I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 114: Discover the dragoness, Queen of Calamity!


Louis' heart moved, and he immediately understood.

Having lived as a human for more than twenty years, Louis did not find it difficult to control the bodies of humanoid creatures. On the contrary, it was extremely easy.

"... Relying on her life as a dragon and her wisdom far beyond other dragons, she once gained a huge reputation in human society when she transformed into a human. And relying on the legend brought by this reputation, she became a A legendary mage!”

Louis exclaimed in admiration, and became interested in this female dragon.

If the 'Queen of Disaster' mentioned in Hisna's words was a person from more than a thousand years ago, the level of civilization at that time should be similar to now. Even if it is to record history, murals should never be used.

Fortunately, I am a dragon now. This is normal for my age.

Hisna nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief: "... 'Queen of Disaster' is different from other dragons. She is not lazy at all. She eats and waits for death. After passing through the dangerous childhood period, she hides and leans on her back. Sleep and spend long hours to become stronger."

"No one knows what the 'Disaster Queen' was like in her young and teenage stages. She was already an adult dragon when she appeared in history. However, the Disaster Queen didn't do anything big at that time. She changed The adult is hiding in human society, learning all kinds of knowledge, and there are even records that she should have joined some 'secret organizations of wizards', and thus became a real spell caster."

Having said this, Hisna raised her head and glanced at Louis, her tone hesitant.

But because of mental problems, Louis gave up this route.

Louis admired these murals that could definitely be excavated as archaeological remains if they were on Earth, and then asked: "... Hisna, tell me everything about that red dragon. She is probably related to' Shadow Dragon King' related."

However, compared to guessing from the murals, Louis preferred written records, which would be more detailed and comprehensive.

This is a bit powerful. As a giant dragon, she doesn't have the weak physical defects of mages. Think about it, when fighting, her dragon head is spraying dragon breath, her right claw is slapping people everywhere, and her left hand is holding a chain of lightning, and her wings are spread out. Just release the legendary spell that has been prepared for a long time. This combat power is absolutely no different from that of a demigod.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and asked interestingly.

If Louis hadn't lit up the magic priesthood, even he would have been helpless with spells, but the red dragon actually had the patience to learn spells, and finally became a legendary mage!

Hearing Hisna's words, Louis felt that this 'Queen of Disaster' was really weird among the dragons. As a dragon with magic-like powers that relied more on its body to fight, she would actually become a dragon. Mage, and became a legendary mage!

Louis, who was walking in front with his head held high, heard Hisna's low cry. He stopped, slowly turned his head, and looked at Hisna with a little doubt.


Hisna's answer made Louis focus on the stone wall beside him. As expected, there were simple murals carved with some very ancient techniques. Generally, this kind of thing was created when civilization was ignorant and racial civilization was not yet developed. At that time, our ancestors used this method to record some history.

Louis grinned when he heard her words. As a former human being, Louis felt that Xisna was actually quite old now. She would have no problem being his grandma's grandma's grandma... No, it should be said that those who were his The elf maids I had sex with were all at least two hundred years old. According to human opinions on age, this was really too harsh.

The content of the murals is not complicated. Even if Hisna doesn't explain it, Louis can tell that these murals represent the life of the red dragon.

Louis muttered like this, and then listened quietly to Hisna's explanation.

If she were to turn into an ancient dragon in the end, even weak true gods, or those who were not good at fighting, would have a headache when they saw her.

Louis nodded secretly, agreeing with Hisna's words. In his opinion, dragons are a race that just eats and waits to die.

"You can say whatever you want, I don't care."

Louis felt that this red dragon was the same as the development plan he originally envisioned. He would start by being cowardly and study hard. He would use the advantages of the dragon's life and his studious and hardworking spirit that were different from other dragons to hide in the deep mountains and old forests and become a big boss. , after becoming awesome, he came out and became a blockbuster.

"She? A female dragon?"

Hisna knew that Louis had been living in a plane outside the star field for the past "ten thousand years" and did not understand the historical situation of the main material plane, so she bowed slightly to explain to Louis.

What this red dragon did was even more extreme. She completely hid from the court. She hid directly among humans and carried out activities as a human.

You must know that it is difficult for a dragon to become a spell caster. The dragon's strong magic resistance makes it difficult to cast spells, and learning those spells is like learning advanced calculus, which is simply painful.

Xisna was lost in thought. She lowered her eyelids and fluttered her long eyelashes. Even in the darkness in the shadow plane, her pretty face could be seen, without any pores. It's a piece of white jade.

"Crimson Calamity?"

Lisafur also looked at Hisna with interest. She had heard of the red dragon from more than a thousand years ago, but the lifespan of orcs is about the same as that of humans. A thousand years is already a very long time. It's time, but for elves, a thousand years is probably the lifespan of an ordinary elf. If it reaches the legendary level of Xisna, a thousand years is just the beginning of life.

'When civilization was ignorant, the things recorded by humans on stone walls were generally related to 'gods', unless the red dragon was interested in gods. '

The magical world really can't talk about science. For example, where did the weight of the dragon go after he turned into human form, and how did the internal structure of the dragon change.

"Judging from the technique of these murals, it is definitely not something that goblins or kobolds can paint. The Shadowghosts were a group of humans lost in the shadow plane a long time ago. Although they are different from humans now, they will definitely stay. Due to human dexterity, these murals were probably carved by the ancestors of those ghost ghost villages outside under the orders of the 'Queen of Disaster'."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Louis didn't care about names like 'Crimson Calamity', 'Destroyer of Nations', 'Queen of Calamity', etc. He was only interested in the nickname 'she'.

'This is actually the development route I once imagined! '

Louis nodded to her, indicating that she could tell her all her thoughts.

But she didn't bother to remind him, because it was none of her business even if he got angry.

'Amazing red dragon! '

Lisapher on the side almost rolled her eyes. Is it really okay for you to say bad things about the dragon in front of His Majesty? You must know that the dragon is very proud of his race.

"Your Majesty, 'Crimson Disaster' is the name of a red dragon more than a thousand years ago. Her name was Novilie Nisgein, and she was known as the 'Destroyer of Nations' and the 'Disaster Queen' …”

"The Queen of Disaster, Novilie Nisgein, is an alien among red dragons and an alien among giant dragons..."

"When the 'Queen of Disaster' wreaked havoc on the continent, I was just born, so I have no real impression of it. I only heard about the red dragon later."

However, Louis still felt a little awkward, that is, when he turned into a human form, he did feel that his strength was greatly reduced. He lacked the aggressiveness of his claws, tail, and dragon head, and also lacked the defense of scales, and even the dragon's breath could not Use it, no wonder those dragons don't like turning into humanoid creatures.