I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 93: Agricultural businessman


"I met those people by accident. I thought that since they like food, I should introduce them to Aunt Gu Li and let them taste real authentic food..."

"They like my arrangement very much. They have been together for a few days, and everyone has become friends. This is why they are willing to help me promote it after returning..."

"These people are actually not short of money, so as long as we are not outrageous and not too deceitful, they don't care about it..."

"When people come here, what they experience is a local characteristic, so some things can't be too commercial, and the original taste is the best..."

Chen Muxu was chattering, and he found that the female mayor liked to talk in a chatty way, and she listened with great interest, and would interject a sentence from time to time, asking some small questions, and the atmosphere became very harmonious and very good.

"Chen Mu, you made money just to plant trees? Then why are you planting trees?"

The female mayor knew that Chen Mu had contracted the land to plant trees, so she wanted to ask about it.

Chen Mu didn't hide his intentions. In fact, he had nothing to say except things related to the black technology map.

Making money is to plant trees, and planting trees is to make more money. This is his basic logic.

In other places, planting trees for money does not sound so noble, but here, the act itself is a noble thing.

Not everyone is willing to pay in this desert, not everyone can bear the hardship, and not everyone can plant trees to make money.

If you are willing to invest in the land and plant trees, as long as you do this, it is a contribution to the local area. If you can make money from it, it will be even more remarkable, and everyone will give you a thumbs up.

Of course, only people like Chen Mu who have hidden gold fingers will feel that planting trees is a sure-fire business and fearless.

In the ears of the female mayor, it was a completely different feeling. I just felt that this young man was really willing to go all out for this piece of land. After all, the 50-year land contract period cannot be faked. Words are real gold and silver.

"Okay, great, really good!"

The female mayor nodded her head, looking at someone with admiration, the expression was like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, as if if she really had a daughter, she might immediately make a good deal.

A certain person swallowed, thinking that he had blown too much, this thing is self-defeating if not careful, and the side effects are particularly serious.

"Take me to your forest farm."

The female mayor asked for it.

Chen Mu had nothing to do, and led the female mayor to the forest farm.

"We mainly grow seabuckthorn and Haloxylon here, and Haloxylon is more, mainly because we are trying to grow Cistanche..."

"Generally speaking, the Haloxylon tree becomes a tree in two to three years, and the seeds of Cistanche are at the bottom, and it will take two to three years to succeed in taking over. Therefore, if you want to see benefits, it takes a long time. Well, it is full of uncertainties. …”

"However, I got the Haloxylon seedlings here from the XX Forestry Company in X City, and they are easy to survive, so I planted Cistanche, because they can be successfully picked up faster..."

"These jujube saplings are newly planted. Didn't they say that there is a new jujube factory in Kusu County? Recently, they can't receive dates, and the source of dates is in short supply, so I want to try planting dates to see if I can open up a new way." Come… "

The female mayor is very familiar with the saplings that are suitable for local planting, and she doesn't need Chen Mu's introduction at all, she can tell three, two, and one by herself.

She walked to a Haloxylon sapling that had just been planted not long ago and observed it, then nodded with a smile: "This is a seedling obtained by XX Forestry Company? It really grows well, and it looks much better than ordinary Haloxylon seedlings. "

Chen Mu hurriedly introduced some of the characteristics of this seedling that Anarguri had told him before, and incidentally added a sentence, saying that the seedlings he raised had already started to be sold by the forestry company in the town.

"You still raise seedlings yourself?"

The female mayor was surprised and delighted, and immediately asked Chen Mu to take her to the nursery ground.

Chen Mu has been thinking about how to get subsidies from the imperial court. There are roughly three types of subsidies from the imperial court for tree planting: one is the subsidy for cultivating improved seeds, the other is the subsidy for afforestation, and the other is the subsidy for raising trees.

The seed breeding subsidy is very simple, that is, the seedling subsidy.

Afforestation subsidies are also easy to understand, that is, tree planting subsidies.

As for tending subsidies, they are mainly subsidies for the maintenance and repair of forest areas and some logistics.

If you want these subsidies, you can't just plant a few trees and get them. First, the subject who applies for the subsidies must have the qualifications recognized by the court.

He and Yakashi Village have just established a cooperative, and the forestry company has not even obtained a license. It is not qualified to apply for subsidies. Under normal circumstances, it will take at least one year to apply.

Therefore, only let the leader inspect the situation, recognize what he has done, and leave an impression, so that he has the opportunity to apply for court subsidies as soon as possible.

"This is my experimental site for raising seedlings here, with a total of twenty acres..."

"Although the scale is still a bit small now, our seedlings are very popular in the market. The first batch of seedlings sold is 10,000, and now the second batch of 100,000 is being prepared..."

"If the sales can become bigger in the future, I will expand the scale of seedlings..."

"You can take a look, my seedlings are really good, just like what I have introduced to you before, our seedlings have a particularly well-developed root system, so they are resistant to drought and wind, cold and barren..."

"The Haloxylon tree grown from this seedling is especially good for the cultivation of Cistanche..."

Chen Mu was not at all twitchy, he just opened his mouth to blow, and facing the female mayor was like facing a customer.

He is very clear in his heart that the imperial court is actually the most important customer in the sapling sales market. There is an Arbor Day every year, tree planting tasks every year, and project subsidies every year. The demand for saplings in the town is also very large. If you can get some orders , It is enough for Chen Mu, a small seedling farm, to be full.

The female mayor is an expert, and she won't just listen to Chen Mu's self-promotion. She looked at the Haloxylon seedlings that Chen Mu pulled out, and honestly gave her affirmation: "Yes, this stem does grow well."

Walking and walking, a group of people soon came to the place where the children were working.

The female mayor looked at these children, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why don't the children go to school?"

Chen Mu didn't say a word, Kurbanjiang took the initiative to come forward and explained to the female mayor. After listening to the female mayor, she shook her head: "No matter how far away you are, you should try your best to encourage children to go to school. As a village cadre , think about their future."

Kurbanjiang was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

Probably because of her own experience, the female mayor has a particularly stubborn idea about going to school, and she said: "I also understand that you must have your difficulties, but the old saying is good: No agriculture is not stable. , No work, no wealth, no business, no life, no scholars, no prosperity. If a place’s children don’t go to school and have a low level of education, it won’t prosper here…”

The female mayor spoke earnestly about the importance of children going to school, and Kurbanjiang was too ashamed to speak.

However, Chen Mu was stunned because of the old saying said by the female mayor, and thought like lightning and thunder in his mind: "Farmers, workers, merchants, scholars... Could it be... this is the meaning of Diansi Simin? "