I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 78: Propaganda again



Chen Xiwen took the tea, walked into the living area, and embedded himself in the sofa, making the originally cheap artificial leather sofa suddenly become extremely soft and worth twice as much.

It could be seen that apart from being tired, she was in a bad mood.

Chen Mu acted as a bosom brother: "What's wrong?"

Chen Xiwen took a sip of hot tea, and after a moment of silence, sighed softly: "Today I did some physical examinations for some children, and found that most of them had roundworms in their stomachs."

"Isn't this normal?"

Chen Mu didn't find it strange at all.

Children who grew up in the countryside don't have this thing in their stomachs, anyway, just take medicine to kill insects.

Chen Xiwen shook his head: "The main reason is that the hygienic conditions are too poor. The villagers drink well water, and they usually carry the well water back into the water tank for storage. For the convenience of the children, after playing tired, they just pick up the ladle and drink it. Scooping water and drinking it, without boiling it at all, is very problematic. Well, sometimes adults do that too, it's become their habit."

This is also normal...

Chen Mu thought in his heart, but didn't say anything, and asked, "Is it because of this that you are unhappy?"

Chen Xiwen nodded, then shook his head again: "The habit and awareness of hygiene cannot be developed overnight, I just suddenly feel that my strength alone is too small, and there are not many things I can do. It is too much for all these changes... Insignificant."

Chen Mu thought for a while, this is because Comrade Doctor suffered setbacks in reality, so he was a little discouraged.

At this time, the Securities Commissioner has not yet appeared on the stage, so when will it be

Therefore, Chen Zhengwei coughed lightly, and began to say earnestly: "Actually, don't look at it that way. Although a person's strength is weak, you are not the only one who is working hard to do things. You need to be clear about this. "

The female doctor looked at the comrade of the Securities Commission in confusion, waiting for him to continue.

Chen Zhengwei went on to say: "In fact, the situation you mentioned is the status quo that the imperial court wants to change now, so they are working hard, but you have just arrived here and have not felt it. For example, what you said Hygienic habits and awareness, the role of your own propaganda is of course limited, but it is different when it is operated by the imperial machine. When children go to school, they will learn hygiene knowledge, and the county and township will often send people to the village Propaganda here, as well as various media... With a multi-pronged approach, these situations will change, and they will get better."

After pondering for a while, the female doctor seemed to think carefully about Chen Zhengwei's words, nodded and said, "I understand what you said, but I feel that I can't do much, so I'm just a little depressed..."

"Oh, Chen Xiwen, I think you underestimate yourself."

Chen Zhengwei interrupted the female doctor's self-deprecation with righteous words, and said positively: "I don't think there are not many things you can do, but I think you can do a lot!"

"Huh? What else can I do?"

After filling the chicken soup, the female doctor obviously cheered up a lot. She looked at Chen Zhengwei and asked, "Tell me, what else can I do?"

Chen Zhengwei had been waiting here for a long time, and quickly explained the content of the reporter's previous phone call, and then said in a persuasive tone: "I think you can promise Reporter Shao to take a short video for them, um , You can even directly open a dedicated Weibo or small video account, and post some text or video regularly.”

The female doctor's forehead was full of question marks: "Is what you said... useful here...?"

"Of course it works!"

Chen Zhengwei quickly calmed down and slowly analyzed to the female doctor: "Look, you have been on the hot search now, and you can be regarded as a small celebrity. You must know that many celebrities have never been on it, so you can definitely use your help This will make more people pay attention to this place.”

"Our biggest problem here is actually poverty. Economic development is the most important thing here, and it is also the first step to change."

"I'm not afraid that you will call me vulgar. In fact, as long as you have money, many of the things you said are not problems at all."

"For example, the problem of drinking well water you mentioned, as long as we build a water tower in each village and connect the water to each household, will it improve a lot? At least the well water will not need to be stored in the water tank, and it will be much cleaner. "

"Another example is the living habits you mentioned. If we spend a sum of money in each village to reward those villagers who pay attention to hygiene, will it change their concept?"

Chen Zhengwei Lin Lin said a lot of things. To put it bluntly, he wanted the female doctor to use her fame to promote the development of tourism here as much as possible.

After listening to the female doctor, she felt that Chen Zhengwei's words were quite reasonable. Although there seemed to be something wrong in some places, she couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she quickly told Chen Zhengwei's Jumping off the shuttle, I started to shoot the video.

"Come over here, yes, this location is very good, just enough to take a picture of the signboard of our gas station on the Qianjiang Highway."

"Later, we will conduct an interview. I will ask you to answer. Here are the questions, all provided by Reporter Shao. You can read them and play on your own."

"Remember when answering questions, bring more of our farmhouse projects and talk about our specialties..."

Soon, Chen Mu and Chen Xiwen completed the first video recording, a total of five videos, each of which was not long, but fully met the requirements of the journalists.

The next day, Chen Mu went to Bahe Town and sent the video to the reporter comrades.

After Shao Kun got the video, he was very satisfied after watching it, edited it a little, and immediately sent it to the official website of "W City Evening News".

After Chen Mu finished all this and returned to the gas station, he suddenly realized that he hadn't told Chen Xiwen about her parents coming to the gas station, and of course he forgot to inform Chen Xiwen's mother about Chen Xiwen's return.

What made him feel even more helpless was that Chen Xiwen actually left early the next morning. His job in the Securities Commission was obviously very successful, and the female doctor was resurrected with full of energy by his milk.

"I can only talk to her when she comes back."

Chen Mu felt quite guilty, and decided to give the female doctor a contract as a travel spokesperson in return, exempting her from half a month's rent.

At the same time, on the Internet.

After the video on the official website of "W City Evening News" was released, it immediately caused a huge response.

"The Most Beautiful Doctor for Poverty Alleviation" was once again hotly discussed, and the video was forwarded by netizens to Weibo, and once again rushed to the hot search list.

The in-depth report published by Shao Kun was originally only spread in the area around W City, but after the popularity of the video this time, his report was also reposted on the Internet, and all major websites have it. "The story has gained more people's attention.

At the same time, "Yakashi Farmhouse" also got a good publicity, and more people knew about this tourism project.