I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 92: Mayor


"What's interesting about me?"

Chen Mu really didn't know what was interesting about him, so he bothered the mayor to go there himself.

The old Uighur quickly explained to him, and he realized that the tourists he brought not only made money for the people in the nearby villages, but also brought great economic benefits to Bahe Town.

No matter whether they come or go, tourists must make a transfer in Bahe Town. They need to spend money to eat and drink in the town, and they can also drive the trade of local products, which greatly promotes the economic development of the town.

Moreover, Chen Mu's farmhouse entertainment can be regarded as creating a new economic growth point for the local economy. The most urgent thing to do in the town now is to develop the economy. If the experience of farmhouse entertainment here can be copied to other villages, it will definitely be great. A new way to develop the economy.

The old Uyghur also said that a few days ago, Kurbanjiang was called to a meeting in the town, and the leaders of the town took Kurbanjiang to talk a lot, focusing on the farmhouse entertainment project they were engaged in.

The reason why the mayor came to visit this time was because he wanted to "learn from the scriptures".

After Chen Mu listened to it, he suddenly felt that he had grown taller.

It turns out that the farmhouse music he made casually can be raised to such a height.

If you want to come, come...

Chen Mu didn't care anymore, anyway, no matter who came, he felt that his life would go on as usual.

Planting trees and raising seedlings are the most important things for him at present

Everything else is secondary.

It has to be mentioned that as more and more trees are planted, the vitality value he can obtain per day has exceeded 20,000.

Moreover, every sapling planted in the ground will bring him a one-time increase in vitality value, so during this period of time, his vitality value has increased very fast.

five days later.

The 500,000 vitality points were finally enough, Chen Mu chose to upgrade without hesitation.

The upgrade was very fast this time, and the upgrade was completed after only one day of standby.

Chen Mu opened the map again, and there was no change in the interface, but the moment he opened the map, he heard a voice like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, chanting: "The prince of a hundred miles, the virtue of the government is benevolence, and the rules and regulations of the four people are loved by the people." Of."

What the hell

Chen Mu remembered that when he first got the black technology map, he had heard similar chanting, but his level of classical Chinese was not very good, so he couldn't understand it at all.

However, after the interface was opened, there were four new items at the top of the map.

They are "Scholar", "Nong", "Worker" and "Business".

Each project has a progress bar, the progress bar of "Shi" is 10%, the progress bar of "Nong" is more than 50%, the progress bar of "Work" is almost zero, and the progress bar of "Business" is five percent.

Chen Mu was a little confused about the use of these progress bars. He tried to "touch" with his consciousness, but there was no response at all. It seems that this cannot be clicked. He can only find a way to make the progress bar full. What's the use.

Let go of what you don't understand, and sooner or later you will know.

Chen Mu has been completely annoyed by this black-tech map without instructions, and his mentality has become particularly good. After upgrading, he will completely let go of this.

Two days later, the mayor of Bahe Town really came.

Before eight o'clock in the morning, Ma Qiuxi, a 43-year-old female town mayor, came to the gas station with three people in a dilapidated little Santana.

Kurbanjiang and the old Uighurs came to the gas station early to wait. When they saw the female mayor, they immediately greeted them and shook hands.

Chen Mu followed reluctantly, and couldn't help but yawned.

It was too early today, usually he would not get up until at least 9:30, and being abruptly pulled up from the bed by the Uighur old man made him really uncomfortable.

Taking a look at the female mayor, the female mayor is dark and short, and looks ugly.

But the white clothes on his body are very straight, giving people the impression that he is a meticulous person.

Before this, the Uighur old man and Kurbanjiang told him some things about the female mayor, but it was only at this time that he could slowly combine the image of the female mayor with those things and establish the most intuitive impression.

The surname Ma is not common. The old Uighurs said that the female mayor is from the southwest and is from the Miao nationality.

She also said that her family was poor since she was a child, and she often didn't even have enough to eat, so she had to drop out of school and stay at home to help with farm work.

Later, a well-meaning county leader learned about her situation during the inspection, and was very sympathetic, and offered to pay for her to go to school, so that she finally avoided the fate of dropping out of school.

Relying on the support of the county leader, the female mayor studied hard and was finally admitted to university.

Because she was grateful for the help of the county leader, the female mayor directly took the civil servant examination after graduation, and she was determined to learn from the county leader, become a public servant of the people, and try her best to help more people in need.

For so many years, she has been rooted in the Northwest, hard-working, down-to-earth work, very respected in Bahe Town, and became the only female mayor of a town under the jurisdiction of X City.

The story is very inspirational, and the people are also very good.

Anyway, Chen Mu felt that if he put himself in the same position as the female mayor, he would definitely not be able to do what the female mayor did.

"Are you Chen Mu? Hello."

Chen Muzheng was a little fussy, and the female mayor was playing with the old Uighurs and Kurbanjiang, and came over to say hello to him.

"Mayor Ma, hello!"

Chen Mu automatically switched to civilian mode, and respectfully reached out to shake the rough hand of the female mayor.

Although the female mayor may look short, her hands are very strong. It feels like being held by her hands is like being clamped by a pair of iron pliers. You have to grab back hard to hold on.

"Chen Mu, I have heard of your name a long time ago. You have brought many tourists here for a while, and have greatly changed the economic conditions of nearby villages. On behalf of the Bahe Township Government, I must thank you .”

The female mayor was full of spirit, and her official accent was very formal. Chen Mu could only politely respond with a few words: "Thank you, Mayor Ma, for your praise", "I will definitely continue to work hard in the future", "I can help everyone in the village." I am also very honored that everyone contributes." Try to be as decent as possible.

The female mayor smiled: "I have been an official for a long time, and I have become a habit of using an official accent. There is no way to change it, but you are like this at a young age, isn't it wrong?"

Chen Mu was a little embarrassed, he chuckled and didn't dare to say anything.

The female mayor said: "Chen Mu, can you introduce to me the farmhouse you run, and the land you just contracted, how do you plan to develop it, well, you can also talk about the specific difficulties you have encountered, See if there's anything in town that can help."


Must have!

Chen Mu almost opened his mouth to ask for the money directly, but after thinking about it, it was a waste of time to say it, so he swallowed it back.

After pondering for a while, he felt that it would be more convincing to introduce the "experience" first, and then mention the "difficulties", so he started talking about how the farmhouse music started.