I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 36: Small Zombie Breeding Manual (36)


Yun Xia was taken aback, immediately pinched the child's face, and then stared at the bracelet.

After a second or two.

The bracelet actually got a little brighter again.

Only then did the girl look at Yan Zhuo in surprise.

In her sight, the child was expressionless, with thick eyelashes hanging down, and said nothing.

"Why did I touch you, are you in a good mood?"

Puzzled, Yun Xia simply moved closer to the child, hugged the other's small body into her arms, and then went to look at the bracelet.

The indicator light on the wristband flickered slightly, and the light blue became brighter again.

The little zombie still had no expression on his face, but obediently lowered his hands and was held in her arms.

Yun Xia pinched his small face, thought for a while, then let go of her embrace, and backed away a little.

Then she saw helplessly that the child's face was expressionless, and the light blue color on the bracelet faded a little.

"… "so amazing.

After dinner, Yun Xia took the little zombie back to the Science Society and told the person in charge about the situation.

The person in charge was also a little surprised, and looked at the little zombie with silver hair, while the other party had gray eyes and expressionless face.

"We still need to observe." The person in charge pondered, looked at Yun Xia, and asked hesitantly, "Can we take some of his blood... He is a zombie and a human being, maybe he can develop serum, if it is true If it can be successfully developed, then the end of the world will be saved!"

At the end, she was a little excited.

However, the girl didn't seem to be moved by such a major event that benefited mankind, and even frowned impatiently, "Why should I save the end of the world? Don't you know that drawing blood will hurt? What should Hui Yue do if it hurts? "

The person in charge was completely stunned: "..."

She stared blankly at the little zombie.

The pretty silver-haired child looked up at the girl with his small face, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab her fingertips, pursing his bright red lips. The light of the bracelet lighted up quietly, it was a beautiful light blue.

The person in charge suddenly felt that the light should be pink to match the pink atmosphere...

The girl was held by him, and she didn't shake off this time. Instead, she raised the corners of her lips with great interest, and nodded curiously at the blue light that was on.

It really shines when you meet her.

It's weird how happy this little guy is.

It must be because he likes her the boss so much.


The Great Demon King was very satisfied.

The person in charge felt that standing here was inexplicably redundant. She looked at this, then at that, and finally bit the bullet, trying to persuade a few more words, "You can make a serum, and your reputation will definitely spread throughout the last days. By then, no one will misunderstand you..."

She originally wanted to say "cruel", but she didn't dare to say the last word, so she silently stopped.

Yun Xia raised her eyebrows slightly, but remained indifferent.

She has almost caused a sensation in the last days, and there is no need to do anything else. Compared with benefiting mankind, of course it is more important for my little brother to suffer from bleeding.

The person in charge continued: "And the blood sample is also beneficial for us to treat this child..."

Before Yun Xia could speak, her fingertips were suddenly grabbed by soft little hands. The little zombie tugged at her, and said in a tender voice, "It's okay, I'm not afraid of pain."

He pursed his lips.

He doesn't want to be a child all the time, he wants to become an adult during the day, so that he can walk side by side with Xia Xia and hold her hand.

...Because of the child form, the silver hair is too long, he wants to hug the silver hair, and has no hands to hold it...

The person in charge next to him was stunned after hearing his words, his expression moved.

She is willing to contribute to mankind at such a young age!

(end of this chapter)