I Shocked the Globe

Chapter 87: Bamboo horses are duplicity (44)


"Okay." The reporter waiting outside the venue said.

And within the arena.

Lin Nini's eyes were like copper bells, she looked at the computer in disbelief.

She was the last one in charge of the thesis, and she wasn't supposed to come to the competition today.

But she just wanted to see Yun Xia's level.

Unexpectedly, instead of seeing the expected good show, I saw this incredible scene...

She covered her mouth and stared at the screen in shock, without blinking.

Yun Xia was just an ordinary student before...

But now, she is very familiar with the modeling software, her soft fingers are jumping on the keyboard, and the operation is almost non-stop, the model is quickly built at an astonishing speed...

It was silly to show Lin Nini directly.

It's not that she hasn't seen the world. It's this operation... It's so beautiful!

Outside the arena, even the person in charge was startled. With difficulty, he looked away from the screen, looked at the gray-haired old professor, and stammered: "This..."

The old professor sighed.

He took off his reading glasses, wiped them with a lens cloth, and sighed a little.

"This year's robbing of colleges and universities is probably bloody. These two children are a pair, whichever school they go to, I'm afraid they will go together. Everyone wants to recruit the two of them..."

The person in charge nodded, speechless.

As a student, you basically have to pass the college entrance examination, and thousands of troops cross the single-plank bridge.

However, some irritating geniuses were robbed of their heads by universities before they graduated from high school...

The person in charge knew that for this top high school math competition, media from all sides had already gathered outside the venue, waiting to interview and report these top students.

The name of a genius will always cause a sensation.

It's true that people are more popular than people.

He was sighing in his heart, but saw the old professor stand up from his seat and said kindly: "After the competition, arrange for them to meet with me."

The person in charge was surprised: "You..."

Is it possible that the old man wants to pull people in person? !

This professor, that is a figure in the academic world! How many bigwigs in the academic world want to see him, but there is no way to see him...

But he is willing to see two children

Seeing his surprise, the old professor smiled and shook his head, "The future belongs to young people after all. These two kids are limitless. If I come to persuade them, I will treat it as recruiting talents for the first school."

It's really pulling people!

The person in charge quickly agreed, thinking to himself that an old professor of this level personally pulls people...

How can other schools compete

And for the two children... it's too face-saving!

How many bigwigs in the academic world would probably be envious of the two children, who were able to meet this old senior and be recruited by him personally...

The so-called limelight is nothing more than that.

"Okay, I'll arrange for you to meet after their competition." The person in charge quickly agreed.

In the arena.

The game is still going on.

The difficulty of the topic should be controlled within two or three days. Scholars need at least two days to model.

However, if he was given skill points by Heavenly Dao, if he didn't achieve sensational results, he would be sorry for this extremely easy-to-use plug-in.

Two hours later.

Yun Xia pressed the last button.

The modeling process is cumbersome, and steps cannot be omitted. After pressing all the keys, it only takes two hours, which is already the limit.

The girl flicked her hand, and said to Lin Nini, who was stunned beside her, "I'll leave it to you."

Lin Nini is also a top student, if she is willing to stay up all night, she should be able to finish it before dawn tomorrow.

But it doesn't matter, the competition is not a competition of time, but a competition of plans.

Because Yun Xia wanted to make a splash, she deliberately made a miracle in terms of time.

— This is a real miracle.

Lin Nini stared blankly at the computer. Seeing that the girl next to her was packing up and leaving, she quickly stood up and shouted, "Yun Xia!"

The little girl with a soft appearance turned her head and asked inexplicably, "What are you doing?"

Lin Nini gritted her teeth.

In this game, she had to submit.

Convinced to lose!

After a pause, she closed her eyes, and quickly said, "This time I will convince you, but don't get too excited, I will definitely surpass you next time!"

Yun Xia blinked, then smiled, and squinted her round eyes: "Don't stop talking, wait for me to add punctuation marks for you? It doesn't matter if you are convinced..."

She paused, and said with a smile: "It's good to be competitive, so focus on improving yourself."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Lin Nini to respond, she packed up her things and left.

Lin Nini bit her lip.

She didn't refute, but just glanced at Jiang Heng.

The young man has been leaning on the side, listening to her conversation with Yun Xia, but he didn't even move his eyes, and didn't look at her more.

Lin Nini was silent for a few seconds, watching the two leave, she suddenly let out a long sigh of relief.

Yun Xia was right.

No amount of acid will change anything...

These two are obviously boyfriend and girlfriend, so it's impossible for her to step in and grab it.

Besides, with Jiang Heng's attitude, he can't be robbed...

It's better to improve, even if you can't catch up with Jiang Heng, there will be better boys in the future, and you will fall in love with your better self.

She took a final look at the direction of the two, sat down in her seat, and began to write seriously.

off the field.

The reporters have set up their cameras and are ready to rush forward.

(end of this chapter)