I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 91: look at you


Seeing that Chen Xiwen's fever had subsided and his parents were taking care of him, Chen Mu rushed back to the gas station alone after eating.

He has a lot of work waiting in his hands, and it must be done as soon as possible.

Back at the gas station, it was almost evening.

On the day he was gone, the children were still planting trees for him.

He looked at the new seedlings in the forest farm, and he was generally satisfied, without any major mistakes or omissions.

Because the children completed the work without his supervision, Chen Mu specially rewarded each of them with a piece of Shaqima, and the children were very happy.

Good performance should be rewarded, and poor performance should be punished. This is the most basic operation in management. Of course, Chen Mu will not let the children work hard.

"Brother Mu, a few coyotes came to the forest farm today."

When the children were eating Shaqima, the child King Hazi ran over to report to Chen Mu about today's work.


Chen Mu has been here for so long, and although he has heard about it all the time, he has never seen a coyote with his own eyes.

He checked online before, and the coyotes that the locals called were probably jackals or Xia Guo jackals. They were smaller and less ferocious than real wolves.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of coyote will not attack people. After all, they are too small. They do not pose much threat to a normal adult, so no one takes coyote seriously.

Hearing what Hazi said at this time, Chen Mu couldn't help thinking about it, the children were working for him in the forest, what if they were attacked by those hyenas

It's a safety hazard...

Chen Mu asked, "How many coyotes are there? What did they do after they came?"

Hazi replied: "After they came, they saw us and left quickly. Well, I think it's because the forest here is bigger now, and they like it here, so they came here."

Chen Mu never thought about this issue, but now that he thinks about it, it really is such a thing.

More and more saplings are being planted, and the forest is constantly expanding. Of course, places with plants will attract small animals, and the appearance of coyotes is also logical.

"In this case... the vitality value should increase?"

Chen Mu is a little uncertain. After all, the animals attracted by the forest may not necessarily be foreign. They may have been within the scope of the black technology map, or they may have come from outside the map.

But no matter what, the forest is bigger and the environment is better, which is conducive to the growth and reproduction of animals. This is for sure. It can only be said that the vitality value will become more and more in the future, and the prospect is promising.

Hazi added: "I don't know if the coyotes will live here in the future. If so, we will have to carry knives when we work."

What Chen Mu didn't expect, Hazi thought of.

Chen Mu thought about when he was the same age as Hazi, he was often forgetful, how could he take care of himself, but looking at the mature Uyghur boy in front of him, he couldn't help but feel that the saying "children of the poor are already in charge of the family" is really true .

Patting Hazi's head, Chen Mu said, "What kind of knives do you like? Next time I will take you to the town to pick one, and buy one for you all."


Hazi was both surprised and delighted.

Chen Mu nodded: "Of course it's true. When the time comes, each person will be equipped with one, so you don't have to be afraid of coyotes when you're working."

"That's great."

Hazi was so happy that he almost jumped up, and immediately turned his head and rushed to his friends, announcing the good news in Uighur.

After hearing this, the children shouted "Axia Song" happily, and some even jumped up and danced.

Chen Mu watched and couldn't help but smile.

The knife that these children like is the traditional Yingjisha knife, also known as the Kucha knife.

This kind of knife has been sold as a handicraft, and many shops will have it.

It has a bit of Arabian style, the blade is curved, the body is flat and shiny, the handle is inlaid with various gemstone ornaments, and it is also equipped with a leather sheath, which is very beautiful.

Children like this kind of knife, they feel that wearing it on their body will make them look very heroic.

It's just because the family is usually poor and can't sell them. Now Chen Mu said he would buy one for each of them, and immediately set them all on fire.

After sending the children away, Chen Mu sat on the stone chair, secretly called out the black technology map, and searched for the traces of coyotes.

Soon, Chen Mu found the group of hyenas he was looking for.

Those coyotes did not leave his forest farm, they were still in a small corner on the far east.

To Chen Mu's surprise, besides the hyenas, Hu Xiaoer's family and wild ducks were shown on the map.

At this time, the hyenas stood on one side, and Hu Xiaoer's family and the wild ducks stood on the other side, and the two sides were obviously confronting each other.

"What's the matter? How did these two guys stand aside? When did they turn enemies into friends?"

Chen Mu was a little curious, looking at Hu Xiaoer and Ye Yazi, these two guys have always been life and death enemies, and for some reason they have agreed to the outside world.

Although I don't know what happened, I can see that they and the coyotes are in conflict.


Hu Xiaoer spat out his vocal cords and let out an "ang" roar, then he and his wife immediately stepped forward.

Almost at the same time, the wild duck also flapped its wings, pretending to open its teeth and claws, and followed it forward.

The coyotes let out a few "humming" sounds and backed away a little.

Hu Xiaoer got "high" again and continued to move forward.

The three little female camels and the wild duck followed closely behind, never falling behind.

The coyotes backed off again.

Accompanied by the ugly roar of "ang ang", one side advances and the other retreats. Finally, the hyenas collectively turned around and ran away into the distance, disappearing in the desert in a short while.

Hu Xiaoer didn't chase, stopped roaring, just stood at the front, pursed his lips and watched the disappearing figures of the coyotes, motionless, like a thinker.

Three small female camels stood behind her husband, sniffing her husband's sexy buttocks, as if to persuade him to go back.

On the other hand, the wild duck continued to flap its wings, suddenly exerted force on its feet, jumped up, and "flyed" onto Hu Xiaoer's back.

Hu Xiaoer looked at the wild duck in a blink of an eye, but he didn't drive it away, just let the wild duck stay on his back, then turned around and walked back slowly.

The wild duck retracted its wings and nestled lazily on Hu Xiaoer's hump. While turning its head, it pecked its own feathers with its beak from time to time, looking very comfortable.

Chen Mu was stunned, completely unable to understand the diplomatic relations in the animal world.

These two guys were clearly enemies a few days ago, but today they are so in love with each other, it's really unexpected.

For three consecutive days, Chen Mu spent every day at the forest farm.

That night, the children followed the Uyghur old man to leave the gas station. The Uyghur old man suddenly pulled Chen Mu and said, "Our village received a notice today that the leaders of the town will visit several villages near us in a few days, and they also said Come to the gas station to have a look, well, you have to be prepared."

Chen Mu was taken aback for a moment: "What are you looking at at the gas station?"

The old Uighur said, "Look at you."

"Look at me?"

"Yes, look at you!"