I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 108: Bamboo horses have duplicity (65) End




If someone has tried it, strict self-discipline, strict work and rest time, meticulous tidiness and cleanliness, and a completely blank entertainment life, then they will definitely come to a two-word conclusion:


Jiang Heng often feels bored.

It's not that he likes to be alone, nor is he used to being alone, it's just that. I have never met anyone who wants to stick to it all the time.

His father was away for a long time, and his mother seldom saw each other after the divorce. Jiang Heng didn't care about these things. His emotional world was so pure and indifferent.

Therefore, the aloofness and indifference seen by outsiders are just a kind of boring and calm.

He closed his eyes, thinking.

In fact, from the moment we met, I already noticed something was wrong. Sweeping his gaze over the girl in the corner and meeting those round eyes, Jiang Heng was slightly confused, as if he had known him before.

He knew the other party's identity.

They were childhood sweethearts, but he didn't recognize their identities, and he didn't bother to treat childhood sweethearts with consideration, so they almost didn't know each other.

But at that moment, I felt a little different.

He didn't show it.

When the sleeve was gently pulled by the girl, it was very miraculous, as if it was scratched by a kitten's paw, and a tingling electric current rushed from the wrist, and the boy's eyes were a little stunned.

He lowered his eyes and pushed away the opponent's hand.

The meeting in the office later was not a coincidence, but intentional.

The two were in the next class. Seeing the girl swaying past, the young boy rested his chin on his white fingers. In the sight of all the girls in the class, he pursed his thin lips lightly, and his eyes dimmed slightly.

He picked up the documents plainly, got up and went to the office.

Jiang Heng found that he didn't dislike the girl pulling his neat sleeves, and liked the way she stared at him, and liked the two exposed little canine teeth, which were snow white and extremely cute.

He gradually realized that, in fact, life is a very interesting process. Find something you are interested in, and the world will not be as boring as it used to be.

The other party's innocence was beyond Jiang Heng's imagination.

Can't understand any rascal's words, and even bouncing back and forth against him, Jiang Heng finds it very interesting, like watching a little pet with its teeth and claws, teasing her to pass the time in his spare time.

But one day, when he saw the little girl nestled on the side of the road at night, wearing only thin pajamas, he suddenly felt a little delicate reluctance, an inexplicable and abrupt feeling that lingered in his heart.

Father Jiang didn't see the small figure on the side of the road. The boy said calmly, looking out the window: "There is someone in front... you stop the car."

She seemed to be a little resistant to him, and when she saw him, she was unwilling to come up. Jiang Heng thought it was a little funny, but it was the first time in his life that he was soft-hearted and soft-spoken to coax someone.

It's just that he has always been cold and calm, and even Jiang's father didn't hear the warmth in the boy's voice that time.

He started to feel a little thirsty.

Longing for a touch, a further hug.

There may not be love at first sight in the world, but it doesn't take too long to fall into a relationship. Often it's just deep into my mind before I realize it.

He can smoke. It's not that I learned to smoke after choking a few times, but it's as if I was born to touch the smoke, and I can be careless for the first time, watching the smoke rise from the white fingers and linger.

Jiang Heng doesn't touch this thing often. Rigor and self-discipline go deep into the bone marrow, tobacco has psychedelic ingredients, and he doesn't like addictive things.

Only at that time, I took the cigarette in the girl's hand.

He bit into his thin lips, and what he felt was not the hallucination of tobacco, but another more addictive sweetness, which instantly canceled out all self-discipline.

One touch is addictive.

But there is also some slight anger in my heart. He had never had a temper before, but he was a little angry that day. Because she is pure white in his heart, Jiang Heng doesn't like her to be contaminated by this.

He was going to be angry for a while, but she was very obedient and her eyes were so cute, so he couldn't get angry.

What's more, that day, she took the initiative to come to him.

Jiang Heng finally touched the little tiger teeth he liked, rubbed his white and clean fingertips lightly, and even wanted to lean down to kiss her.

She gave him a jar of sugar.

Although he knew that he didn't choose the candy carefully, the boy's heart softened instantly, and he even felt a little secretly happy. He slowly held the candy and the girl's hand.

Little by little, fingers intertwined.


It would have been a very pleasant day.

If no inexplicable person appears.

The boy lowered his eyes.

Seeing the unexpected scene from the window, Jiang Heng was in a calm mood, without any sense of threat at all. He knew that girls had no familiar boys, and he also knew that she would be his own in the end.

But still jealous.

He was so jealous that he couldn't maintain his sanity, and he was furious.

Wronged again.


It has to be intimate, or it won't work.

Originally it was just pity and asking for comfort, but the boy didn't expect to be pleasantly surprised.

The girl's sudden words made people feel at a loss as to what to do. He pressed her questions step by step, and got an answer again. It was the first time he experienced sweetness, and the taste overwhelmed all the candies he ate.


Later, compared to eating sugar.

Jiang Heng fell in love with another thing.

— To be precise, I like to eat another kind of food.

Sweet and soft, cute and delicious, no matter how you eat it, you will never get tired of it. Even if it is not time for dinner, you can take it for a bite or two during the day.

He looked up.

The girl next to her noticed her gaze and frowned: "Why are you looking at me?"

Jiang Meiren's eyes were cold, her expression was indifferent and serious, thoughtful.

"Nothing. I was wondering... what to have for dinner tonight."

(end of this chapter)