether he lives or dies depends on this little bastard himself.

During this period of time, the little thing has been huddled on the haystack in the shed, and he doesn't know if he has recovered from his injury. When he appeared here today, it seems that he should have recovered from his injury.

"Go, go, go and play somewhere else by yourself."

Chen Mu waved at the wild duck, trying to drive it away, but it stared at Chen Mu motionlessly, just standing there.

Seeing that it didn't respond, Chen Mu simply ignored it, picked up the shovel and dug up some soil on the ground.

"Hey, it's really different."

Chen Mu squatted down, picked up a small piece of soil with his hands, and felt it.

The color of the soil is black, soft and wet, and it feels sticky and sticky in the hand, which is completely different from the soil in the desert.

Although the soil on the desert has not been completely desertified, most of it is mainly lime-calcium soil and brown-calcium soil. The soil quality is calcified, and there is little fine soil material, so it is difficult to cultivate and utilize it.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the soil on the desert does not have enough nutrients and the content of organic matter is low, so many vegetation cannot survive here.

But now the soil in Chen Mu's hands is completely different. Although Chen Mu has never seen what fertile black soil looks like, he feels that the black soil in his hands should be almost the same as black soil.

"It seems that this is the effect of the vitality value!"

Chen Mu stood up and looked at other places in the forest farm.

Sure enough, except for the 100 square meters of land where the vitality value is used, the soil quality in other parts of the forest farm is still the same as before, and has not changed.

This shows that using the vitality value in a square inch area can really change the soil quality.

It seems very good!

Chen Mu suddenly understood the awesomeness of this "square inch" function after the upgrade.

If he could change the quality of the soil with vitality points, he could grow anything on this land from now on.

Moreover, he felt that using two vitality points in a row this time was a bit much.

The effect of changing the desert soil directly into black soil is really amazing.

In fact, the vitality value can be used in a larger area, so that the effect of the vitality value can be spread out, and it will not be so shocking, and the effect should be good.

After making up his mind, Chen Mu decided to go back and experiment slowly. In short, he should test out a reasonable ratio between the vitality value and the size of the area to be used, and follow this in the future.

Turning back to the black soil, Chen Mu saw wild ducks walking around there, pecking and pecking the ground from time to time, as if they were eating something.

"Is your injury healed?"

Chen Mu walked towards the wild duck, wanting to see how the little thing's wings are doing now.

He has been feeding these days, and the wild ducks are not afraid of seeing him, so they just stand there motionless and let Chen Mu approach.

Chen Mu walked over and touched the wild duck's wings. It seemed that the broken bone was healed, so there should be no problem. He couldn't help asking: "It's all healed, why don't you fly home by yourself? Why, prepare Live and eat here for nothing all your life?"

Wild ducks don't like others to touch their wounded wings, not even Chen Mu. After flapping twice, they broke free, walked to the side from a distance, and looked at Chen Mu motionlessly. Said: "Boy, don't come here."

"It doesn't matter if you don't leave. Someday I will be hungry, so don't blame me for stewing you and giving you wine."

After Chen Mu threatened, he continued to check in the area.

He wants to see if the planted saplings have changed, whether the vitality points are only applied to the land in the area, or whether even the saplings are benefited.

Seeing Chen Mu walking away, Wild Duck turned its head slightly, paused for a while, then quickly started walking again, and walked behind Chen Mu.

Chen Mu walked around the area, and found that some small saplings still got the effect of vitality value, and they obviously grew to a certain extent.

The range of rapid growth is very small, but it has been shown that the vitality value also plays a role on them.

In other words, Vitality is used area-wide, and everything benefits.

Chen Mu was very satisfied, and finally relieved, the matter that tossed him all night came to an end, and he was going to go back to his room to catch up on sleep.

Turning his head, he was about to go back, but he didn't expect to see Hu Xiaoer coming out at some point, standing in front of the wild duck.

The pair of beasts stood there staring at each other, staring at each other silently, as if there were sparks flickering in the air.

Suddenly, Hu Xiaoer poked his head out cautiously and approached the wild duck, as if he wanted to touch him with his head.

But just when its head was about to touch the wild duck, the wild duck suddenly stuck out its mouth and pecked hard on Hu Xiaoer's head.


Hu Xiaoer couldn't make a sound, but the wild duck obviously hurt it. After shrinking for a while, it immediately raised its head, then raised its legs, and was about to step on the wild duck.

The wild duck quickly turned around and ran away.

Hu Xiaoer chased after him.

Although wild ducks have short legs and small bodies, they are very flexible when running.

It circled around the sapling, with a pair of wings flapping and fluttering, constantly adjusting its balance, but Hu Xiaoer couldn't catch it.

It seems that these two guys are going to have their feud today...

Chen Mu only found it funny, but at the same time guessed in his heart: "This little thing seems to be unable to fly..."

It feels like, if the wild duck is healed, it can just spread its wings and fly away to avoid Hu Xiaoer, but now... It seems that although the injury is healed, it also leaves a disability.

The disabled duck will be raised as a family duck in the future.

Chen Mu secretly sighed, a little sympathetic to what happened to this little thing.

It is also a miracle in the animal world that he knocked himself into a disability.

A pair of beasts chased for a long time in the woods, and finally the wild duck jumped into the puddle, swam far to the center of the puddle, and successfully escaped Hu Xiaoer's pursuit.

After watching this farce, Chen Mu turned and walked back.

He took a nap, and when he woke up, it was almost noon.

While he was eating the delicious lunch prepared by the white-eyed girl, a pair of unexpected guests came uninvited.