I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 176: The owner is super sweet (5)


Yun Xia was a little dazed.

All the people present knelt down reverently, it would be too awkward for her to stand alone.

So the girl quickly pulled up her cloak, and followed the crowd to half-kneel down, raising her crimson jewel-like eyes curiously, looking at the carriage not far away.

The red-gold carriages were lined up in a row, with red and gold banners flying above them.

A holy young angel is painted on the car wall, holding a clear harp in his arms.

Pure and innocent, compassionate to all beings.

Silver and white symbolize the purity and holiness of the temple, representing the light of faith.

And golden red is the color of power and nobility, and also represents the status of the temple.

- High above, but also expensive as the supreme.

In the middle of this carriage is a carriage that is obviously different from the others, with a silver slender wind chime hanging on the roof.

The ice silver tassels fluttered gently in the night wind, and the rubies were inlaid in the golden patterns.

That is the royal title of His Majesty the Pope.

And the extremely alluring sweet fragrance also diffused from the hanging curtain.

The vampire girl hides in the crowd, and finally understands why the vampires dare not approach the Pope.

This taste is really sweet and tempting... She couldn't help licking her lips from such a long distance, feeling that the small fangs might poke out of her lower lip at any time.

She couldn't help lowering her head again, and tightened her black cloak, so as not to expose the aura of the blood race and be directly discovered by the people in the temple.

so sweet, so sweet...

The girl's eyes became more and more crimson like jewels.

not far away.

The guarding believer stepped forward and stopped a few steps away from the carriage, his eyes full of reverence and piety.

He didn't dare to get too close, for fear that his impure aura would blaspheme the gods, so he said respectfully after a few steps: "Your Majesty, do you want to bring the witch back to the temple?"

The person in the carriage didn't speak, but coughed lightly.

The guardian believers did not dare to breathe.

——Each generation of popes, as a god believed by the people, accepts pure light power.

The body will be a little sick.

But opposite to the sickness, it is a holy and pure faith, a bright breath, and a power that even a king would not dare to violate.

The person in the car coughed lightly before speaking.

The voice is not loud, even a little low in the night.

But strangely, people can hear it clearly, and even can hear the melodious tail sound, as if a feather has been gently brushed against the tip of the ear.

"Take it to the punishment site, burn it to death."

The pope of this generation is not an old man, but has an extremely young voice, which is as cool and sweet as a clear spring, but it is so calm and emotionless, with no fluctuation at all.

The people all knelt down and fell silent, not daring to look up.

His Majesty the Pope will only participate in prayers inside the temple, and it is impossible for ordinary people to see him, let alone hear his voice with their own ears.

Perhaps because the pope itself means the god of light.

Therefore, the cold voice was heard in the ear, just a few words, but it was like just listening to a morning prayer. Faith made people feel calm, and the believers showed devout expressions.

Even Yun Xia felt light in her heart, as if her heart had been cleansed. It turns out that this is the power of faith... She blinked curiously.

The believers escorted the witch to the punishment ground.

That is a place specially used to punish vampires, witches, and heretics.

Crime and punishment symbolize the extreme evil in the world.

The luxurious carriages lined up and turned to leave, Yun Xia couldn't help being a little disappointed.

She didn't even meet the Pope.

(end of this chapter)