I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm

Chapter 35


Being so disgusted by his wife, Ji Yingzong glanced at her sadly, thinking how could you understand my mood at this moment. Thinking of this, Ji Yingzong sighed again as if he couldn't control it.

Mrs. Ji opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, her tone was low, "If it wasn't for drinking too much chrysanthemum tea today, you would have been kicked to the ground by now."

When Ji Ying heard the words, his heart became heavier.

If you hadn't snatched my chrysanthemum tea, I wouldn't be like this.

Before he could breathe out, the phone rang first. Ji Yingzong thought that Dong Youwei and Li Ming were bothering him because they were kept awake by him, so he picked up the phone in a depressed mood and looked at it. The two large characters of Yuci were particularly prominent on it. Ji Ying was stunned for a moment, breathed out neither back nor back, almost suffocated to death with excitement.

With trembling fingers, he wanted to click on the dialog box. He glanced at Mrs. Ji again, and asked seriously: "If it's a letter from a very important person, should I take a bath and burn incense..."

Madam Ji glanced at her before she finished speaking. Compared with before, Mrs. Ji's expression at this moment is really not very good-looking. Those beautiful eyes stared straight at Ji Yingzong, with suspicion and temptation in her eyes, "Little San?"

Ji Yingzong: "..."

Ji Yingzong almost choked to death again. Is he out of his mind? The mistress came to the door and wanted to say a word to the real wife? Besides, where did the mistress come from? There was only one Yu Shao who made him unable to eat or sleep well.

Being made such a fuss by his wife, Ji Yingzong didn't have so much drama, so he simply clicked on the dialog box.

Yu Ci: I'm sorry, Mr. Ji, I was working on a manuscript so I didn't see your news. If Mr. Ji likes it, you can leave a message and place an order. I will ask Luo Boxen to deliver it to you tomorrow as much as you want.

Ji Yingzong's restless heart finally returned to its original position safely. He breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly thought of what Dong Youwei said to him earlier.

Yu Shaoren is very nice, and you like the fruits of his labor, which is also a kind of affirmation to him.

She happily dropped twenty catties and said good night. Only then did Ji Yingzong turn off the phone and put it under the pillow, and pulled the quilt up to his chin. He smiled, "Honey, it's time to sleep."

Mrs. Ji was expressionless: "Why are you sleeping? Whose message was it just now? You can explain it to my mother before going to bed."

Ji Yingzong: "..."

The next day, when Luo Bowen came to give the Chrysanthemum to Ji Yingzong, he found that both Ji Yingzong and Mrs. Ji had big dark circles on their faces. After sending the Chrysanthemum to Ji Yingzong, he nodded slightly, turned around and left.

Ji Yingzong hurriedly said, "Thank you, Mr. Luo, for helping me, Young Master Yu."

The unit price Ji Yingzong offered was far more than 600 a catty, and Luo Bowen accepted it with peace of mind. If others are willing to give, he doesn't have to persuade them. Since this is the second purchase, he must already know how good the Hangbai chrysanthemum they planted by Yu Shao is. Luo Bowen has always felt that the things they grow from Yu Shao deserve a better price.

After transferring all the money to Yu Ci, Luo Boxen continued to process various orders.

In recent days, various media studios have discovered a rather miraculous thing. Mr. Ji of Star Entertainment always holds a water glass when he appears in front of the media. The water glass is transparent and looks very ordinary. The most unexpected thing is that they found that Ji Yingzong always fiddled with the cup vaguely when facing the camera, so that the water cup can appear better on the scene.

Some people joked that Ji Yingzong might want a cup to make his debut when he has nothing to do.

There is a marketing account that really has nothing to write, so it spends a lot of space describing Ji Yingzong's water cup. The price of the brand was compiled in a miraculous way, and in the end, Ji Yingzong said: water cups cost dozens of dollars each.

The marketing account's face was swollen at this moment.

But at the same time, some people were puzzled. Since the water glass is so common, why does Mr. Ji always carry it

Ji Yingzong is the boss of a media company, so he doesn't have as many opportunities to be interviewed as ordinary celebrities. Therefore, no one can find the answer to this question in a short time.

Soon, everyone discovered that something was wrong again.

Several artists under Star Entertainment will take a water bottle when taking street photos, some are transparent, and some are gaudy. Such a scene made netizens speculate whether Xingchen Entertainment is planning to open a water cup manufacturing factory, and now it has begun to warm up the water cup manufacturing factory, and has hired artists from its own company to advertise and bring goods.

Until some media interviewed Qiu Ye.

Qiu Ye is a well-known front line under Star Entertainment, and now he is only 32 years old and already holds several best actor awards. Qiu Ye was called a veteran cadre because of his personality and living habits. For a veteran cadre, carrying a water bottle seems to be a normal thing, but for the sake of ratings and doubts in his heart, the reporter still asked.

"Hi Yingdi Qiu, may I ask what is special about your water glass? I see that you have been photographed wearing a water glass when you travel recently."

Under the flashing lights, almost all the reporters' eyes were on Qiu Ye's water glass.

Qiu Ye doesn't surf the Internet very much, so he doesn't know that netizens are dying of curiosity about water glasses recently. Now that he was asked by the reporter, he told the truth.

"The water cup is nothing special, the special thing is the chrysanthemum tea in the water cup. The weather has started to get hot recently, so I bring some chrysanthemum tea with me to clear away the heat. Very nice."

Chrysanthemum tea

The expressions of the reporters were complicated for a while.

Fortunately, Qiu Ye seemed to understand the shock and speechlessness of the reporters, smiled and continued: "Don't think I'm talking nonsense. We, Mr. Ji, and many artists in the company have been drinking this chrysanthemum tea recently. It is made of Hangbai Chrysanthemum, not to mention the taste, it is really effective in clearing away heat and reducing fire."

Hearing this, the reporters suddenly widened their eyes, a white light flashed in their minds, and they finally got a little clue about something that had puzzled them for a long time.

When interviewing Ji Yingzong, everyone focused on Ji Yingzong's water glass, and no one cared what was in the water glass. Then Ji Yingzong also said that the water cup is actually only a few dozen dollars. So, their focus was wrong all along.

What Ji Yingzong cared about was the chrysanthemum tea in the water glass!

After Qiu Ye, another reporter interviewed an artist from Star Entertainment. The artist this time is called Yu Chen, and he is a very famous little fresh meat. When he heard the reporter's intentions, he was unequivocal and said directly: "Teacher Qiu is right. Recently, all the artists in our company are drinking chrysanthemum tea. The tea was recommended by Mr. Ji, it's really good."

After that, he glanced at the camera and smiled slightly, "If you all want to try it out, I will post a link on Weibo, and you can buy it yourself. Don't worry, it's definitely worth the money. My first two I bought more than 20 catties a day and kept it at home.”

Previously, when Qiu Ye touted a chrysanthemum tea, netizens could think that it was an indispensable item in the daily life of veteran cadres, and they didn't take it seriously. I just feel that this actor is really down-to-earth. But today, when Yu Chen got involved, it became a little different.

Yu Chen is only twenty-four years old this year. If it weren't for the fact that chrysanthemum tea is really delicious and effective, they would never believe that young men in their twenties are willing to drink tea every day.

Curious, the netizens all squatted under Yu Chen's Weibo and urged Yu Chen to quickly post the link. Yu Chen was also very helpful, and within half an hour after the interview was released, he had already posted the link to the online store of Youer Studio. Jiang Tinglan is twenty-eight years old this year, at the age when her family is eager to urge her to get married, and all kinds of miscellaneous things in the company pile up, making her very irritable. Recently, my temper is even more explosive like □□. Not to mention that colleagues and family members can't bear it, she herself feels uncomfortable.

Taking advantage of the break time, she went to the company's rooftop to blow some air. The mobile phone was at hand, and suddenly a ding dong reminded Jiang Tinglan's Weibo to pay special attention to posting on Weibo. Jiang Tinglan is Yu Chen's mother fan, and she is still a big fan. Under normal circumstances, as long as Yu Chen has a new endorsement, she will spend money to support Yu Chen and make Yu Chen's sales.

Seeing Yu Chen put a link on Weibo today, she thought it was because her idol accepted an advertisement endorsement when she was busy with work, but she didn't care, and just clicked on the link.

As a result, I clicked in and took a look, dumbfounded.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum

What is this

Her family, Yu Chen, recently accepted the endorsement of chrysanthemum tea? Such cognition made Jiang Tinglan's expression and mood extremely complicated. Everyone knows that celebrities can't accept endorsements casually. A celebrity with commercial value like Yu Chen will naturally accept some high-end endorsements, such as some high-end luxury brands. It will sound better when you say it.

But now the question arises, what is going on with this Hangbaiju

Is Yu Chen's team out of their minds to accept such an endorsement for Yu Chen? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by your opponent

Facts have proved that Yu Chen's opponent has indeed bought a lot of drafts and plans to take this opportunity to step on Yu Chen severely. But Jiang Tinglan didn't have time to scold her fans at the moment, so she had to find out what happened first.

Ten minutes later, she looked at the link and clicked in again.

It's easy to say that it's not an endorsement.

However, is the Hangbaiju, which Yu Chen praised so much, really so delicious? Moreover, Yu Chen and Qiu Ye frequently mentioned clearing away heat and reducing fire... Jiang Tinglan's heart was about to move.

The price of Hangbai Chrysanthemum Fetal Chrysanthemum is not cheap, and the price of two hundred and eighty-one catties is considered expensive among many teas. But this price is nothing to Jiang Tinglan who works in a large company.

Jiang Tinglan wanted to give it a try.

It would be nice if it could really cure her recent temper tantrum.

However, what Jiang Tinglan didn't expect was that when he clicked on the link and took a closer look, there were a few prominent characters behind the Hangbai chrysanthemum: Temporarily out of stock.

Jiang Tinglan: ...

Tangling for a long time seems to be tangled in a loneliness.

She twitched the corner of her mouth and clicked on Yu Chen's Weibo comment, and found that she was not the only one who had encountered this situation.

"" "Can someone tell me about the current situation? Why can't I understand this operation. I remember that I clicked on the link when there were only seven comments. Why is it displayed in the link? goods?"

"It also shows that it is out of stock here."

"Look at this screenshot, it was out of stock before my brother posted the link. My brother advertised and felt lonely."

"Thank you, I was laughed at."

"Wait! I found a problem. Why is this store still selling cucumbers? The owner is still Yu Ci? Damn, what did I find?!"

Yu Ci

As an Internet addicted youth who likes to surf the Internet, Jiang Tinglan will not be ignorant of the name Yu Ci. Some time ago, Li Yuan's use of cucumbers on her face caused a lot of trouble. After being questioned and clarified, the person involved was Yu Ci. Jiang Tinglan even went to Yu Ci's to place an order to buy cucumbers, but she didn't have much time to apply to her face, so most of the cucumbers went into her stomach.

Didn't expect that this time Hangbaiju is also related to Yu Ci

Obviously, Jiang Tinglan was not the only one who discovered this point. When netizens saw the name Yu Ci, their first reaction was that it looked very familiar, and then they searched in the search bar—oh, it turned out to be the school girl of Imperial University!

What the hell is going on with this school girl! The school girls from other schools are out of the circle because of their talents and various awards. When Yu Ci comes here, are they either cucumbers or Hangbaiju

Yu Ci was also a little helpless about this.

He went to school as usual, but within a short time he was surrounded by alumni.

"School grass, my male god recommended your Hangbaiju, I want to buy the same style!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-06-06 20:45:02~2020-06-07 19:59:26~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 41994831 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!