I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 96: Not a fool


"The sapling... finally came."

As soon as the forestry company's car entered Shamen Township, Eddie Queenie saw it.

He has been waiting by the side of the road into the village, and as soon as the car for transporting the saplings arrives, he goes there and leads people to drive to his home, and unloads the saplings in the wooden shed in the backyard.

"You follow me, try to drive as slowly as possible, the road into our village is not easy."

Queenie took a look at Eddie's saplings in the car, couldn't help grinning, then started his tractor ahead, and slowly moved forward along the rough road.

After the big storm, he borrowed a large sum of money from the credit union in the county, first cleaned up the mess, and then started to buy seedlings.

He first bought 10,000 seedlings, and after planting all the 10,000 seedlings, he continued to order 100,000 seedlings, spending nearly 70,000 to 80,000 at once, the money he borrowed from the credit union. It took almost half of it.

Everyone in the village advised him to take it easy, and even his wife would say something about him in private from time to time, saying that he was aggressive and worried about him.

Queenie and Eddie could understand his wife's worry. You must know that since he contracted the wasteland to plant trees, he has been borrowing money from the credit union, and he has already borrowed nearly 300,000 yuan.

Almost half of the money he borrowed was lost due to a storm. After the storm, he borrowed another 300,000 yuan, which was mortgaged by his own house. If he failed again, he and his family would have no place to hide. .

Although he was in debt, Queenie Hardy was very confident, because he knew that these saplings were good, and he felt that these saplings would definitely make him a lot of money in the future, so even if the price was more expensive than ordinary saplings, he was willing to buy them .

"Queenie and Eddie, are you really buying saplings again?"

After entering the village, he saw a man on a motorcycle smiling at him.

Seeing the man's face clearly, Queenie turned Eddie's face slightly tense, and his mouth, which had been grinning because he saw the saplings on the car, also pursed his lips.

The man's name was Paletahon, and he was a villager who grew up with him.

As children, Queenie and Eddie were very close and have always been best friends.

But things changed when I was in high school.

Queenie and Eddie's family background is not good, and his academic performance is not good, so he dropped out of school early.

But Paletahun's grades were good. After three years of high school, he was finally admitted to a junior college. After graduation, he became a small cadre in a cannery in the village.

Queenie Eddy envied Paletahon at first, and always told others that Paletahon was his best friend, but after saying this for a long time, he gradually heard from other people that Paletahon He always told people that Queenie Tuedy was not his friend. Since then, Queenie Tuedy would never tell others that Paletahon was his good friend, because he knew that Paletahon looked down on him.

Everyone in the village knew that Queenie Tuedi had borrowed money to contract to plant trees in the wasteland, and Paletahon naturally knew about it.

Paletahon once laughed at Queenie Tuedi to his face, saying that he was stupid, why can't he do anything with money, but contracted wasteland to plant trees, such a thankless task, no one with a little brain would do it.

The forest farm of Queenie Tuedi was hit by a storm before, and almost all the saplings were wiped out. Paletahon gloated a lot in the village, saying that he knew it would happen, if Queenie Tuedy continued to do this , Sooner or later, he will lose his fortune... Eddie has heard about these Queenie spit from others. Like, a fool.

Unexpectedly, just after buying the saplings today, I met Paletahong again.

"Queenie and Eddie, I said, are you really out of your mind? If you borrow money to buy saplings from your house, you will become nothing in the future."

Paletahon looked at Queenie spitting out Eddie, showing a look of grief, but the attitude of a group of smart people facing a big fool was undoubtedly revealed in the words.

Queenie told Eddie that he was not a good talker. After hearing what Paletahon said, he held the steering wheel of the tractor tightly with his hands and said in a low voice, "I will definitely make my money back."

"Earn it back? What do you earn? Do you take these saplings?"

Paletahong stared at Queenie Tuedy condescendingly, with a playful smile on his face.

"Yes, these saplings will definitely make me money back."

Queenie is very optimistic about the prospects of these saplings. For him, as long as there are these saplings, he no longer has to worry about big storms.

Paletahon shook his head: "Queenie Toeddie, you are a fool, if there is another big storm, you will have nothing, just like those beggars."

After speaking, Paletahon rode his motorcycle and quickly left.

Looking at Paletahon's back, Queenie Tuedi gritted his teeth, looked at his newly bought saplings, finally calmed down, and then continued to lead the forestry company's car to his home.

go home.

Queenie's parents, wife, and children all came out of the house to watch the forestry company unload 100,000 saplings and move them into the wooden shed behind the house.

"Are these saplings really that good?"

Queenie Tuedi’s mother is a fat Uighur aunt. Looking at the bundles of saplings, she couldn’t help nagging her son: “Why don’t you buy more? Can’t you buy them after planting them?” ?”

Queenie said that Eddie didn't want to talk about this with his mother, because the mother would always talk back. He took a small cloth bag and handed it to his wife: "Put this away and put it out of the child's reach."

"What's this?"

The wife took the cloth bag and touched it. The contents inside looked like sand, so she asked her husband.

Queenie replied: "This is the seed of Cistanche. The forestry company said that these saplings are very suitable for planting this, so I bought some back."

"Cistanche seeds? How much?"

"This little bag is five thousand miles."


The wife was taken aback and almost lost her grip on the cloth bag in her hand: "Are you a fool to buy such a small bag of seeds for 5,000 yuan?"

"I'm not an idiot!"

Queenie and Eddie couldn't help saying something excitedly, and then went on to say: "People from the forestry company said that the seeds of Cistanche are more expensive than gold. These are the best seeds, and they can be used with the newly bought saplings." , can definitely grow Cistanche.”

The wife looked at her husband's stubborn and serious face, and knew that it was useless to say anything, so she could only take the cloth bag into the house and put it away, hoping that all this would be as the husband said, that saplings are the best, and Cistanche is the best. It can be planted, otherwise she really can't imagine what this home will be like.