I Run a Gas Station in the Northwest

Chapter 99: precious seedlings


Chen Mu brought a total of two kinds of saplings. Although they were not too many, it was a bit difficult for one person to carry them. The most feared thing was that the saplings would be damaged. When the time came, the saplings would be "poor in appearance".

Therefore, he needs to find someone to help him take it.

I took Miss Yingbin to move the saplings from the small golden cup, and then held a progress meeting. Miss Renyingbin not only helped to pick up the seedlings, but also led the way, and finally led him to the forestry company's booth with great precision. It was a great help up.

"Thank you, Xiao En."

Chen Mu kept chatting with people along the way. They didn't really want to talk to him at first, but they forced him to chat, and finally talked about his name, blood type, constellation and so on.

Miss Yingbin is a college student, studying at the Dance Academy of Northwest University for Nationalities, named Ga Enen.

Because of her beautiful looks and her impressive figure, she usually works in the modeling industry to earn extra money. Today, being a welcome lady is one of her jobs.

When he came to the booth, Chen Mu took the initiative to take a bottle of water, handed it to the girl from the Baoan family, and then prepared to send the girl away.

"You...don't you say you want to add me on WeChat?"

Miss Baoan held the water and asked a little at a loss.

"Oh, forgot, forgot."

Chen Mu slapped his forehead, and quickly took out his mobile phone: "I'll send you a photo later, um, I thought you didn't want it, so I didn't add WeChat after thinking about it."

Miss Baoan resisted the urge to throw the phone in his face, turned around and left after passing the verification.

"Goodbye, Xiao En!"

Chen Mu put the phone in his pocket and quickly forgot about it.

Li Ming in the booth had already come out to meet him, and the two moved the saplings to the booth. Li Ming specially reserved a small space for Chen Mu to stuff the saplings in.

To be honest, the forestry company's booth is not too big, and most of the space is used to display saplings. It looks like a stall selling groceries. Anyway, it just tries to display things as much as possible for people to choose.

"It seems that there are not many people today!"

Chen Mu looked at the layout of the booth, looked around, and asked curiously, "Is it like this in the past?"

Li Ming replied: "Today is the first day, and it's still so early, there are a little few people coming, but it will be fine after noon, and there will be more people."

Pointing to the venue to the east, Li Ming said, "This time the nursery stock exhibition is relatively large, because the agricultural machinery exhibition is also held together. It's in the exhibition hall over there, so there must be a lot of people later."

"Oh, so there is an agricultural machinery exhibition, no wonder the venue is so big."

"If you are interested, you can go and have a look later."

Chen Mu thought for a while, and then asked, "Who usually come to the exhibition?"

Li Ming thought for a while and replied: "Actually, there are four kinds of people who come to our seedling exhibition. The first is seedling producers, just like us, who mainly come to sell seedlings. The second is brokers and project purchasers. To put it bluntly, they are buyers. The main purpose of coming here is to understand the market and find good sources of goods. The third is people engaged in garden design. There are not many of them. They mainly visit and learn and increase their knowledge. The fourth is the media. , but it is very important, it is a bridge connecting the first three people."

Chen Mu lowered his voice a little, and asked again: "Brother Li, do the saplings sell well at your exhibition every year?"

Li Ming shook his head and smiled: "Although the purpose of coming to the exhibition is to sell goods, but when the exhibition sits up, selling goods cannot be the main purpose."

"What's the meaning?"

Chen Mu felt that he had become a primary school student, and there were a hundred thousand reasons in his heart.

"The main purpose of coming to the exhibition is for the future, just like our forestry company. In fact, our customers have stabilized, but we come to the exhibition every time. It is not to sell a lot of things at the exhibition, but to tell others about our Still, there is more communication with friends, after all, the nursery stock industry still pays attention to the 'acquaintance economy' in many cases."

Chen Mu understood it completely. As a student of economics, he understood what Li Ming said.

To put it bluntly, it is for accumulation and familiarity.

Just like the situation in other industries, Xia Guo has too many people and the market is too big, the elimination rate in the industry is extremely high, and there are also many newcomers and new companies. Only by constantly fighting for opportunities to show your face can people know your existence.

This is not only to let new customers know, but also to let old customers know. After all, no one knows when a friend you make will be converted into an order.

To put it bluntly, if you don't hang around in front of people often, even if they really want to find you, they will think you are gone, and you may lose this opportunity.


As Li Ming said, after noon, the number of people in the exhibition hall gradually increased.

The forestry company's booth was a bit off, and the booth layout was not particularly distinctive. After all, their customer base was mainly aimed at farmers who planted trees, and they didn't need to make it too fancy, so not many people came by.

Chen Mu was a little bored, so he talked to Li Ming and wandered around the exhibition hall by himself.

Although gardeners and afforestation companies both plant trees, their markets are completely different. The booths of those gardeners are all very large. Some companies are so wealthy that they even rent a lot of booths, and then carefully arrange a lot of gardens. The landscape comes out and is used as a model.

The most exaggerated family directly used the facade of a small villa as the background, and then arranged the entire garden, including rockery, moss, podocarpus, peace tree, and sweet-scented osmanthus... Anyway, the layout is very beautiful, It will definitely cost a lot of labor.

Chen Mu walked around inside, casually flipping through the price of that Podocarpus pine, and actually wrote "380000".

He quickly widened his eyes, took a closer look, and realized that he really didn't count a single zero. Then he was so frightened that he ran out of the booth in a hurry, for fear of entering a black shop by mistake.

After being baptized by that Podocarpus pine, Chen Mu's state of mind gradually became mature, and he would no longer be scared to run away because he saw hundreds of thousands of saplings. Tens of thousands of saplings seemed to him It's just waiting for the ordinary... In the end, people have been a little numb by the zeros behind the numbers, thinking that these things should be at that price, and it is wrong to sell them cheaply.

"These gardeners are really good at playing!"

Chen Mu turned around, muttered to himself, and finally walked in after seeing a booth selling seabuckthorn seedlings.

He also grows seabuckthorn and can grow seedlings, so he wanted to know how much seabuckthorn saplings are selling for now, so he walked in and looked at it.

"Sir, what seedlings are you interested in, do you need me to introduce you?"

The people at the exhibition didn't bother him at first, but after he wandered around the booth for two or three minutes, a young lady came to greet him.

Chen Mu was impolite, pointing to the two seabuckthorn seedlings, and asked shamelessly, "Okay, tell me, what's the difference between your two seabuckthorn seedlings."