I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 732: In the abyss, offer killing and order


There are countless huge pits on this vast land. Each huge pit is a portal to the lower abyss plane. These huge pits are the origin of the meaning of 'abyss', and therefore serve as the gates of the abyss. , there are unparalleled business opportunities here, and an astonishing number of businessmen, mortals and alien creatures gather here to exchange materials.

One by one, the demons fanned their wings and flew into the sky with their masters. More than 300,000 demons collided together on the Wanyuan Plain.

Rosalind led the huge army given to her by Louis and swept all the way to the territory of Pazus. As the most likely lord of the "Abyss Plains", the Wind Demon Network immediately noticed this sudden attack. The target of the demonic dragon that appears.

"A little devil who has just been born dares to challenge me. He is really ungrateful!"

Although there seem to be slightly more Balor Balrogs in this demon army.

The territory of the Wind Demon King Pazus is a land of countless mountain peaks. As a flying demon, this kind of place with not much flat land is the most suitable place for them to perform.

Rosalind, who inherited Malcantheat's cunning thinking comparable to that of the devil, has always been quite disdainful of her compatriots who are not smart enough.

"... I will pull out your dragon scales and break your dragon teeth. The devil dragon I have never seen in the abyss. I like your huge and beautiful wings very much. If you are willing to surrender to me, maybe I can Spare your life, hahahaha!!!"

Regardless of whether it is a demon or a dragon, they will not uphold justice like the human army. Today's "Abyss Plain" has no master. Simply put, it is a place of absolute chaos where princes compete for hegemony. Rosalind leads this terrifying army to burn everywhere. Killing and looting, killing everything they see, whether they are creatures from other worlds, mortals from the main material world, or those plane merchants or even demons that are not under her subordinates, all living creatures are facing When it comes to her, she will only be killed.

Countless demons drive the souls plundered by the abyss into their own plane through the giant pit. This is the birth process of demons. Because of the special nature of the "Abyss Plain", as long as it becomes this plane The Lord of the Abyss will gain special power. Although it is not as good as the 'Demon Prince' recognized by the Will of the Abyss, that speciality is also coveted by greedy demons.

For Louis, who has mastered the Tyranid civilization, these expenditures are nothing. On the contrary, in addition to being recognized by the killing force, he can also be attached to the ordering force. Louis increasingly feels that this abyss is prepared for him. , to achieve the secret realm of God above God.

However, although the demons are in the chaotic camp, it does not mean that they are all fools. There are too many difficulties to be faced in becoming the lord of the "Abyss Plain". For example, bloody battles alone are extremely dangerous. Lords at this level can easily He will die in the fight with the devil. On the contrary, it would be much easier to become a lord in other abyss planes. Therefore, although the demons covet the special powers of the lords in this layer, few demons will actually come to snatch them.

The first plane of the abyss, "The Plain of Abyss", is the entrance to other planes from the abyss, and it is very lively.

The giant dragons and demons roared wildly, the demons waved the demonic fire of the abyss, and the giant dragon breathed out the dragon's breath that burned everything, turning the land into charcoal.

The first target of the Abyss Demonic Dragon Rosalind is the Wind Demon King. She clearly knows the devil's character, which is to be loyal to the strong. As long as she can kill this Wind Demon King, she will solve the problem in this plane. Some other powerful demons will easily become the abyss lords of this level and gain the allegiance of the demons of the "Abyss Plain".

In order to prevent the gods from paying too much attention, the dragon army created by Louis was much smaller than the demon army. Since the overall number of demons was impossible for even the gods to count, no gods or demons would doubt it. The origin of the Burning Legion led by Rosalind would only be thought to be the demon subordinates summoned by the Dragon God in the vast abyss. No one would have thought that it was a cloned product.

Because the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss" can lead to all planes of the abyss, the lawful devil also knows that as long as he controls the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", it is equivalent to controlling the entire bottomless abyss. In this case, the devil will naturally not Let go of the possibility of ruling the 'Wanyuan Plain', and the devil will never allow the devil to encroach on his foothold. In addition, the devil is greedy for the hell plane. From this, every once in a while, there will be a "bloody war" 'Yes, the most brutal and horrific war in the world of St. Sauron took place here.

Moreover, the demon and dragon army that Louis gave her did not suffer any losses at this time. It is the most correct way to directly challenge the most powerful demon king in its heyday. If you go to fight with it after your own army has suffered losses, It would be too stupid to make an enemy of the most powerful demon.

Rosalind's murderous intention aroused Pazus's anger. The wind demon let out a roar that could not be heard by mortals, but would tear apart the soul. He shouted ferociously: "...Don't think it's a god. The bastard of the devil can be the enemy of the great Pazus. I will kill you, and then capture the flirtatious succubus and make it my plaything. Accept your own death, you ignorant greedy one!"

Rosalind, who transformed into the body of an abyssal dragon, laughed wildly. Her beautiful, succubus-like voice turned into a talisman at this moment, destroying everything in sight and plundering all resources. Snatch them all.

"I appreciate your ambition, but you picked the wrong person. If you go to the abyss plane without a lord, you can easily become an abyss lord. But since you covet the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", death will be your only choice. ending!"

The voice of the Wind Demon King was directly transmitted to Rosalin's ears through magic, but the rising demon dragon that had been killed completely ignored its threat and just used the dragon eyes full of killing and blood and this huge bat. Staring at each other from afar.

"Hahahahaha!! Dedicate the best killing to our God!!"

This is the most common thing that happens every moment in the abyss, so this is the most suitable place for the priest of war and killing to obtain divine power. However, because of the great sacrifice, the past wars or the god of killing can only Won't do it.

Now in the entire Abyss Plain, the most powerful demon who is most likely to become a lord is Pazus, known as the Wind Demon.

This is a demon that existed before the Era of Disaster. It is one of the very few demons that returned to this era from that terrible era. It is called the 'Lord of the Sky' and it looks like a demon. The giant bat flying in the sky, and most of its demons are flying types. Because they occupy the sky, Pazus and its demon army have a huge advantage when fighting other demons. Many demons in this plane They will build high towers to show respect to the Fengzi Demon King.

The huge, hill-like bat flew up from the top of a mountain. Its ferocious gaze transcended the concept of distance and stared at the arrogant demon dragon with huge ambitions.