I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 61: The wealth of the dragon


Louis has no interest in the old mage, but he has always been humble, and his knowledge and wisdom in magic are still useful, so Louis is more interested in him... And when Louis' eyes glanced at the ranger Hisna, When he saw her tall figure, her plump thighs exposed under the leather armor, her fair and delicate skin, her pair of tall breasts, and her heroic and beautiful face with the cool and soft elf, Louis found something about him. There was a reaction somewhere.

"What's the problem?"

There is so much fine wheat, if you add all the human countries in the main continent together, it would be difficult for them to find it!

Louis had no idea about food, and he had no idea about wheat. Isn't this stuff just processed into flour and then made into bread, steamed buns, noodles, etc. He didn't eat this every day before, and it was even a food he disliked. What's all the fuss about.

Louis said calmly.

Poverty is really tearing me apart! !

"Two... two hundred thousand tons??"

After seeing the dragon, Hisna respectfully performed an ancient elf etiquette to show her respect.

"Great Master, I wonder why you summoned this humble servant here?"

Taking a deep breath to temporarily bring his consciousness back to the business, he turned his head and looked at the mountains of bags behind him and beside him, and said majestically: "... Machis, go check these things and see if there is anything wrong with them. .”

Although he didn't say it clearly, his subconscious words were that these are simply mountains of gold and silver! !

'Could it be that he evolved into a young dragon, so his reaction became stronger? '

Facing a sacred and great demigod ancient dragon, even a strong man of legendary level must express enough humility, because the opponent has already half-stepped into the realm of God. In this endless plane, There are countless races and countless numbers, but there are only a few true gods and not many demigods.

(Units of measurement have been translated to Earth standards.)

Although these sacks were piled up like a mountain, Machis did not dare to use a dagger to scratch them. Instead, he walked back tremblingly and couldn't help but said: "...Master, could it be that they are all here..."

He made a slit in the sack, and the wheat-colored rice flowed out. When he saw what was flowing out, he was stunned for a moment, and then he hurriedly knelt on the ground to catch it, and even more words came out from his mouth. He exclaimed in disbelief: "...God of Magic, these...these are..."

"Oh, this wheat should be enough to feed the citizens of my Dragon City for three years."

Could it be that there is something hidden in this world, a plane full of food? Could it be that the great demigod dragon robbed a food-producing plane and got so much refined wheat

Goddess, how rich must this giant dragon be to not care about this fine wheat that can shock the entire human kingdom.

Louis thought about it and felt that this might be the problem.

Marchis' knees weakened and he almost knelt down to Louis.

Note that this is only the grain exported by the exporting country. If you include the grain produced and sold by all countries in the world, these 200,000 tons are simply a drop in the bucket of the earth's annual grain production!

This is no longer an area that mortals dare to pry into.

"Yes, the great and supreme master."

Louis did not speak, but glanced at the two of them first. In fact, Louis, who was not in the form of a demigod dragon, could not make a seventh-level mage and a legendary ranger feel depressed, but perhaps it was preconceived. In Louis' eyes, When they passed by, both of them were shocked and felt inexplicable fear.

After Machis realized this, he rolled his eyes and almost fainted. The elf Xisna also looked excited. As a legendary ranger, she couldn't control her body and took a step back, covering herself with her hands. Her delicate red lips barely kept her standing posture.

Louis was puzzled. It was just two hundred thousand tons of wheat, so he was so excited.

Machis looked excited, danced and said with spittle flying around.

"Well, most of the wheat here is wheat, probably close to 200,000 tons..."

Machis thought for a while and took out a dagger from his waist. Although this thing is of no use to mages, most mages will still keep one on them for protection, and it may work wonders.

Louis' cold words finally restored some of Marchis's consciousness. Yes, how could this mountain of bags be twenty tons? It must be two hundred thousand tons.

Oh, Ms. Silver Moon, even among us elves who live a relatively delicate life, only a very small number of people can eat such fine refined wheat. The elves don’t produce much food, so this kind of refined wheat is more valuable to them. ! !

Xisna, who had always remained humble, heard the exclamation. She looked curiously at Machis' place. After seeing what flowed out of the sack, she covered her mouth and exclaimed: "... Jingmai ?!!"

"Salute to you, Your Majesty!"

Two hundred thousand tons may seem like a lot, but it is only equivalent to one-fifth of the weight of the United States' annual exports. If other major exporting countries such as Ukraine and Russia are included, these two hundred thousand tons of wheat are probably only This is equivalent to one 2,000th of the world's annual exports.

And after hearing Louis' words, Hisna also stared at Him with widened beautiful eyes.

Machis wondered if he had heard wrongly and mistook twenty tons for two hundred thousand tons, "... two hundred thousand tons of... fine wheat??!!"

It’s not that these countries don’t have food reserves. If calculated based on food reserves, the food of human countries is definitely far more than 200,000 tons. But this is fine wheat, fine wheat, which can make soft white bread, and only nobles can enjoy it. Instead of those things that are stored in the granary and can only be used to make black bread to fill the stomach, wheat mixed with bran! !

In front of Louis, Marchis did not dare to have any other unnecessary thoughts. He looked at his nose, his nose and his mouth, and his mouth and heart, trying to calm his mind to express more humble sincerity.

"Master... these are fine wheat, fine wheat! Not wheat mixed with bran!! This... this is something only nobles can afford to eat. With so much fine wheat together, it is enough for the entire continent. Human nobles have been eating it for several years!!”

"I don't want to say the things I said a second time!"

"You...you actually want to give such fine wheat to those untouchables?!!"

Machis tried his best to remain humble. He carefully came to the piles of sacks that almost occupied the entire square. He first touched the sacks with his hands, and then nodded. These sacks were like Saint Sault. It is similar to the ones used by most people in the Lun'er world. It is strong and cheap, and it can be said that it is a must-have for people who do physical work.

He shrank back to show respect. He had no choice but to do so. Although he accepted the dragon's way of thinking, Louis did not abandon the human way of thinking. The dragon did not wear clothes. This kind of way of showing respect in public was not acceptable. It really embarrassed him, but luckily he was lying down now.