I Teach Kendo in Tokyo

Chapter 732: force


With the arrival of the ship from the Coast Guard, this incident finally came to an end.

When the cruise ship returned to the port, it caused a commotion, because there was a visiting British Royal Navy nuclear submarine in the escort cruise ship.

It is said that the foreign affairs officials and translators of the Tokyo Port Authority were kicked out of sleep and dragged to work.

Among the many impacts brought about by this incident, the first and most direct impact is that the welfare technology has collapsed, and the network of contacts built by Aichuan Falong has suddenly dispersed, and the boundaries have been cleared.

As for the various "wealths" left by welfare technology, it is natural that vultures like the Nanjo Consortium will come in and share them.

However, the biggest impact of the incident actually has something to do with Mikako's return, which was beyond Ma's expectation.


High-end restaurant Matsuya, the innermost box, a "restaurant meeting" is in progress.

Matters large and small in Japan are actually decided in countless such kiosk meetings, and then pushed to the foreground, turning into various personnel changes and policy changes.

So some people say that without all kinds of high-end kiosks, Japan may shut down directly.

"Mr. Feng Guo," said the speaker, one of the former police inspectors and now the Minister of Justice, "your situation is not very good now. I heard that the girl named Mikako Fujii has been staying in Kiryu and Ma Don’t leave the dojo, it looks like Kiryu and Ma Jun’s marriage is about to be finalized.”

After the words fell, another old man immediately took up the conversation: "In this way, your hope of becoming the police chief will be slimmer."

Although Feng Guogui is a warning prisoner, he is still as humble as an ant in front of these old men.

Because half of the people here have been police chiefs.

Unlike a position with real power like a police supervisor, the police chief usually changes every two years, and rarely lasts for more than two years.

The Police Superintendent, who is voted by a committee including the Minister of Justice, is more like a nominal position. Usually, he sits for two years at the end of his police career and is gilded.

Of course, such a position is not easy to get up to.

After all, there are 20 warning supervisors in Japan.

Generally speaking, there are still ten years before retirement after becoming a warning prison, and there are exactly five police chiefs. That is to say, there is a one-fourth chance of climbing to the top of the Japanese police after becoming a warning prison.

However, things cannot be calculated in this way, because there are often real powers who come up later to warn the supervisor to jump in the queue.

The one who can become the police chief must be the one with the most powerful and the most capital among the 20 warning prisons.

After serving as a warning prison for ten years, there are not a few who have no choice but to abdicate.

Of course, Fengguo also wanted to be the police chief. Although this position is only gold-plated, there is a huge difference between whether he has been there or not.

Let's just put it this way, if Feng Guo hadn't been a police chief, then his road to power would have ended here, and he would not have moved to a higher place.

After that, what awaits him is retirement, the revolving door, and retirement.

It's not that it's bad, but people like Fengguo have a desire for power, and he definitely wants to go further.

Now Fengguo waits for the bosses to speak one by one, and waits for no one to speak before saying: "Fufu Technology and I..."

"It's not just about this." Suddenly, the current Minister of Justice interrupted Fengguo, "Didn't you hear what we said just now? Kiryu and Ma will become people who can enter and exit the palace in a short time. Think about it , Fengguo."

Another big brother said slowly: "Also, there is another question. Kiryu and Ma seem to be unwilling to stop. Can you guarantee that he will not kill you next time? I have heard that he has a famous sword Kind of weird."

For a while, the venue was completely silent, and everyone looked at Fengguo.

Suddenly, someone said: "Mr. Feng, I remember that you are also a ninth-dan kendo, right? You or Kiryu and Ma, who is better?"

Feng Guolang said: "I haven't neglected the training of kendo, I am stronger."

"Really?" There was a burst of laughter along with this is it.

At this moment, Feng Guo understood.

These people didn't come to discuss things with him at all, they had already made a decision, and they just informed him in this way.

They have already decided on the candidate for the next Police Superintendent.

Feng Guo lost the election.


Feng Guo bowed to everyone: "I understand, I will solve the problem of Kiryu and Ma. Regarding the candidate for the next police chief..."

"You still have two years left, are you going to retire?" Feng Guo was interrupted again, which had never happened before.

The Minister of Justice looked at him with an amiable expression like a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva on the side of the road: "After retirement, it's not bad to take care of your life. At first, you will be unwilling, but it will be fine after a few years. Time is the best antidote. "

Feng Guo has a new understanding of the dinner in front of him.

This is an ultimatum. But since they have come to issue an ultimatum, it shows that there is still room for redemption.

Sharp and drastic action must be taken as soon as possible.

Feng Guo: "I understand. I will come to the door tomorrow and ask Kiryu and Ma for sword skills."

"Don't be in such a hurry, come on, drink." The Minister of Justice leaned over to serve Feng Guoman, who was sitting opposite, and then said with a smile, "Don't be impulsive, impulsiveness is easy to cause bad things. By the way, you can let that ... What's that? It's that old sword master lying on the bed, let me do you a favor."

The voice fell, and someone said something: "Ji Dao is supposed to do this kind of work, and it can be regarded as making the best use of everything."

Feng Guo paused and shook his head, "I'm afraid he won't be able to get up anymore, I will take care of this matter."

"Can't you really get up? I still think it would be great if Kiryu and Ma could die together with that old thing this time."

I don't know who said such a sentence, and everyone in the private room burst into laughter.

Feng Guo finally fully understood that this group of people not only hoped to kill Kiryu and Ma, but also hoped that they could kill the former general manager of the Kanto United who was ill in bed.

After taking two lives, I will definitely not be able to be the police chief again, but my faction will survive.

—This group of people is actually threatening my faction. No wonder there is a senior prosecutor from Tokyo among the people who eat.

Although the prosecutor has been drinking in the corner and did not speak.

If he fails, maybe tomorrow will be big news, the huge scandal of the Metropolitan Police Department will occupy all the pages, and the corruption of the Metropolitan Police Department will be reported everywhere.

—What ruthless old bastards, just now I still had a naive fantasy, thinking that they would change their minds and continue to support me as the police chief.

Suddenly, Fengguo gloated and thought, if he didn't get rid of Kiryu and Ma, what would happen to this group of people in the future.

In terms of corruption, compared with everyone here, Fengguo is really just a little brother.

Look at them all with fat heads and big ears.

For a moment, Toyokuni wanted to join forces with Kiryu and Ma.

Then he dropped the idea right away.

After all, he and Kiryu and Ma Liangzi have already formed a relationship.

Feng Guo once again bowed to everyone: "Then, I will take my leave first. I still have some small things to deal with tonight."

This little thing is called sending Uesugi Soichiro back to the west.

There must be many eyes and ears watching Fengguo. Only by killing Uesugi can he prove to these old people that he has decided to have a showdown with Kiryu and Mr. Ma.

So Soichiro Uesugi must not survive tonight.

Don't worry, Toyokuni thought, Kiryu and Ma will accompany you tomorrow.

Just as Feng Guo was about to leave, the Minister of Justice suddenly called him: "Mr. Feng, be careful all the way."

Feng Guo bowed silently, and closed the sliding door of the private room smoothly.