I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 735: unrestrained love


The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

Everything was happening at the same time, everything was related to the Dragon God, and while these things were going on, Louis had another incarnation walking peacefully on the earth.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

Everything was happening at the same time, everything was related to the Dragon God, and while these things were going on, Louis had another incarnation walking peacefully on the earth.

Shuni said with a very serious expression.

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

Shuni said with a very serious expression.

There were boats loaded with fresh vegetables for sale on the river, merchants of various races were greeting customers on the streets, and strong adventurers were bargaining with the old blacksmith in the blacksmith shop, but no one knew that a god was walking among them. between.

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

For example, she supports interracial love, which even modern earthlings would never accept.

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

Until the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons, the former dragon lord Louis initially opened up this place, and until Alexia, the king of dragons and elves, ascended the throne, with the expansion of the empire and the increase in strength, the southernmost point of the continent The area was also included in the embrace of the empire. After sixty years of development, it gradually became connected with the center of the empire.

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

Suni never cared about how shocked her beauty would be to mortals. For her, if her beauty could not be seen by mortals and gods, then she would lose the meaning of 'beauty'.

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

Louis didn't care and hugged Suni's extremely soft waist, walking with the incarnation of the goddess in this bustling seaside city.

There were boats loaded with fresh vegetables for sale on the river, merchants of various races were greeting customers on the streets, and strong adventurers were bargaining with the old blacksmith in the blacksmith shop, but no one knew that a god was walking among them. between.

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

Louis knew that this was the biggest compromise for the fire-haired lady.

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

"But dragons have more lust than love for other races."

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

"I saw His Highness Louis walking around here alone, and came to accompany His Highness Louis when he had nothing to do. Do you want to drive me away?"

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

"You'd really interrupt my fun if you did that."

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

"I saw His Highness Louis walking around here alone, and came to accompany His Highness Louis when he had nothing to do. Do you want to drive me away?"

When Louis heard the words and looked sideways, he saw a beautiful goddess with long fiery red hair, passionate and difficult to describe in human language, appearing next to him.

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

"I didn't disturb your pleasure, Your Highness Louis, did I?"

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

Louis didn't care and hugged Suni's extremely soft waist, walking with the incarnation of the goddess in this bustling seaside city.

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

"I didn't disturb your pleasure, Your Highness Louis, did I?"

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

"Beauty is meant to be appreciated, Your Highness Louis!"

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

When Louis heard the words and looked sideways, he saw a beautiful goddess with long fiery red hair, passionate and difficult to describe in human language, appearing next to him.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

Everything was happening at the same time, everything was related to the Dragon God, and while these things were going on, Louis had another incarnation walking peacefully on the earth.

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

"Beauty is meant to be appreciated, Your Highness Louis!"

Louis knew that this was the biggest compromise for the fire-haired lady.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

Until the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons, the former dragon lord Louis initially opened up this place, and until Alexia, the king of dragons and elves, ascended the throne, with the expansion of the empire and the increase in strength, the southernmost point of the continent The area was also included in the embrace of the empire. After sixty years of development, it gradually became connected with the center of the empire.

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

Louis knew that this was the biggest compromise for the fire-haired lady.

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

Suni never cared about how shocked her beauty would be to mortals. For her, if her beauty could not be seen by mortals and gods, then she would lose the meaning of 'beauty'.

"But dragons have more lust than love for other races."

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

"You'd really interrupt my fun if you did that."

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

The world of St. Sauron is a dangerous world. Even today’s Dragon Kingdom cannot fully develop its territory. The large area between Vera Bay and Dragon City is full of various monsters. It is a place of adventure. Because it is located on the main transportation road, countless merchants come here, and countless adventurers rest and linger in this city. You can know the prosperity of Villa Bay.

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

Everything was happening at the same time, everything was related to the Dragon God, and while these things were going on, Louis had another incarnation walking peacefully on the earth.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

Everything was happening at the same time, everything was related to the Dragon God, and while these things were going on, Louis had another incarnation walking peacefully on the earth.

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

"You'd really interrupt my fun if you did that."

Until the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons, the former dragon lord Louis initially opened up this place, and until Alexia, the king of dragons and elves, ascended the throne, with the expansion of the empire and the increase in strength, the southernmost point of the continent The area was also included in the embrace of the empire. After sixty years of development, it gradually became connected with the center of the empire.

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

Until the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons, the former dragon lord Louis initially opened up this place, and until Alexia, the king of dragons and elves, ascended the throne, with the expansion of the empire and the increase in strength, the southernmost point of the continent The area was also included in the embrace of the empire. After sixty years of development, it gradually became connected with the center of the empire.

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

Louis knew that this was the biggest compromise for the fire-haired lady.

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

"You'd really interrupt my fun if you did that."

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

Vera Bay is located at the southernmost point of the Kingdom of Dragons, and it is also the southernmost point of the mainland. Because of its remote location and too many hills in this area, the situation here was very chaotic before the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Many races Wandering in the southern corner of the continent, their respective races are fighting.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

"You'd really interrupt my fun if you did that."

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

"For this world, such peace is already rare."

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

"I saw His Highness Louis walking around here alone, and came to accompany His Highness Louis when he had nothing to do. Do you want to drive me away?"

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

The Queen of the Kingdom of Dragons is leading the elite troops of the empire and the elves of the Silver Moon Kingdom are invading the Dark Territory. The hybrid of gods and demons born from the Succubus Queen and the Dragon God is leading the dragons and demons. The army ravaged the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", and the incarnations of the three gods blocked the "Deep Pit Demonic Web", making the Spider Queen miserable.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

Suni never cared about how shocked her beauty would be to mortals. For her, if her beauty could not be seen by mortals and gods, then she would lose the meaning of 'beauty'.

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

Shuni was startled for a moment, then smiled and said: "... In that case, I will obey His Highness Louis' wishes for once."

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

Louis didn't care and hugged Suni's extremely soft waist, walking with the incarnation of the goddess in this bustling seaside city.

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

Suni's words made Louis laugh. She is really a goddess who is unrestrained, chaotic and advocates love. Her concept of love and her teachings are close to those of modern humans on earth. Of course, some of her teachings cannot be accepted by modern humans on earth, such as …

"I didn't disturb your pleasure, Your Highness Louis, did I?"

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

For example, she supports interracial love, which even modern earthlings would never accept.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

There were boats loaded with fresh vegetables for sale on the river, merchants of various races were greeting customers on the streets, and strong adventurers were bargaining with the old blacksmith in the blacksmith shop, but no one knew that a god was walking among them. between.

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"I saw His Highness Louis walking around here alone, and came to accompany His Highness Louis when he had nothing to do. Do you want to drive me away?"

Suni's words made Louis laugh. She is really a goddess who is unrestrained, chaotic and advocates love. Her concept of love and her teachings are close to those of modern humans on earth. Of course, some of her teachings cannot be accepted by modern humans on earth, such as …

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

"Haha, of course not. It's too late for me to be happy to have such a beautiful goddess like Your Highness Shuni, so why would I drive you away?"

Louis replied with a smile, echoing the goddess's first words.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

Just when Louis was walking among all living beings, feeling the rare peace, a passionate voice burning like fire sounded in his ears. The voice was so passionate that just hearing that voice made people feel heartbroken. Be impulsive and enjoy the joy.

He didn't say anything more, just asked: "...Why did Her Highness Shuni suddenly come to see me?"

Vera Bay is very lively. As the largest city at the southern end of the empire and also a transportation fortress, this bay is built on the seaside. There is a road that the empire spent twenty years building directly leading to the center. At the same time, many ships pass through this bay port. You can even follow the Endless Sea to the east, west, north and west directions of the St. Soloner Continent, and even the territories of orcs and other races.

"Just from the perspective of love, I admire the nature of the dragon."

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

"I forgot to congratulate Your Highness Shuni, you have finally regained your powerful power."

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, said with a hint of dissatisfaction, her passionate eyes looking directly at Louis with a little complaint.

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

When Louis heard the words and looked sideways, he saw a beautiful goddess with long fiery red hair, passionate and difficult to describe in human language, appearing next to him.

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

"I saw His Highness Louis walking around here alone, and came to accompany His Highness Louis when he had nothing to do. Do you want to drive me away?"

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

Seeing this, Louis shook his head. He flicked his fingers gently. The power of the gods brought the mortals around him back to their senses. At the same time, it distorted their sight and thinking, blocking the extraordinary power of the God of Love and Beauty. The charm of imagination.

"But dragons have more lust than love for other races."

Shuni said with a very serious expression.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

However, Louis is a god after all, and will not really fall under the beauty of this goddess known for her 'beauty'. The pedestrians around him stood still as if time had stopped. Except for the sudden appearance of this goddess, there was no one else in their hearts. Can't think of anything else.

For example, she supports interracial love, which even modern earthlings would never accept.

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"But dragons have more lust than love for other races."

"Why do you say that, Your Highness Suni?"

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

These are the true gods. Their perspective is never focused on a certain piece of land or a certain plane. Their sight is always covering the entire world. The contradiction between peaceful life and the fighting of war can only be solved by these gods. Only God can enjoy it at the same time.

The passionate fragrance went straight into Louis' nose, causing him, as a giant dragon, to immediately feel boundless love. He just wanted to look into the goddess's eyes filled with all love and beauty, and immerse himself in her endless passion. middle.

The goddess accompanies Louis as he walks through the city. Her gaze wanders, always looking at the pairs of men and women who are passionately in love. It is obvious that she has a persistent yearning for love, because she is the goddess in charge of love.

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

"In your mortal country, there are laws that explicitly require the freedom of love. Although I don't like to impose love through this legal order, I would like to express my fond approval for this pursuit of free love. "

"It is incredible that His Highness Louis, the God of Slaughter, lamented peace."

This city is somewhat close to a water city. There are various water thoroughfares in the city. Louis walked along the coast and looked at the many fishing boats on the sea. The fishermen sang songs and caught fish and shrimps in the sea. Their skin was rough and rough because they had been out at sea for many years. They were all tanned, but all of them smiled, living the simplest yet most desirable life for ordinary people day after day.

Suni never cared about how shocked her beauty would be to mortals. For her, if her beauty could not be seen by mortals and gods, then she would lose the meaning of 'beauty'.

"Because the dragon is open to all races of the opposite sex, but humans, elves and other races spurn love with other races."

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

Louis' compliment made Suni very happy. The flaming lady giggled, her body undulating and said: "...Thank you for your congratulations, but for an ancient god like me, this is also an inevitable result. .”

"Love and lust have never been separated. You must understand this! My love includes all loves, whether it is the love between different races, or the love between you and your daughter in the abyss Forbidden love is what I allow, I support, and I like!”

The God of Love and Beauty interprets his love and excessive tolerance. He is worthy of being a representative of the Chaos camp. Except for the weird views of giant dragons like Louis, it is estimated that most races cannot accept her. This lover is too unrestrained.

The Goddess of Love and Beauty smiled brightly. She was as passionate as fire and hugged Louis' arm without any shyness. Her bright smile made her feel as if she was Louis' lover.

Even in a technologically advanced society like the modern Earth, even if there are nuclear weapons to level the world, small-scale wars still exist, not to mention the world of Saint-Saurol, a place where strong people gather together. Adventure, fighting, and magic are what The main theme of the world.

Shuni said with a very serious expression.

After speaking, the beauty of this goddess that made it difficult for mortals to look directly at her gradually began to shrink. She wore a fiery red tights, with a fiery figure and flying hair. She was dressed like a clergyman of her church, but even though In this way, this lady is still radiant and attracts the attention of mortals.