I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 9: sweet water


After a short rest and something to eat, the fake sheikh resumed his work.

Originally, he thought that he could plant all the saplings he bought in one day, but the reality gave him a left uppercut, which made him finally see his own strength clearly: even if he was given two more days, he might not be able to Plant the saplings.

That being the case, there is no need to hurry up.

So, he quickly fell down, moved one tree by one to the open space, and then planted them slowly. After doing this for an hour, he only planted five trees.

Just as he was thinking about taking a break, he turned around and saw the wild camel coming again at some point, standing in front of a Haloxylon tree, biting leaves and swallowing them into his mouth.

"Mist Grass..."

The fake Arab sheikh suddenly became furious, and pushed the idiot's head aside, and cursed: "Damn you, you just eat the seedlings that have just been planted. You can eat it like this!" Waste something?"

The wild camel was pushed to the side, and seemed a little frightened by the chief, so he quickly took two steps back.

Then, it just stood there looking at the chief, muttering, looking a little aggrieved.

Why are you wronged? You are wronged. Is it because you have not clearly realized your mistake

The chief got angry when he saw this, and the bear boy really couldn't help but scold: "This is a sapling. It will grow up in the future. When it grows up, there will be many leaves for you to eat. You eat it now, and you will eat it later." How long? Do you know what it means to plan for the future?"

The wild camel didn't dare to move, as if it was overwhelmed by the chief's truth.

After the chief lost his temper, he straightened the sapling Haloxylon sapling that had been pulled a little crooked by the wild camel, and specially watered it a little more, hoping that it would not die due to the serious injury.

Turning his head, the chief glared at the idiot bitterly, and forgot to rest for a while, and continued to move a poplar sapling, and dug a big hole again.

The wild camel looked at it quietly for a while, and finally couldn't help being curious. It walked forward slowly, poked its head next to the chief who was working, and looked at the pit.

"Go, go, if there's anything to see, just stay and go."

The chief was very troubled by the big head, and couldn't help pushing it again, pushing the idiot aside, and continued to work hard.

After the wild camel was pushed away, it looked left and right, and simply lay down beside it, quietly watching the chief work.

Chen Mu planted the trees so attentively that he didn't notice that there were a few people at the gas station staring blankly at him and his camel.

"He... how dare he treat Hu Da's emissary like this?"

One of the old men with a white beard trembled slightly, as if he was frightened by something.

Aizmaiti wiped the sweat from his forehead in embarrassment, and explained: "Xiao Mu is not Mu Silin, so he doesn't know the meaning of the white camel."

After a slight pause, the old man quickly explained in detail how Chen Mu nursed the white camel, and then came to a conclusion: "The white camel likes to stay with Xiao Mu."

"So, he may be the one who has been blessed by Hu Da."

The white-bearded old man's face turned pale, and he couldn't help but look more kindly at Chen Mu.

He is an imam at the beginning of school. Uighur Mu Silin calls him a big mullah, and he is the most respected person in this area.

Following him were a few imams of the Sanpan class, that is to say, people from the nearby countrymen.

They all heard Aizmaiti talk about the white camel, so they came in a hurry, and unexpectedly saw the scene of Chen Mu interacting with the wild camel.

"Mallah, shall we take a closer look?"

Seeing the imams squinting their eyes to see more clearly, Aizmat quickly proposed.

"Okay, okay, let's go and have a look."

This proposal was supported by the big mullah, so they walked forward together.


After approaching, Aizmaiti waved to Chen Mu, but kept his eyes on the white camel.

Chen Mu stopped his hands and feet, and also responded to the old Uighur.

At the same time, he saw the people brought back by the old Uighurs. Although he didn't know their identities, he didn't dare to neglect them based on their ages. He smiled and nodded one by one as a greeting.

The imams had a good impression of Chen Mu, but they were all focused on the wild camel at this time, and after smiling at Chen Mu kindly, they tried their best to approach the wild camel.

Chen Mu knew that these old men were coming for the wild camels, so he smiled, walked out of the pit, and walked aside, preparing to make room for them to get closer to the wild camels.

But who knew that the imams had just walked over, and the wild camel, which was lazily lying on the ground and motionless, immediately reacted, and it didn't know where the agility attribute was added, it suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then trotted to the Behind Chen Mu, he poked his head to Chen Mu's side, and moved his mouth one after another, showing a very obvious sense of guard.


It's cold now.

Facing this scene, the imams all showed astonishment.

It seems that the white camel doesn't like them approaching...

It's a sad story that after working as a missionary all his life, he didn't expect to get no favor from the white camel at all.

Chen Mu was also very embarrassed, and quickly patted the wild camel's head to smooth things over: "What are you doing, people want to see you, why are you running..."


"Don't don't..."

"what are you doing?"

"Xiao Mu, don't mess around!"

Seeing Chen Mu's movements, the imams' eyes widened and they stopped immediately.

Chen Mu didn't expect everyone's reaction to be so big, he was a little frightened, took his hand off the wild camel's head, and explained: "It's all right, I'm just joking with it, no force, really no force ,Hey."

The imams looked at each other, chatted a few words, and quickly retreated to the gas station together.

Then, the old Uighur greeted Chen Mu from a distance: "Xiao Mu, come here."

Chen Mu patted the head of the idiot, and said, "Don't eat my saplings indiscriminately", and then walked quickly towards the old men.

"This is the big Mullah Alimu..."

When Chen Mu approached, the old Uyghur man introduced him.

Chen Mu knew that the Uighurs used to call imams mullahs, but not all imams could be called big mullahs, only those imams who had a profound knowledge of ancient scriptures were qualified to do so.

In other words, the white-bearded old man in front of him is a very powerful boss.

Facing the boss, Chen Mu immediately activated the halo of respect automatically, showing humility and kindness.

"I heard from Aizmat that you were the first to discover Hu Da's emissary. Although it was not Mu Silin, I still want to thank you for everything you have done for us..."

"Hu Da's envoy treats you differently from others, I hope you can treat it kindly..."

"If possible, please listen to the envoy's will more, and then convey our request to the envoy..."

The white-bearded old man talked a lot, as if he was preaching.

Chen Mu has been listening patiently, but he couldn't help it, and asked: "It can't speak, what can it say? What request do you want to convey to it? I can talk to it directly. Say, but I don’t know if it’s useful or not.”

The white-bearded old man tapped Chen Mu's forehead and then Chen Mu's heart, and said inscrutablely, "Hu Da is everywhere, use your heart to feel it."

When Chen Mu seemed to understand, the old man with white beard reluctantly looked at the wild camel in the distance, and finally turned and left.

A group of old men also left. They all had their own donkeys, and they walked very gracefully.

Chen Mu still couldn't figure it out, turned his head and glanced at the old Uyghur man, and half-jokingly said, "Uncle Aizmaiti, do you have any request to convey?"

The Uyghur old man thought about it seriously for a while, and said with emotion: "If Hu Da blesses you, and let sweet water flow from the well in our village again, that would be great."