I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 11: The Emerald Dream


"Is this... is this really a giant dragon?"

These low-level mages are just flowers that grew up in a greenhouse. They came here just to gain military merit. Their performance is not even as good as those of ordinary soldiers. Although the ordinary soldiers are also pale and full of fear, they are still able to do it. Standing body.

In this era where the glory of the gods has dimmed and miracles cannot come, this ancient dragon of semi-god level can be said to be invincible!

In an instant, this dragon's breath drowned the human legion, and three to four thousand people were affected by it. Unlike the ordinary dragon's breath that burned people, when the emerald dragon's breath of this ancient dragon swept through everything, those substances From reality to illusion, the bodies of people swept by the dragon's breath began to become transparent. They seemed to be still alive, but their existence had disappeared and became just a fantasy.

If it were just adult dragons, or even those old dragons, Machis wouldn't be so frightened that he almost had a mental breakdown. In any case, the commander of this 30,000-person legion was definitely one of the best in the Theocracy. As a high-level legendary warrior, even if Abiel cannot slay a dragon, he can definitely fight against a giant dragon, but—

There was already a cry in Machis' voice, and he began to regret why he came to this battlefield. Now even if the God of Magic comes to force him, he will never dare to take another step forward.

Machis's ferocious appearance and ear-piercing screams were not despised by others, because the other mages were even worse than Machis. Some low-level mages were already seeing the golden dragon in front of them. After that, he collapsed directly to the ground, and disgusting liquid flowed out from under his legs uncontrollably.

"This is not an ordinary dragon at all, but an ancient dragon that should have become history. Why, why do ancient dragons still exist in this world? Shouldn't they have fallen with the Dragon God!!"

Visible to the naked eye, lush jungles rise on the plains. In the blink of an eye, the edges of the Forest of Mu'en begin to spread, and the area of the forest also expands. Although compared to the Forest of Mu'en that occupies the southern part of the continent, this sudden growth of jungle It's just the tip of the iceberg, but this giant dragon has indeed created a fantastic jungle world in an instant!

"This is the Ancient Dragon. If I guess correctly, he has lived for at least 30,000 years..."

A low-level mage trembled and murmured.

Accompanied by the dragon's language and roar, with the terrifying giant dragon as the center, a light green light spread across the world. It enveloped the army of 30,000 people and the large jungle, and the feeling of greenness filled every creature. In their hearts, it was as if they had come to another world, another protected natural land.

Machis said word by word, and after hearing his words, the young mages felt dizzy and completely unimaginable.

The perfect body that can be seen more than three hundred meters away, the ferocious dragon head exudes endless terror, the stretched wings turn the sky into darkness, and just flying through the sky with the reflection flowing down is enough to make people collapse. flee.

Where is the giant dragon? It is simply an island flying in the sky!

Moreover, giant dragons are like all powerful but sparse races. They attach great importance to the group. If someone really becomes a dragon-slaying warrior, the final result of that warrior must be torn to pieces by the dragons, so in this world , most of the dragon-slaying warriors can only appear in the stories of bards. Unless the dragon goes too far, the legendary strong men in this world are absolutely unwilling to provoke the dragon.

"This is not an ordinary ancient dragon... He is a demigod!!"

The three-hundred-meter-long dragon opened its mouth, and a stream of emerald-colored dragon breath fell from the sky.

This is the Emerald Dream! !

Machis seemed to hear exclamations in the distance. They were the cries of elves and druids. These elves had been hiding in the forest, waiting for human attacks, and then fought back on their own territory. Those exclamations Emotions are different from humans. If the voice of humans is fear, then the voice of elves is cheers. For elves and druids who love forests and nature, the domain of the giant dragon in front of them is simply bringing down divine grace.

Giant dragons are different from those short-lived species. They have lifespans of up to thousands of years. This race does not need to go through hard training like other races to gain powerful power. For giant dragons, they only need to ensure that they After growing up, it has a power that is close to the legendary level after reaching full adulthood. In addition, the dragon's body is huge, and the structure of the whole body seems to be born for fighting. Even a truly legendary strong man is not willing to do it. To face an adult dragon, even if you can defeat the opponent, the price you have to pay is definitely not worth it.

When I close my eyes, everything is just a dream!

However, although giant dragons are powerful, they also have fatal weaknesses. The fertility rate is the most difficult problem for this race to overcome. Although no one has calculated the number of giant dragons as a race, with the addition of many other planes in the main continent, It is estimated that there are only hundreds or thousands of giant dragons at most, including those old giant dragons and young dragons. If the giant dragons did not have a long lifespan, this number would definitely be extinct for a race.

"When I fall into a dream, the world will tremble. When I wake up, everything will be real!!"

"God...the realm of God?!"

Machis is no longer afraid, now he is even scared out of his wits. Although he has never seen this field, he also knows from some records that this is God's application of divine power, and if this field can be Condensate into your own priesthood, then a new god will be born.

This is a race favored by the gods, and is a creature born to be at the top of the food chain.

In addition to the fertility rate, most of the giant dragons are lazy. They don't know what cultivation is. They just rely on eating and waiting to die to make themselves stronger. If you meet a giant dragon who knows how to practice and become stronger, , that is definitely the so-called genius among the dragon clan.

What is the concept of thirty thousand years? The history of human civilization is not that long, and for other races, if they really live for 30,000 years, they will either become gods, or they will be directly submerged in the long river of history and die. But now they actually saw a An ancient creature that really lived for 30,000 years

As a mage, especially Machis, who can already be called an archmage, he certainly has his own understanding of the dragon species.

"This is...the power of God..."

The average adult dragon is only fifty or sixty meters long. Although its size is scary enough, it is not so big that people will feel unable to resist it. Some old ancient dragons may be able to reach eighty to one hundred meters. meters, but that is definitely not comparable to the giant dragon that is 300 meters long in front of you.

The ancient dragons are already powerful enough. They are the descendants of the Dragon God. They are terrifying creatures that even the legions of the heavens cannot do anything about. If it is an ancient dragon that has become a demi-god, then I am afraid that only the gods can take action. It surrendered.

Machis murmured with dry lips.