I Shocked the World After Being Forced to Farm

Chapter 71


Song Hao couldn't figure out why Song Sixing was in other provinces and cities, but in the end he was arrested at the Imperial Capital Police Station because he hit someone while drunk driving. He felt as if he was listening to a joke. Frowning, he tried to calm down and asked the policeman on the phone if he made a mistake.

The voice from the mobile phone was extremely cold, and the other party said: "There is no mistake, it is Song Sizhen, she also asked us to make this call."

Song Hao vaguely guessed something in his heart.

It is a lie to say that Song Sixing went to participate in the sketching project. The mother and daughter thought of such a way because they were afraid that he would get angry. Song Hao's temples twitched, swollen and painful. He really wanted to pick Mrs. Song up and ask her if you are satisfied now that Song Sizhen was caught in a car accident.

Two idiots!

"Mr. Song?"

Song Hao held back his anger, gritted his teeth and said word by word: "Wait a minute, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Mrs. Song lying on the bed, with disgust gradually appearing in his eyes. This woman really has big breasts and no brains, she is completely incomparable with Yu Zishan.

Song Hao tidied up in a hurry, and called the driver to the Imperial Police Station.

Song Sizhen was going crazy, she held her arms tremblingly, her head was lowered, her eyes were full of panic. She was just so annoyed that she went to the bar near the apartment to drink alone. If you drink too much alcohol, your mind will become a little less clear. She still remembers that when she walked out of the bar, the bartender kindly asked her if she wanted to call a friend and ask her to pick it up.

Song Sixing said no need.

In fact, she has no friends at all now. There are so many names in the address book, none of them can be contacted. What's more, it's not far from the apartment under her name, it's only a five-minute drive away.

But Song Sizhen never thought that the problem lies in these five minutes.

She vaguely felt that she had bumped into something, but she didn't care. Until she was suddenly stopped by an overtaking car behind her. In the confusion, Song Sixian saw an angry face, followed by a group of people anxiously calling, talking and insulting. By the time she woke up completely, she had already arrived at the police station.

She hit someone, and it was an old man. Now the old man has been sent to the hospital, it is not known if he is still alive.

What if the person dies

Will Song Hao scold her

What should she do now

One question after another occupied Song Sixuo's mind, making it impossible for her to calm down and think. The trembling hand drew traces on her arm, and she took a deep breath.

As soon as she raised her head, she saw a policewoman looking at her coldly, "The rescue failed, she died."

Song Sizheng's face was as pale as paper.

When Song Hao rushed to the police station, he happened to meet the old man's family members who also came to the police station. The old man's son and daughter-in-law came from that house. When the daughter-in-law and Song Hao passed by, they kept cursing: "Damn old man, I told you not to go out at night, and now you are dead and you have to waste money to rescue him!"

The son's face was also not good-looking, but since this is a police station, he tugged on his wife's arm to make her speak less harshly.

The wife curled her lips and said nothing.

The coordinating policeman had heard his wife's muttering, but his expression did not change. He had seen many of these people, so he didn't think it was strange, he just felt chilling for the dead. He asked his colleagues at the scene, and they learned something from the surrounding people. It is said that although this old man is old, he can do a lot of work.

He saved a lot of money, but the money was tricked away by his son and daughter-in-law. The elderly also have to live, so they work until late. When he was hit, he had just finished collecting waste cardboard and was riding a tricycle back to the old house.

The police introduced their identities to both parties with a cold face. The daughter-in-law's eyes fell on Song Hao, and noticed that the clothes on Song Hao were made of good materials, and he was wearing a diamond-encrusted watch. His dignified elite appearance made him look like a rich man. The daughter-in-law's eyes lit up instantly, and she grabbed her husband's arm and suddenly began to cry.

"Oh, it's really not easy for our old man. He was used to living a hard life before he was alive, and now he's going to be hit and killed by a little girl with a car. Who did our family provoke?"

The policeman froze coldly, never expecting the daughter-in-law to change her face so quickly. You were still cursing just now, and now you are crying

Also shocked was Song Hao.

But Song Hao didn't have time to say anything, and the daughter-in-law there cried loudly again: "You rich people don't care about the lives of ordinary people like us! Although we are ordinary people, our lives are also Fate! You are going to be condemned by God! I must find a reporter to expose you bastards! Pity our old man..."

Song Hao's face darkened immediately when he heard that the other party wanted to find a reporter.

The daughter-in-law noticed Song Hao's expression through her fingers, so she knew that the crying and crying just now might be just right for Song Hao.

Therefore, in the following time, the woman's crying never stopped, like 4D music surrounding the entire police station.

Song Hao couldn't bear it anymore and asked: "You can't find a reporter, you can reconcile whatever you want, as long as you don't find a reporter."

That's what the daughter-in-law was waiting for. Hearing this, she lowered her hands from her eyes, her eyes were clean under the light, and she didn't appear to have shed tears at all. She cleared her throat, and said to Song Hao: "Our old man's life is also very valuable, and you can pay two to three million yuan."

Song Hao exploded on the spot, "Are you blackmailing?"

The daughter-in-law sat down on the ground and howled again.

The policeman next to him silently moved aside. He couldn't help in this situation.

The female policeman pushed open the door, and saw the sloppy woman and Song Hao with a dark face at a glance. She frowned, and signaled her colleague with her eyes. The colleague came to her and told her everything that happened just now in a soft voice. After she finished speaking, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "The speed of changing faces is really fast."

When the police brought Song Sixing back, they had already investigated Song Sixing's family and knew what level the Song family was. The daughter-in-law who wanted to come here also saw that the Song family was rich, so she wanted to hit it hard.

The current situation is really dog-eat-dog.

Qi Huai leaned on the sofa, while Yu Ci lay in front of the computer to draw a manuscript. Youth painted seriously, Qi Huai glanced at the caller ID displayed on the phone and didn't want to disturb Yu Ci, turned around and opened the door lightly and walked to the balcony.

Jian Yuanqing's grinning voice came: "What are you doing, Mr. Qi?"

Qi Huai leaned against the railing, the balcony door was transparent, and the curtains were not drawn. From his angle, he could just see Yu Ci's profile. When Yu Ci is serious, it is difficult for something to catch his attention. The young man's long eyelashes cast a shadow, he tilted his head as if he was not satisfied with the drawing, and then he lowered his eyes and became dazed again.

In a daze, he noticed a line of sight falling on him.

Yu Ci propped his chin and looked up, only one light on the balcony was on, which failed to illuminate Qi Huai's face clearly. However, it was this hazy feeling that made Yu Ci's heart beat a little faster. He and Qi Huai looked at each other, opened their mouths to say something silently, a smile slowly appeared on Qi Huai's indifferent face, like the ice and snow on the top of a snow mountain melting instantly.

"Hi? Are you listening? Qi Huai!"

A urging sounded in his ear, and Qi Huai said softly, "I'm looking at him."

Jian Yuanqing didn't react for a while, look at him? look who. In the next second, he suddenly woke up. Just Qi Huai, who else can he look at? Of course it's Yu Ci.

But... is it really good to be so greasy

Jian Yuan Qingmu put on a face, and let out a cry.

What followed was endless silence. It wasn't until Qi Huai saw Yu Ci pointing at his tablet that he looked away and asked quietly, "Why do you want me?"

The words 'I'm looking at him' and 'What are you doing' perfectly reflected Qi Huai's double standards. How gentle the former sentence is, how cold the latter sentence is.

Jian Yuanqing rubbed his face and thought that at least they had been friends for so many years, why didn't Qi Huai treat him so gently? Of course, Jian Yuanqing is still a little self-aware, knowing that he and Yu Ci must be incomparable. But it's a little bit gentler!

He sighed, no longer entangled with Qi Huai's attitude, and talked about the main reason for calling Qi Huai today, "I just got the news that Song Hao's daughter, Song Sizuo, killed someone while drunk driving, look How to say it. If you want to expose it to reporters, I will arrange it now."

Qi Huai gently stroked the phone with his slender fingers, and he asked, "What did Song Hao say?"

"I heard that an agreement was reached with the family of the deceased. The other party will not seek the reporter, but Song Hao has to compensate the other party for 2.5 million."

The 2.5 million is the lion's big mouth, but it is said that it is also a compromise amount of compensation.

"Then let the other party get the compensation amount first, and then disclose it to the reporter."

Jian Yuanqing: "You are still ruthless. Sure enough, all good-looking people have a heart of snakes and scorpions."

After Jian Yuanqing finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He only needs Qi Huai's ideas, and he can handle the rest by himself. As for Qi Huai, he just found a boyfriend and is still in love. Jian Yuanqing, as Qi Huai's only friend for many years, decided to let Qi Huai enjoy the life of having a lover.

When he opened the balcony door and walked in, Yu Ci had already put down his pen. He reached out his hand to Qi Huai, who held his slender fingers and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Yu Ci blinked, "Holding the pen for a long time, my fingers are so sore and a little painful."

This is not Yu Ci's nonsense, his fingers are indeed uncomfortable.

Qi Huai lowered his eyes, "I'll rub it for you."

Yu Ci was held in his arms, and the other hand touched the side of the man's face, "What did you just say?"

Qi Huai casually recounted what Jian Yuanqing said, then turned his head to look at Yu Ci, with a starry smile in his long and narrow eyes, "Song Hao may be going to be dizzy again."

Yu Ci sighed, "Do you and my brother feel a little bit like seeing each other late?"

I can't wait to drive Song Hao to death in the hospital.

Qi Huai put his chin on Yu Ci's shoulder and said softly, "So I should have met you sooner."