I Teach Kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 731: Mikako raid


Mikako's appearance was really unexpected, scratching her head with Ma, and said, "I don't know what expression to make at this time."

"I think a smile is enough." Mikako said with a smile.

Then she hopped lightly onto the submarine's still water-filled shell.

Kazuma originally thought that she was going to step on the top of the waves and fly over with ease—with her parkour level, she might be able to do it—well, this is no longer the category of parkour.

However, he and Ma thought too much.

As soon as Mikako lifted her foot on the hull, she slipped, first split her hips and hit the hull of the submarine, and then slid along the hull into the water.

She is also very conscientious in dubbing: "Oh, oh, I'm stupid!"

And horse Fu forehead.

That's right, this feeling is right, it's Mikako.

No matter how many layers of gold plated on her body, how many auras she has, and what awesome department she joins, she is still Mikako as always!

Mikako swam quickly in the water in a freestyle posture, and the speed of her two hands had afterimages. It seemed that there were two paddle wheels of old-fashioned ships on both sides of her body, leading her to gallop in the water. Be like a water monkey.

If in the era of smart phones, Ma Fei and Ma Fei took a video of Mikako and asked Infinity Xiaoliang if he was a water monkey.

Mikako's figure was covered by the ship's side, and after a few seconds, she jumped over the railing of the cruise ship and onto the deck.

He Ma's Shunfeng heard the British muttering: "I'm stupid, so fast! This is faster than people from the Special Air Service Regiment climbing stairs! They still need a rope."

To be honest, Mikako's climbing speed is a bit fast. Nanjo’s cruise ship has a tonnage of at least tens of thousands of tons, and it usually takes a long time to walk the stairs from the top to the bottom.

After Mikako climbed up, she shook the water on her body like a cat shaking water—of course, people are not cats, so shaking like this would not be effective, but it made her wet more thoroughly.

Then Martha looked through the clothes and found that Mikako was wearing a whole set of underwear today.

For Mikako's carefree personality, this is not ordinary.

He waved his hand with the horse, waving away the evil thoughts in his heart.

Who cares, what else can Mikako ask herself for in full view

Mikako: "He Ma Ma, I came back mainly to learn about the inside story of a thing called the door-opening experiment, do you have it?"

—I'm too rich.

Mikako didn't give Kazuma a chance to answer at all, and continued: "Also, I plan to get married, and I'm here to marry you!"

At this time, Honami was present, and was stunned when she heard Mikako's words.

Let alone Honami, Kazuma was stunned.

—Are the British Isles so big? Marry me directly

Before everyone could react, Mikako herself began to feel that something was wrong: "Ah? Is there something wrong... Oh yes! I speak Japanese! English has no direction! I forgot!"

Meijiazi’s words are actually quite nonsensical, but He Ma understands that English is married, marry and marry are both a word, but Asian Chinese culture circles use it to distinguish between men and women—Meijiazi is simplified to direction .

He and Ma both wondered if Mikako's brain is all straight. Her brain is like a walnut, and her brain is probably like a watermelon, with no wrinkles.

He Ma: "Well, calm down first, listen to me..."

"No, calm down and listen to me. You see, I am now the best friend of the princess, the boss of MI5—the MI6 agent personally recommended by Mr. Kim Philby, and also specially hired by the embassy. Advisor, with diplomatic immunity..."

"Wait for me!" Hema used the interrupt skill, "Why did you only leave for a few days, so fierce?"

"What the hell, I've been away for many years!" Mikako yelled.

After yelling, she continued: "I'm in college, and I'm running around because I don't like studying. I thought that by running around, at least I can practice English, see the local customs, and get to know some people."

Reminds me of Ma, Mikako is a super social bully, the ultimate acquaintance.

"Later, I was in the library in Cambridge, and I saw a super awesome person donating books. I don't know who it is, but of course I have to go up and get to know the awesome person. Guess what, I told him After chatting for a while, he actually told me about the recent proposals of the Labor Party.

"I told him everything I learned from you, including mistakes in the Soviet Union's road, but the **** dream will still come true, and the old man was very happy in the end."

—Of course he is happy, he is the Cambridge Five.

"Later, when the old man saw that I was running very fast and flying over walls, he asked me if I wanted to be an agent. Who am I? Of course I answered yes, so I was recommended to be an agent of MI6.

"The reason for the six divisions is that foreigners can be employed in the six divisions, and the core cadres of the fifth division must be British with the Union Jack."

He Ma wants to laugh, this British man who is correcting the Mi Ziqi may not be very loyal.

Forget it, people haven't exposed it, and I don't have much to say, just watch.

As soon as He Ma thought this way, Mikako hugged him: "He Ma Ma! Although you interrupted me, but you see, now that you marry me, you will immediately have real benefits, and as a family member of a diplomat, you There will also be diplomatic immunity - some.

"You can help justice however you want, you can even have your faction in the Metropolitan Police Department! A real faction!"

Thinking with Ma, it seems that this is indeed the case.

Not to mention anything else, just the point of being the best friend of the princess—you know, Showa has come to an end, even if Showa in this world can last until Showa 66, it is only 1991.

Not a few years.

A few years later, the crown princess will become an imperial concubine. Although the emperor of Japan has no real power, the face of the country is much more effective in connecting the upper class and acting as a lubricant than ordinary celebrities.

Becoming the husband of the imperial concubine's best friend means that I can go to many very high-level restaurant meetings and deeply participate in Japanese-style restaurant politics.

This is the biggest characteristic of Japan.

While Kazuma was thinking about this, Mikako continued to persuade Kazuma: "Unlike Honami, if you get promoted without a wife, you will be considered unreliable, right?"

This is another characteristic of Japan. If a female politician like Honami is married, it is considered that she should return to the family.

Conversely, a man like Hema needs to be diligent in his career. If he doesn't have a wife, he will be considered "rootless like a dandelion", which is unreliable.

There is probably no country in the world where women suffer more discrimination and prejudice than Japan.

But even if Japan is also changing, there will soon be female politicians in Japan who are married and still show their faces outside, and even obtain important positions such as members of the National Assembly and Minister of Defense.

But that was the world twenty years later.

But thinking about it the other way around, Honami was in her 40s and 50s at the time, exactly the age to climb to that level.

While thinking about this with Ma, Mikako continued to persuade: "Right, right? You can still maintain a relationship with Honami through mentors and apprentices. Everyone thinks it's normal for politicians to have lovers.

"How do you think that at this time, marrying me is the most suitable and benefits the most! How about it, I didn't just slap my head this time, I have seriously thought about it!"

He Ma let out a long sigh: "You just came here, and look at our side, just finished such a big event, everyone needs to rest, and the wound needs to be bandaged, it's not the time to talk about such things.

"After we rest and heal our injuries, we will discuss this issue. You won't leave when you come back?"

Mikako nodded: "Well, I'm a commissioner now! Tokyo Station has one-way communication with me."

—Can you tell Mikako about this kind of thing? What's the difference between this and broadcasting with a loudspeaker

However, MI6 still maintained the last caution, and there was no two-way communication.

So at least Mikako didn't know the names of the people at MI6's Tokyo station.

Mikako turned her head to look around, then pointed at the dead Aikawa Farron and said, "Who is this?"

He Ma: "Hechuan Falong, our old enemy."

"Ah? Ah?" Mikako was shocked, "He... oh, congratulations! You finally killed your old enemy! I thought I would fight him for you after I came back! Does that mean we are done fighting the boss now?"

He Ma glanced at Fengguo Xiaoyou, and shook his head: "No, not yet. Hechuan Falong still has a partner who hasn't been punished yet."

Fengguo Xiaoyou suddenly frowned.

Then Hema turned to Amao: "Amao, your sister Mikako just came back, do you want to continue talking about that?"

Amao gritted his teeth and hesitated for a while: "If you marry Sister Mikako, you have diplomatic immunity, so I won't say anything. I... will never violate the law, even if it is not so right."

Kazuma looked at the top of Amao's head, and found that the light of the entry "Legal Knight" became more intense, and even hurt his eyes.

—This too strong light will make his career as a lawyer run into obstacles everywhere.

But maybe, maybe he became the most suitable legal jackal instead. After all, legal jackals themselves usually don't violate the law.

Then Kazuma glanced at Chiyoko.

I just feel sorry for my sister, maybe I have to suffer with this kid.

Finally, Hema looked at Fengguo Xiaoyou, and for a moment, he began to hope that Fengguo Xiaoyou could be snatched away by Amao.

At this time, Chiyoko suddenly said: "Brother, I have decided. Starting today, I will move in with Amao."

He and the horse were shocked, what's going on? Now, isn't it the time to count the gains after defeating the boss and then everyone is shocked? How did you start a love story here? Will there be classic Japanese dramas running later

"Let's talk about it after cleaning up, you are also injured..."

As soon as Hema opened his mouth, Chiyoko interrupted him: "No, I'm going to say it now. I don't plan to escape anymore, and I also think, brother, you should... sorry... Anyway, I want to live with Amao, and I will go home when I get home." move place."

Ah Mao rented a house alone for the bar exam. Now that the bar exam is over, Ah Mao is already a trainee lawyer, so naturally there is no need to avoid seeing Chiyoko.

He Ma sighed: "Well, girls always want to marry, I understand, I really understand."