I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 187: The owner is super sweet (16)


But... Even if there are other feelings besides the pain, it shouldn't be a problem.

The Pope thoughtfully raised his fingertips slightly, his snow-white robe hung down, the teachings were suspended, and gently landed on the bookshelf.

Helena finally escaped from the siege and returned to her room in a state of embarrassment.

She has been disguised as an ordinary human being, and in order to get close to the high priest, she lives not far from the temple.

Sometimes they pretend to be believers, enter the temple, and pray with other believers.

If you are lucky, you can also catch up with the high priest to preside over the prayer in person.

She likes to pull people away to suck blood at the end of prayers.

Because just after the prayer is over, when the light and faith are at their strongest, the blood is extraordinarily delicious.

Tonight was definitely the most embarrassing night for her since she became a vampire.

To be chased up and down by believers...

Helena gritted her teeth.

After avoiding the followers' pursuit, she turned into a human with black hair and black pupils again, covering her cheeks with a large scarf hanging down, and hurried home.

There are not many pedestrians on the street anymore.

The retro street lights were on, and occasionally a few carriages passed by on the street, and the drivers also opened their mouths and yawned.

Helena's house is next to a tavern.

She hurried past a big drunk man, took out her key, opened the door, and walked in.

The room was dark.

She lit a candle and blew on it slightly to make the light brighter.

Dancing candles lit up the room.

The next second, the dangerous breath in the air approached quietly, Helena's pupils shrank slightly, and she quickly jumped up from the candlelight.

Although she moved quickly, the thing that struck her cut her cheek, and a burning sensation immediately came from the wound.

Helena tensed her body, and under the candlelight, she saw the girl with silver hair and blood pupils.

Sitting at the dining table, Her Majesty the Queen poured herself a cup of tea in a leisurely manner, picked it up and took a sip, frowning in disgust: "You are my subordinate after all, do you usually drink this kind of stuff?"

After Helena was stunned, facing the girl's obvious disgust, she desperately suppressed her anger, knelt down and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty."

After a pause, she asked in a low voice: "What are you doing today? Why..."

This is the second time the queen has come to her today.

Helena touched the wound.

Vampires are not easy to be hurt by things, but, I don't know what the Queen threw at her just now, which easily scratched her face...

And there is a burning pain.

She endured the pain, suppressed her temper, and respectfully half-kneeled: "Could it be that there is something about me... that dissatisfies His Majesty?"

As she asked, she lowered her head calmly, and with the extraordinary sensitivity of the blood race, she saw the thing that had just scratched herself in the corner.

It was still stained with her blood.

—It turned out to be a few small spikes.

What's this

Why can vampires be hurt

Yun Xia also glanced at those thorns, and hooked the corners of her lips, "I'm not dissatisfied, you make me very satisfied. But what should I do, I'm in a bad mood today, as a subordinate, you should solve my problems, don't you?" Don't want to let me vent my anger?"

"...Of course I would. It is an honor for my subordinates to share the burden with you." Helena lowered her head, hiding the resentment in her eyes.

The girl smiled, and said slowly: "Heh... it's not sharing, it's venting, so be clear."

Helena's eyes were like poisonous snakes, she lowered her head deeply: "... yes."

(end of this chapter)