I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 79: Bamboo horses are duplicity (36)


Jiang's father was speechless, and after a while he said, "It's important to study in the third year of high school, don't disturb others."

He hasn't seen his child yet, and he has a good impression of anyone.

So Father Jiang didn't object in his heart.

But after all, I didn't go to university, so I still have to be measured when it comes to love.

The young man looked up at him indifferently, turned the page of the book in his hand again, and said flatly: "With me, your grades can be better."

Father Jiang was startled, put down his water glass and looked at him.

The father and son looked at each other for a few seconds.

Jiang Heng's cold eyes were emotionless and completely dark.

Father Jiang asked in surprise: "What do you mean...you have already confessed to others??"

"That's not true." The young man closed the pages of the book with his slender fingers, and put the book back on the bedside cabinet.

"She told me first."


Father Jiang couldn't help coughing again.

The National Mathematical Contest in Modeling is scheduled within three months before the college entrance examination.

This is a common competition in universities, and the difficulty of the high school competition has been reduced a lot.

But still a very challenging event.

There are also many universities paying attention to this competition and want to select good seedlings from among the students in advance.

There are live broadcasts on the Internet, and many media follow up and report.

It's a big deal.

For academic masters, it is equivalent to an early self-enrollment of universities.

Yun Xia was able to get a place in the competition, in addition to the help of Jiang Heng's recommendation, she also passed the exam herself, and her results shocked the whole school.

Therefore, even the academic committee did not make any comments.

Every school is a trio.

Besides Jiang Heng Yunxia, the school's third contestant is Lin Nini, the school committee member.

Jiang Heng opened the car door, protecting the roof with his fingers, watching the girl get out of the car with downcast eyes.

"Give me the luggage."

He took the small suitcase, raised his slender arms slightly, and said in a calm tone, "You pull me, don't get lost."

Yun Xia reached out to hold him, and took off the sun hat on her head, "Oh."

The expression of Lin Nini next to her gradually became terrified.

… what's the situation

She looked sideways at Jiang Heng, the boy was still indifferent, his snow-white shirt was slightly dazzling under the sun.

People from other schools all looked this way.

Obviously, this kind of beauty is not only in the school, it can cause visual surprise wherever it is placed.

The game lasted for three days.

There are less than a hundred students from more than a dozen schools participating in the competition. Computers and other equipment are provided by the organizers, and food is also distributed uniformly.

Many people here have experience in competitions. They basically didn't need to sleep in the first two days. Only a few people were responsible for different divisions of labor and took turns to rest.

However, this is the case for ordinary teams.

For their team, having Jiang Heng can save more than half of the time.

Lin Nini just wasn't very optimistic about Yun Xia.

not far away.

in a private car.

The person in charge of the competition smiled at an old man: "It's just a competition for high school students, please come and watch it yourself..."

On the other side, the old professor with a gray beard shook his head and looked kindly at the students who got off the bus, "It's good to see young people. Besides, I compiled the test questions this time, and I want to see their level."

The person in charge followed suit with a smile.

"By the way, I heard that there was a genius in the last competition..." the old professor asked suddenly.

"That's right," the person in charge said hastily, "Last time someone in their team got sick temporarily, and he was the only one who did the calculations and modeling, yet he was the first one to complete it, leaving behind half the time for the second place..."

"Oh? Where is he?" the old professor asked.

(end of this chapter)