I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 47: Bamboo horses are duplicity (4)


The boy's eyes were dark.

His pupils are covered by his slender and thick eyelashes, giving him a sense of extreme coldness. He holds a book between his white and slender fingers, and places it on the podium with a gentle sound. The room was completely quiet.

Even the class teacher was not so quiet when he was there.

Jiang Heng's personality is extremely cold, coupled with his elegant and dignified manner, his eyelashes are drooping, and his beauty is beautiful, but he looks so rigorous that he is inhumane, which can't help but give people a sense of oppression.

The girl at the back table just teased him about his beauty, and she teased him very smoothly and naturally, but now that she saw a real person, she shrank in the back seat and kept silent.

Yun Xia squinted at the boy.

The man stood on the podium, put down the book, raised his eyelashes, the pupils below were dark, and looked at the class indifferently.

There was unprecedented silence in the classroom.

The young man bowed slightly politely: "Hello, I'm Jiang Heng, and it's my honor to help substitute for the class."

His posture is indifferent.

The etiquette is graceful and indifferent. Under the white dress is the shoulder line supported by the collarbone. The line is cold and beautiful, but it is tightly covered, and only the white neck on the collar button can be seen, and the Adam's apple adds a touch of sexiness.

have to say…

This beauty is really seductive, just looking at it makes me feel a little bit swaying, no wonder adolescent girls are crazy about it.

But what Yun Xia is interested in is not beauty.

Feeling the familiar breath, she raised her eyebrows and hooked the corners of her lips, and looked at the other party lazily.

When Jiang Heng just looked at the class, his gaze swept past her without a pause, as if he had never seen her before.

Yun Xia didn't realize who Jiang Heng was just now, but she had received all the memories at this time, and she remembered the identity of the other party.

The original owner and Jiang Heng were barely childhood sweethearts, because the two lived very close to each other, their parents had a good relationship, and they were about the same age.

It's just that since childhood, the two of them have nothing to do with each other. Jiang Heng is a standard high-cold and good student, used to being alone, no matter how the parents joke, he is cold to the original owner, without the slightest warmth of a bamboo horse to a green plum.

So after so many years, even if the original owner had childhood expectations in his heart, he was already blown away by that attitude.

She can't say that he is not good, after all, Jiang Heng is not only indifferent to her, but also to everyone, but he doesn't give her special treatment.

What's more, such a person really has a sense of distance. In the impression of the original owner, the boy's clothes are always clean and rigorous, and he even wears a button at the neckline, not even a little collarbone is exposed.

He studies in class every day, even if he has mastered the textbook knowledge, he still takes notes, completes homework, and helps the teacher indifferently. He is really a good student who can't be more obedient.

Yun Xia's eyes were a little curious, staring at the slender figure on the podium.

Jiang Heng opened the book on the lecture table, his fingers were beautiful and fair, the lines of the knuckles extended to his wrists, and the cuff buttons of his shirt were transparent. He took the chalk and wrote on the blackboard with a beautiful font.

This is really a three-good student without any shortcomings.

The class was very quiet, only the rustling of notes being followed, and the girls in the back row held their faces, their eyes following Jiang Heng all the time.

When the class was about to end, he left a question, and the students all solved the question obediently. The boy put down the chalk and walked off the podium.

When he passed Yun Xia, the girl stretched out her hand, gently grabbed the boy's snow-white sleeve, and stared at him with a pair of round eyes.

(end of this chapter)