I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 90: Always so biased


"May I ask who you are? What is your relationship with Dr. Chen?"

The reporter looked at Chen Mu and asked another question.

Chen Mu said: "I'm her friend. She's not awake yet. If you want to interview or something, I agree to let you do the interview when she wakes up, and you can come again."

The reporter asked again: "May I know your name?"

Chen Mu smiled and asked, "Why do you want to know my name?"

The reporter said, "Just asking casually."

"Oh, what's your name then?"

"Me? My name is Qian Jin."

"Qian Jin? Well, that's a nice name... Where are you a reporter from?"

"I'm a reporter for Life Reuters."

Chen Mu continued to ask with a smile: "I haven't heard of your media, isn't it those small studios that follow the path of self-media?"

The reporter shook his head, and said confidently, "We are invested by Tomorrow Toutiao, a serious media company."

Chen Mu showed a dazed expression: "Oh, that's right, it turned out to be a serious media company."

The reporter asked again: "Then can I know your name now?"

Chen Mu still smiled: "No!"


The reporter felt that he had been messed with, and after a slight pause, he asked unwillingly: "Then what kind of friend are you specifically Dr. Chen? Classmate? Colleague? Can you tell me?"

"you guess?"


Guess your sister, looking at Chen Mu's smiling face, the reporter really wanted to throw a punch.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Chen Mu quickly and proactively asked, "What kind of content is your "Life Reuters" mainly doing, and is it making money?"

It's none of your business whether you make money or not... The reporter didn't want to answer, but in order to find news, the other party didn't take the initiative to end the chat, so he patiently explained: "Our "Life Reuters" mainly reports on some local hot spots There are still a lot of readers for news, anecdotes, etc. As for making money, that is the boss's business, I don't know."

"That's not making money."

Chen Mu nodded, showing a very understanding and sympathetic expression.


The reporter choked for a moment, and before he could speak, he heard Chen Mu ask him again: "You said you have a lot of readers, how many are there?"

"Microwave has more than 10 million fans, and WeChat has more than one million fans"

"Wow, that's a lot..."

Chen Mu nodded, and asked again: "Is your content mainly based on pictures and texts, or mainly on videos?"


"Not bad... Well, if you sell an advertisement in your place, how much will it cost?"


The reporter felt that he had seen a lot of people, but he really couldn't keep up with this person's thinking. What does it mean to sell advertisements

Seeing that the reporter opened his mouth and said nothing, Chen Mu suddenly came over a little self-righteously: "Oh, I understand, these... You may not be high enough in your place, so I don't know, right?"

The reporter was even more speechless. He felt that he was really screwed, and this person definitely did it on purpose.

Chen Mu didn't know what the reporter was thinking, and said, "Okay, that's it, leave your contact information first, and when Dr. Chen wakes up, I'll ask for you to see if she wants to accept your interview."

The reporter had no choice but to leave, and he was a little terrified thinking that he must go to the nurse's station to check what this person's name was and who Chen Xiwen belonged to.

Chen Mu closed the door again, and casually put the reporter's contact information on the bedside table next to the hospital bed, planning to talk to Chen Xiwen about it after she woke up.

After a while, Chen Xiwen's parents rushed over.

When they saw their daughter was sick, they were very anxious, asked Chen Mu several questions, and then immediately called someone to transfer her to the VIP ward.

Not long after, several top leaders of the hospital came together.

They were obviously acquaintances with Chen Xiwen's parents, and after chatting for a few words, they became concerned about Chen Xiwen's condition.

Looking at the situation, Chen Mu knew that there was nothing wrong with him, so he turned around and walked to the sofa outside the VIP ward to lie down, found a blanket and covered himself, and fell asleep directly.

When I woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Chen Mu actually woke up from hunger. If he could stutter, he could continue to sleep until night.

Before going out to find something to eat, he first walked to Chen Xiwen's ward and took a look. Chen's father and mother were not there, and Chen Xiwen was the only one inside looking at his phone.

Chen Mu walked in and asked, "Is it better?"

Chen Xiwen was lying on the bed, his face was very pale, and he looked not in good spirits.

She put down her mobile phone, didn't answer, and asked instead: "You sent me to the hospital yesterday, right?"


Chen Mu chuckled, waved his hands and said, "It's a trivial matter, don't thank me."

"Thank you for sending me to the hospital, but..."

Chen Xiwen said something angrily, and then directly handed the phone to Chen Mu: "Look at this."

Chen Mu took the phone in bewilderment, looked at it, and when he saw clearly the content displayed on the phone page, he couldn't help but laugh on the spot.

It was a newsletter WeChat article about the "most beautiful doctor for poverty alleviation" who fell ill during the free clinic and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

But that's not the point. The point is that at the end of the article, a lot of space was spent describing that the female doctor was sent to the hospital by a mysterious man surnamed Chen.

The article mentions in very vague terms that after the reporter's investigation, this man is rich, owns a lot of properties in the local area, and also has a profitable travel company in his hand. He is a young man who looks like a local tyrant. "Doctors for Poverty" have a very special relationship.

"Mist Grass..."

Chen Mu looked at this article, and the face of the reporter named "Qian Jin" came to mind last night, and he couldn't help but marvel: "This dude is too good at making up, how did I become worth tens of millions?" Are you a big local tyrant?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

Chen Xiwen asked a little angrily.

Chen Mu briefly talked about the reporter's visit yesterday, then pointed to the contact information on Chen Xiwen's bedside and said, "I said I'll ask you when you wake up, but I didn't expect it was only such a night. , This buddy has already written the article."

Chen Xiwen understood, took a look at the contact information, shook his head and said, "Fortunately, this is just an article posted by a small self-media column. The number of readers is not very large, so it shouldn't matter."

Chen Mu read the article again, and sighed with regret: "If I had known this, I would have given him my name, and asked him to help with an advertisement by the way."

Chen Xiwen frowned, a little speechless, thinking to himself: This person...why does he always pay so much attention