I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 95: Flourish


In the afternoon, the fat man came back.

"If you are free in the future, you can come again. I also hope that you can introduce more single friends and tell them how beautiful our girls are, okay?"

"Definitely, definitely, come again next time, Tour Guide Ma, remember what you said to buy me a drink!"

"No problem, you can't drink enough, you can't spend much money on drinks."

"We take turns feeding you to death."

"Take turns, and you are the ones who will be force-fed to death."

"Ha ha… "

The fat man coaxed the tourists to be very happy. When they got on the bus, they all felt like they had become friends with the fat man and said goodbye.

Because of the increasing number of tourists, Chen Mu has now booked a bus in Bahe Town to pick up and drop off tourists between the town and the gas station. Tell him about Hannan.

"The promise of five regiments per month wants us to hand over the market of a province to him? That's not okay. I'll talk to him for a while."

After the fat man heard it, he immediately went up against the case, as if he had been insulted so much, he went to find Yu Hannan angrily.

Looking at the back of this guy, Chen Mu felt relieved. From now on, the stall will be completely handed over to him, and he can just plant trees.

In the past two days, he is researching the planting of Cistanche. The growth process of this thing is very interesting. Its seeds are worth more than gold. After being sprinkled into the soil, it will emit a plant message, luring the roots of the Haloxylon tree to approach past, and then penetrated into its seed.

This process is the takeover.

After the tray is completed, Cistanche deserticola, which does not carry out photosynthesis itself, can carry out photosynthesis through the Haloxylon tree, and then absorb nutrients from the Haloxylon tree in an endless stream, and then grow.

After two or three years, Cistanche will slowly emerge from the ground, bloom blue and white flowers, and sow its own seeds. At this time, it will be able to harvest.

From then on, as long as the Cistanche and Haloxylon trees continue to be harvested, it can continue to grow and harvest.

In the market, because of the high medicinal value of Cistanche, it is known as desert ginseng, warming and nourishing kidney, detoxification and fitness, so it has always been sold at a very expensive price.

The wild cistanche has reached more than two thousand per catty, and the cultivated ones have also reached three to four hundred.

As for those that cost tens of dollars to more than a hundred, they are not real Cistanche, but a plant called Cistanche. Although it is also called Cistanche, Cistanche and Cistanche are two different species. Not the same thing.

Now Chen Mu's problem is that he feels that after the seeds of Cistanche are planted, it will take two or three years to harvest. This time is a bit too long, so he wonders whether he can use the vitality value to "stimulate" the growth.

However, he is also worried that haste makes waste.

Although the vitality value can speed up the growth, but I don't know if it can speed up the connection of Cistanche and Haloxylon roots. If it really can't speed up the connection, then the vitality value is tantamount to wasting in vain.

Now there are many places where he needs to use the vitality value, not to mention the seedlings, just the jujube seedlings that have just been planted, and the vitality value must also be used to change the soil environment and make them grow better.

"Let's take a look first, and wait for them to take over by themselves. Anyway, it's a good thing if they can grow them. If they can't grow them, there won't be too much loss. Don't worry."

After careful consideration for a long time, Chen Mu still decided to let go of the Cistanche for a while, and use the vitality points in the field where the jujube trees were planted.

According to the knowledge about planting jujube trees that Anargul told him before, after the jujube tree seedlings are planted, it will take two to three years to fully grow and bear fruit.

At this time, jujubes grow best. As long as the water and soil are in good condition and the sunshine time is long enough, its sweetness will be high enough to meet the jujube harvesting standard of jujube factories.

Chen Mu felt that if the vitality value was used, the jujube tree should grow faster and bear fruit. Although he didn't know the specific effect, he was very much looking forward to it.

After a while, the fat man came back again.

I don't know how he talked with Yu Hannan. When he came back, he pretended to say: "Boss, I have already negotiated. That fat man surnamed Yu has already agreed to pay 500,000, let us build a building here." For a guest house, we only need to give him a 40% share every year, and after ten years, the share will be over, and the guest house will completely belong to us."

Can it still be like this

Chen Mu was shocked by this guy, and after thinking about it, he asked, "What if the guest house doesn't make money? Do you want to share it?"

"Of course you don't need to share if you don't make money... Well, I forgot to mention it just now. I don't know if I can ask him for money instead. After all, he can't just share without paying operating expenses."


Chen Mu was speechless.

He always thought that his face was enough, but he didn't expect this guy to be more shameless than him.

"I'm going to ask now, boss, you wait."

"Shut up, you!"

Chen Mu looked at this guy with hatred: "People are willing to invest money to build a guest house, and we still make it a loss... How incompetent is this? Do you have the nerve to ask someone for money? Is it ashamed to lose it?"


The fat man thought about it for a while, and finally nodded, nodded and said, "After the guest house is built, we can really recruit a few more people."

Chen Mu felt relieved when he heard the words. After all, he started this career from scratch. Seeing it grow stronger, he couldn't help but want to recall the beautiful years of hard work...

"Boss, there is one more thing."

Before Boss Chen came to reminisce, the fat man interrupted him: "I think tourists can't just take them to Yakash Village when they come. After all, the village is too small and the resettlement conditions are limited. We must develop a few more villages. To receive guests."

Chen Mu thought about it and felt right.

The villages in the desert are very small and the population is not large. It was easy to entertain when there were few tourists in the past, but now it is not enough if you want to expand your business.

Just imagine, now only one group of ten people is brought over every three days, and the village is already stretched. What if one group is brought there every day? Or how about three groups per day

All in all, as Fatty said, we need to develop a few more villages for farmhouse entertainment, so as to satisfy the future development.

"Which villages have you seen?"

As Chen Mu asked, he opened the black technology map and prepared to inspect the environment.

The fat man took out the paper map: "Boss, look, this is Yakash Village, a little further east..."

The two discussed for a while, and finally decided on three new villages to become the new three lines. They were going to let the old Uighurs go and talk about it later, so that they could get ready and bring tourists to them in the future.

Because of their previous experience, they thought of a lot, such as paying some money, asking the people in the village to decorate the facade in advance, and preparing some beautiful bowls, chopsticks, cups and saucers for serving rice and vegetables... Anyway, they are all in For places that don't cost much, do some superficial work so that tourists can have a better impression of the village after they come.