I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 25: Who said elves are all stupid and sweet?


Although the elves are not afraid of war, they generally do not do things like massacre the city. Xisna is also thinking about the lives of those poor human civilians.

When he reaches great success in cultivation, it would be best to become a god and then jump out and make a big splash. He feels that this is the way to survive for a time traveler. He can honestly cultivate his magical skills and become invincible before going out to cause trouble. Why are you being hunted all day long

Louis pondered for a while, then slowly asked.

He made excuses for himself.

This is why Xisna was shocked when she saw a demigod-level ancient dragon.

Although this world has all kinds of extraordinary powers, not to mention gods and the like, almost every legendary warrior or mage can become a superman, but the civilization of this world is very backward, and even Louis feels that it is not even better than The Middle Ages that did not come to Earth.

"The most important problem facing the City of Dragons now is that before the Theocracy abandoned the city, they burned most of the food reserves in the city's warehouses. With today's food reserves, there is simply no way to support the lost people. Even if the Silver Moon Kingdom transfers some food to meet the daily expenses of the common people, it will not be able to support the city's supply for a few days."

"Hisna, tell me what's going on in this city now?"

Accustomed to the cleanliness of modern metropolises on Earth, Louis is very dissatisfied with the current City of Dragons.

Louis had observed before when he was at high altitude that there was no urban planning at all in the construction of the Central City. It was almost a mess. He just remembered what was built and what was needed. He could even see the city with his eyesight at the time. It was extremely dirty. Thinking of how dirty the cities were in the Middle Ages on Earth, he felt that it would be better to destroy and rebuild them.

But this little elf girl is really beautiful. If she could be caught, he would probably not be willing to sell her. She would definitely keep it as a family heirloom. Even older people would be attracted by this little girl when they see her. The excitement makes you stronger.

"... We, the elves, have different food from humans. The elves mainly live on fruits. Due to the shelf life of fruits, there are very few food reserves that can be used by the elves. Even in winter, many of our elves are hungry. abdomen."

This elf is quite powerful. This little mouth is really eloquent and plays the art of language very well. It should be said that no matter what race you are, anyone who can be an official must have two brushes.

"Destroy it, destroy it, destroy it before you can rebuild it..."

Marchis thought obscenely.

Xisna can be said to be both rational and emotional. She first talked about the importance of a lot of human civilians to the city, just because she was afraid that Louis would be upset and say, "Kill all the civilians who have no food to eat." You won't be hungry any more.' This is something a giant dragon can definitely say.

At the same time, she also blocked the way for Louis to ask for food from the elves, and told the elves' tragic situation in a very emotional way, which almost made her cry.

Louis didn't feel anything about destroying half of his city. He even thought it was not bad because it would save him trouble later.

However, Louis knows that this idea can only be dead now, and he may have to make trouble. Fortunately, at least Louis does not have to be hunted everywhere like those weak time travelers. He can always react at critical moments. kill.

If possible, it would be best to have his own powerful force and army. Although his current identity as a demigod dragon should scare the major forces on the mainland from having any thoughts about him in a short time, Louis does not believe that human beings can be so honest. , as time goes by, they will definitely be ready to move, and they may send some small troops to harass them.

Louis doesn't want to be the focus of the world. If possible, he doesn't even want to appear as a demigod dragon. He would rather hide in the deep mountains and old forests as a young dragon to bully those weak creatures, and be a mountain king. .

She was pretty and strong, not silly but a strong woman capable of both literary and martial arts. Louis increasingly felt that this elf was a good candidate to lay eggs for him.

Just like his new slave, this frightened human being is also a Seven-ring Archmage, and his strength is enough to deal with many people.

"Population is crucial to a city. This population cannot be given up. With their existence, the city can develop and build."

If it were an ordinary dragon, it would probably have no impact on Hisna's words, but Louis, who had a human soul, glanced at Hisna.

However, the dragon cannot grow forever. No matter how long the dragon lives, it cannot become a demigod by itself. Things related to 'gods' are not so easy to achieve. In addition, Dragons are lazy by nature and rely on resting on their laurels, so dragons at the level of demigods have only appeared a few times in history.

Even to say disrespectful words, Her Majesty the Queen is probably not the opponent of this giant dragon. Dragons are such an unreasonable race. As long as they reach adulthood, they have almost eight levels of professional strength, and they can still fight several of the same level. That kind, and when he reaches the ancient dragon stage, he will have the strength of the legendary level, and he can still beat several people of the same level at one time, and he can even fight with demigods.

As a great demigod dragon, Louis certainly cannot take action personally whenever an enemy appears. Doing so would consume too much of his divine power and easily expose his original form. Then it is only right to send his own men or troops to fight against him. The royal choice.

Hisna answered cautiously, with a slight stutter in her light and sweet voice. She felt ashamed that an elf flattered her so shamelessly and said a massacre was a demonstration of great power.

Listening to Louis' words, the misunderstood Hisna sighed secretly. The dragon is indeed a dragon. It doesn't care about its people at all. It just suffers the human civilians.

However, Louis' previous massacre of human armies and cities, as well as his almost unrivaled power, left Hisna with no choice but to praise without conscience. She did not want to offend this animal because of some of her verbal disrespect. The dragon is angry. If he rushes into the Forest of Moon and commits a massacre, no one in the entire Silver Moon Kingdom except Her Majesty the Queen can stop him.

Machis, who had finally finished moving the gold coins as a porter, listened to the "flattery" words of the elf, and secretly despised him in his heart. You see, even the so-called pure elf has to kneel down and lick it in front of the great dragon. Those actions of mine are nothing!

"Reporting to your Majesty, today in the center... nearly half of the Dragon City has been destroyed by the great power you showed."

Thinking like this, Hisna became more cautious. She didn't want to rebel against this extremely terrifying dragon and make him have bad thoughts about the elves. In that case, her people would probably live a miserable life. .

According to that intellectual brain, the creatures in this world are just a bunch of barbarians, and civilization is extremely backward.

Since the permanent positioning device cannot be moved and must be within a kilometer of the destination, that is, within the scope of this palace, then he must use this city, which he renamed Dragon City, as his base, and Since it is a base area, he has to ignore it and develop it properly.