I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 94: Let's talk about cooperation


When he saw the progress bar of "Scholar, Agriculture, Industry and Commerce" before, Chen Mu thought about the meaning of the map. He wondered if he needed to develop these four areas in the local area to fill up the progress bar.

Of course, he also thought that the development of these four aspects should be regarded as the responsibility of the imperial court. His strength alone is limited. If the map really means this, it will be more difficult to fill up the progress bar.

Now, after hearing what the female mayor said, he suddenly realized that some things were not completely without chance.

For example, let children go to school, if it is done properly, it can still be done.

"Persuading the children to go to school, can the progress bar go up?"

"Their original school is not within the range of the map... um..."

"Could it be that the progress bar can only increase if the child goes to school within the map range?"

"Only trying to build a school?!"

Chen Mu's mind quickly turned, and various doubts and thoughts appeared alternately.

On the other hand, the female mayor's words became more and more clear, and the educational significance became more and more profound. The "incompetent" village head, Kurbanjiang, almost stuck her head in her crotch.

Chen Mu came back to his senses, and after thinking for a while, he took the initiative to say: "Mayor Ma, this matter has nothing to do with Brother Kurbanjiang, I brought the children here to help, um, I can promise you, wait If I get back the money for the saplings this time, I will donate 100,000 yuan to build a school for the children."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Chen Mu.

Chen Mu continued: "I can pay up to 100,000 now, and I don't know if it's enough. Anyway, if it's not enough, I'll make it up later when I have money."

Chen Mu really didn't know if he could build a school with 100,000 yuan, but he had read a report before. It was said that a person could build a school by donating 100,000 yuan to the Hope Project, so he wanted to give it a try.

"Chen Mu, are you telling the truth?"

The female mayor looked at Chen Mu in surprise, feeling that the young man gave her too many surprises today.

Chen Mu nodded: "Mayor Ma, I mean it."

He has decided to spend 100,000 yuan to see if he can move the progress bar.

The old Uyghur man remained silent all this time, so he quickly stood up and stopped him: "One hundred thousand yuan is not a small amount, Xiao Mu, you should think it over before making a decision."

"Uncle Aizmaiti, I have already decided. I will donate 100,000 yuan to build a school and choose a good address so that children from several nearby villages can come to school."


The female mayor clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Chen Mu, since you are willing to donate 100,000 yuan, then our town has to contribute. If 100,000 yuan is not enough to build a school, then the town will pay for the excess. "

When Chen Mu heard this, it was a good feeling. At first, he thought that one hundred thousand yuan was not enough, and he might have to make up for it in the future. Now that the town is willing to pay part of it, there is no need to worry.

Things were settled, the female mayor stopped swearing, and she seemed to be in a particularly good mood. After visiting Chen Mu's small forest farm, she asked him if he had any difficulties that the town needed to solve and cooperate with.

Chen Mu was waiting for this, and hurriedly asked the town to help sell the seedlings he raised, and the female mayor agreed without saying a word.

After staying at the gas station for nearly two hours, the female mayor finally followed Kurbanjiang to Yakashi village.

The Uyghur old man pulled Chen Mu aside, and asked worriedly, "Xiao Mu, have you really decided to donate money to build a school?"

"Well, think it over!"

Chen Mu nodded.

"You child..."

The Uighur old man sighed softly, and patted him on the shoulder: "The old man doesn't know what to say, um, thank you is too light."

"Uncle, since we want to build a school, we need to find teachers. We can't do this alone. You will have to go to the town to find someone to help."

"No problem, old man, I will go to the town in a few days and ask my former comrades-in-arms for help."

After the mayor left, Chen Mu quickly returned to raising seedlings.

I don’t know what the female mayor saw in Yakash Village. Anyway, the old Uyghur man told Chen Mu, with a smile on his face, saying that the female mayor had already let go, and that next year she would nominate Yakash Village It is a "model village".

Chen Mu didn't know the meaning of this "model village", but seeing the old man happy, he was also happy for him.

In the next six or seven days, he asked his children to help him plant 20 acres of seedlings, densely packed, just like growing crops.

During the day, he cut the cuttings, and at night, he used the energy he exchanged to plant the 20 acres of land.

Under the action of the vitality value, the seedlings grow very fast. It seems that these cuttings should be able to grow into seedlings in less than half a month.

Everything went very well until noon that day, when an unexpected visitor came to the gas station.

"Hi, I'm from Shenshi, Guangnan Province, my name is Yu Hannan, and I'm currently running a travel agency."

That man was a fat man, and when he came to hand over his business card to Chen Mu, his head was sweating, and he was wearing a suit of suit, which made people feel uncomfortable for him.

Chen Mu took the business card and looked at it. There were words like "Shenshi Pengcheng Travel Agency", "General Manager", "Yu Hannan" and the contact information on it.

"Hello, hello, are you here..."

"I'm here to discuss cooperation with you."

Yu Hannan took out his handkerchief, wiped his sweat, and said with a smile: "Recently, your place is very popular, and there are articles written by tourists who have been to your place on the Internet. I read a few of them and found them very interesting." Interested, so I came here in person, wanting to have a look at the situation and talk to you about cooperation.”

"What kind of cooperation method?"

Chen Mu looked at the fat man and thought that this man was quite interesting.

Speak frankly and don't beat around the bush, at least the first impression is not bad.

Yu Hannan said: "I think you will entrust us with the market in Guangnan. Our travel agency will conduct unified promotion, unified pricing, and unified distribution of tours."

"Then what good am I?"

"In this way, the tourist resources you get from Guangnan Province will greatly increase in the future, and then become stable. To put it bluntly, we will help you build a market, and you will develop the market in Guangnan Province without spending a penny. gone."

"Sounds good."

Chen Mu thought for a while, and then said, "I don't know how big your travel agency is, but you want a market in a province as soon as you come, so you have to pay something?"

Yu Hannan seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and he opened his mouth and said: "As long as you are willing to cooperate with us, I can promise you that I will send you here at least five regiments every month, and each regiment will have no less than ten people. It's the most conservative estimate."

Five groups... It doesn't seem like a lot, but if you can keep coming every month, it seems like a lot.

Chen Mu thought about the situation on his side. With their current manpower, they can entertain ten groups every month without stopping. Yu Hannan promised five at once. If they want to eat them, then it is true It is necessary to recruit troops and expand the scale.

"You can stay here first. My partner will come back tonight. I will discuss it with him and give you an answer."

Chen Mu felt that it was necessary to discuss this matter with Fatty first. Anyway, he had let Fatty completely hand over the farmhouse to Fatty. When Fatty came back, he and Yu Hannan would be singled out.