I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 736: Only good-looking people can have love


Louis, the God of Love and Beauty, was noncommittal about the words. These are the three views of gods, or the characteristics possessed by each god. Suni’s views formed her doctrine, and then influenced the world in the name of God, allowing Her followers follow her ideas as their own rules of conduct.

The goddess warmly invited Louis.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

Just like the behaviors of the believers of the God of Love and Beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water", in the eyes of modern earthlings, it is simply unreasonable, even debauchery, but for the believers of Suni, it is daily life. Their life is what they should do to follow God.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

The God of Love and Beauty looked at the extra rope on Louis' hand in astonishment. She was startled for a moment and then smiled happily: "... Of course, this love is also within my tolerance. So, Your Highness Louis, do you want to try it? ?"

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

Her words make it clear and unmistakable that this world belongs to the gods, and everything else only grows and develops with the permission of the gods.

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

Shuni thought for a moment and replied politely: "...Today, it is the greatest empire, but 30,000 years ago, there was a greater empire that ruled this land. That empire gave way to many Faced with surrender, they commanded all visible territories, and they even dared to challenge the gods, and the former goddess of magic even suffered a big loss."

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

"...But the invasion of foreign civilizations prevented the gods' plan from proceeding. That country was destroyed, and only a few words remained in 30,000 years. Kingship has no eternity, only the true God is immortal. What you established on earth This empire has no meaning to the true God. One day it will wither, but the gods will not change."

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

As for what happened between him and Rosalind, it is natural that he cannot hide it from the eyes of the gods. However, the ethics of the gods are not bound by human morality, and the gods do not think this is anything, especially for a person. For a dragon, this is daily operation.

Louis, the God of Love and Beauty, was noncommittal about the words. These are the three views of gods, or the characteristics possessed by each god. Suni’s views formed her doctrine, and then influenced the world in the name of God, allowing Her followers follow her ideas as their own rules of conduct.

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

"In the endless sea, there is a powerful Naga Kingdom. The Queen of Naga has been ruling that kingdom as a demigod. This demigod once helped His Highness Shar and tried to kill His Highness Suellen and me. But in After the gods awakened, she wanted to be deified as a demigod and become the goddess of the ocean, but in the end she failed completely. The huge deep sea kingdom collapsed, and she herself could only surrender to the Lord of Storms."

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

Louis, the God of Love and Beauty, was noncommittal about the words. These are the three views of gods, or the characteristics possessed by each god. Suni’s views formed her doctrine, and then influenced the world in the name of God, allowing Her followers follow her ideas as their own rules of conduct.

"What do you think of this country?"

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

Louis, the God of Love and Beauty, was noncommittal about the words. These are the three views of gods, or the characteristics possessed by each god. Suni’s views formed her doctrine, and then influenced the world in the name of God, allowing Her followers follow her ideas as their own rules of conduct.

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

As for what happened between him and Rosalind, it is natural that he cannot hide it from the eyes of the gods. However, the ethics of the gods are not bound by human morality, and the gods do not think this is anything, especially for a person. For a dragon, this is daily operation.

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

"...But the invasion of foreign civilizations prevented the gods' plan from proceeding. That country was destroyed, and only a few words remained in 30,000 years. Kingship has no eternity, only the true God is immortal. What you established on earth This empire has no meaning to the true God. One day it will wither, but the gods will not change."

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

As for what happened between him and Rosalind, it is natural that he cannot hide it from the eyes of the gods. However, the ethics of the gods are not bound by human morality, and the gods do not think this is anything, especially for a person. For a dragon, this is daily operation.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

"What do you think of this country?"

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

"Madam, seeing you must be the most touching love in the world!"

"What do you think of this country?"

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

"Sunny's priesthood includes beauty. Sure enough, this is a world where faces are judged. She wants to use her priesthood to tell others that only good-looking people are worthy of love, and ugly people are not worthy of love." '

"Madam, seeing you must be the most touching love in the world!"

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

Shuni thought for a moment and replied politely: "...Today, it is the greatest empire, but 30,000 years ago, there was a greater empire that ruled this land. That empire gave way to many Faced with surrender, they commanded all visible territories, and they even dared to challenge the gods, and the former goddess of magic even suffered a big loss."

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

Her words make it clear and unmistakable that this world belongs to the gods, and everything else only grows and develops with the permission of the gods.

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

Just like the behaviors of the believers of the God of Love and Beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water", in the eyes of modern earthlings, it is simply unreasonable, even debauchery, but for the believers of Suni, it is daily life. Their life is what they should do to follow God.

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

"...But the invasion of foreign civilizations prevented the gods' plan from proceeding. That country was destroyed, and only a few words remained in 30,000 years. Kingship has no eternity, only the true God is immortal. What you established on earth This empire has no meaning to the true God. One day it will wither, but the gods will not change."

"What do you think of this country?"

"...But the invasion of foreign civilizations prevented the gods' plan from proceeding. That country was destroyed, and only a few words remained in 30,000 years. Kingship has no eternity, only the true God is immortal. What you established on earth This empire has no meaning to the true God. One day it will wither, but the gods will not change."

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

"Madam, seeing you must be the most touching love in the world!"

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

"What do you think of this country?"

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

Her words make it clear and unmistakable that this world belongs to the gods, and everything else only grows and develops with the permission of the gods.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

Her words make it clear and unmistakable that this world belongs to the gods, and everything else only grows and develops with the permission of the gods.

Her words make it clear and unmistakable that this world belongs to the gods, and everything else only grows and develops with the permission of the gods.

"...But the invasion of foreign civilizations prevented the gods' plan from proceeding. That country was destroyed, and only a few words remained in 30,000 years. Kingship has no eternity, only the true God is immortal. What you established on earth This empire has no meaning to the true God. One day it will wither, but the gods will not change."

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Shuni thought for a moment and replied politely: "...Today, it is the greatest empire, but 30,000 years ago, there was a greater empire that ruled this land. That empire gave way to many Faced with surrender, they commanded all visible territories, and they even dared to challenge the gods, and the former goddess of magic even suffered a big loss."

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

The goddess warmly invited Louis.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Just like the behaviors of the believers of the God of Love and Beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water", in the eyes of modern earthlings, it is simply unreasonable, even debauchery, but for the believers of Suni, it is daily life. Their life is what they should do to follow God.

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

Shuni thought for a moment and replied politely: "...Today, it is the greatest empire, but 30,000 years ago, there was a greater empire that ruled this land. That empire gave way to many Faced with surrender, they commanded all visible territories, and they even dared to challenge the gods, and the former goddess of magic even suffered a big loss."

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

As the archbishop of Villa Bay Suni Church, she had already sensed the arrival of the gods she believed in, and came to the door of the church with surprise and excitement to greet the two gods.

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

"Sunny's priesthood includes beauty. Sure enough, this is a world where faces are judged. She wants to use her priesthood to tell others that only good-looking people are worthy of love, and ugly people are not worthy of love." '

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

The goddess warmly invited Louis.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

"Madam, seeing you must be the most touching love in the world!"

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Shuni thought for a moment and replied politely: "...Today, it is the greatest empire, but 30,000 years ago, there was a greater empire that ruled this land. That empire gave way to many Faced with surrender, they commanded all visible territories, and they even dared to challenge the gods, and the former goddess of magic even suffered a big loss."

The archbishop's tone was exciting and pious. Like Suni, she was also wearing a tight suit that exposed her figure too much, giving people a feeling of glitz and enthusiasm.

As for what happened between him and Rosalind, it is natural that he cannot hide it from the eyes of the gods. However, the ethics of the gods are not bound by human morality, and the gods do not think this is anything, especially for a person. For a dragon, this is daily operation.

"What do you think of this country?"

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

The God of Love and Beauty looked at the extra rope on Louis' hand in astonishment. She was startled for a moment and then smiled happily: "... Of course, this love is also within my tolerance. So, Your Highness Louis, do you want to try it? ?"

Following the archbishop into the church, the believers of the God of Love and Beauty are all handsome men and beautiful women. However, the number of men is very small, and most of them are women. Most of them are noble girls. What most men are pursuing is It's strength and power, and only women chase 'beauty and love'.

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

"Sunny's priesthood includes beauty. Sure enough, this is a world where faces are judged. She wants to use her priesthood to tell others that only good-looking people are worthy of love, and ugly people are not worthy of love." '

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Even a god like Shuni, who has chaotic concepts, still has powerful cognition that belongs to a true god.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

Whether it is because believers have such a nature that they believe in the God of Love and Beauty, or whether the teachings of the God of Love and Beauty have influenced them. This causal relationship has been unclear.

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

Suni walked beside Louis with a smile. Listening to his words, the enthusiastic goddess used her beautiful smile to inject vitality into people, making Louis feel comfortable. He wanted to be with her. Keep walking like this and keep talking.

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

Louis nodded when he heard this: "... I have indeed carefully appreciated the prosperity of that empire. They are a powerful country established with arcane magic."

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

The God of Love and Beauty looked at the extra rope on Louis' hand in astonishment. She was startled for a moment and then smiled happily: "... Of course, this love is also within my tolerance. So, Your Highness Louis, do you want to try it? ?"

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

Just like the behaviors of the believers of the God of Love and Beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water", in the eyes of modern earthlings, it is simply unreasonable, even debauchery, but for the believers of Suni, it is daily life. Their life is what they should do to follow God.

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

"...You who have the priesthood of time must have seen the glory of that empire."

The goddess is passionate, yet lazy and charming.

The goddess warmly invited Louis.

"You are right, Your Highness Suni! No matter how great the empire is, it will decay one day. Mortals are always fickle, so I separated the church from this country. No matter how the world changes, it is still the same for us. Something that makes no sense.”

"Madam, seeing you must be the most touching love in the world!"

As for what happened between him and Rosalind, it is natural that he cannot hide it from the eyes of the gods. However, the ethics of the gods are not bound by human morality, and the gods do not think this is anything, especially for a person. For a dragon, this is daily operation.

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

This is the kind beauty that belongs to Suni, which is completely opposite to the evil beauty of Mecanshut. If the Succubus Queen walked here, ordinary people would definitely be affected by it, causing massacres.

Accompanied by this goddess who can be described as 'the most beautiful', Louis walked in the city of Villa Bay. Even though she was veiled, the beauty of the God of Love and Beauty reached an almost substantive concept. It fascinated many people walking in the city and even caused riots. But strangely, no one had any evil thoughts in front of this goddess, only appreciation and approval for her beauty.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

After the archbishop welcomed the two gods into the church, he left voluntarily, while Shuni tilted her head and looked at Louis, smiling and said: "... Your Highness Louis, what are you thinking about? As a god, your perception tells you that you are not. Thinking of something good."

"Thirty thousand years ago, the gods already felt that there was no need for that country to exist. Because of its existence, the belief of the gods was decreasing. The gods at that time decided to directly destroy the magic network and let others build on the magic network. This country that considered itself great has completely fallen, and let those pretentious mortals know that all their civilization and technology were established with the permission of the gods."

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

Louis recalled the demigod related to the ocean he had met in the 'Shadow Realm' of the Kingdom of Shar. After Louis became a god, the identity of that demigod had long been exposed. He was a person in the deep sea. As the leader of Naga, Louis once planned to seek revenge on her or make her surrender, but he did not expect that the other party was completely unable to do anything. He failed on the road to becoming a god, and he was lucky to be able to save his life.

The God of Love and Beauty looked at the extra rope on Louis' hand in astonishment. She was startled for a moment and then smiled happily: "... Of course, this love is also within my tolerance. So, Your Highness Louis, do you want to try it? ?"

The God of Love and Beauty looked at the extra rope on Louis' hand in astonishment. She was startled for a moment and then smiled happily: "... Of course, this love is also within my tolerance. So, Your Highness Louis, do you want to try it? ?"

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

Louis pointed his finger at the land, encompassing the entire kingdom of dragons.

"In the endless sea, there is a powerful Naga Kingdom. The Queen of Naga has been ruling that kingdom as a demigod. This demigod once helped His Highness Shar and tried to kill His Highness Suellen and me. But in After the gods awakened, she wanted to be deified as a demigod and become the goddess of the ocean, but in the end she failed completely. The huge deep sea kingdom collapsed, and she herself could only surrender to the Lord of Storms."

The other party's performance also made Louis lose interest.

Louis nodded, and before he knew it, he and Shuni arrived at the location of her church.

Just like the behaviors of the believers of the God of Love and Beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water", in the eyes of modern earthlings, it is simply unreasonable, even debauchery, but for the believers of Suni, it is daily life. Their life is what they should do to follow God.

Although we knew that the believers of this goddess are beautiful when we were in the "Mingshui Temple", the souls of believers will be affected by God after entering the Kingdom of God and can automatically adjust a certain appearance. When they come to the main material world, they will After meeting these followers of the goddess, Louis was certain that her followers did not need plastic surgery at all and were really not ugly. At worst, they were above average.

The goddess warmly invited Louis.

As a powerful god, the God of Love and Beauty has her churches all over the main material world. If Vera Bay is so prosperous, her church must also exist.

When Louis saw that none of Suni's followers were ugly, he cursed in his heart.

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"

Louis smiled, and suddenly said deeply: "... You said that your love is inclusive of everything, but does this love include sadomasochism?"