I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 737: Take control of the gods' plans


On the plane of Earth, above the moon, the satellite of the Earth—

"It seems that it is good for the goddess of love to belong to the chaos camp. If the goddess of love is to the order camp, then the love will lack impulse and passion and become boring... Isn't love just an impulse without thinking?"

The results are gratifying. The 'space-time wormhole' is indeed a cheating method. It completely bypasses the laws of the crystal wall system, allowing Louis' incarnation to enter the earth plane without appearing and severing contact with the real body. Become a two-person situation.

Now Louis has just begun to enter such a stage. As a powerful god, no one dares to cause trouble for him. He is the only one who can find trouble for others. He already has a clue about how to ascend to God. He just needs to complete it step by step. At other times, it is useless. Having things to do and enjoying life leisurely is also the living state of all gods.

"I did not lose contact with the main body and then 'die' or become independent. I am still 'controlled' by the main body, and the 'signal' is good. It is almost the same as when my incarnation entered the star realm. It is the 'civilization artifact' of the Tyrannic civilization. It’s really great.”

This is an avatar he specially created. It does not have much reserves of divine power. In the past, Louis always directly traveled through the "time and space wormhole" in his real body and came to the earth. This is the first time he has used an avatar to experiment.

Louis shook his head. This is also the reason why his incarnation does not carry much divine power. If the relationship between the incarnation and the real body really occurs, Louis must clear out this incarnation. The less divine power, the easier it is to clear it out, because Louis You can’t let yourself lose your faith in the earth plane now.

"As expected of Your Highness Shuni, only she can accept this kind of twisted love."

If you let your avatar directly travel through the crystal wall system and go from the world of Saint Solon to another crystal wall system, the consequence will be that the avatar is completely disconnected from the real body, and the avatar will become another person, which is equivalent to a spirit. Split.

"Well, there is another lich and angel that I haven't tasted yet. The lich must be eaten before becoming a god. Otherwise, evil spirits may appear after becoming a god. There is also Her Royal Highness Lari in "Gate of the Moon" Her Highness Lierla, the goddess of joy in the Palace of Bright Water, who has been hinting me to ride her, also hopes that I can often go to poetry gatherings with them. When the serious things here are done, I will be invited."

For someone as powerful as Louis, he has nothing to do most of the time. Apart from feeling the force, there is nothing he has to do. And because he has an incarnation, he can do several things at the same time. Too easy.

"To put it bluntly, both parties in love are brainless! As the goddess of love, Suni is always immersed in romance and love. As long as her interests as a god are consistent and she can understand the love she pursues, she can always You can taste the most beautiful goddess’ body anywhere.”

Louis nodded satisfied with the current situation.

"This way, it will be foolproof and I can proceed with my next plan."

Standing on a crater with a clear view of the earth, Louis felt the difference in himself.

This time he returned to the earth plane to go to the information left to him by Zhi Nao about the location of the Tyran home planet. This was an extremely important step for him to complete his plan to control the gods.

This is the True God, this is the omnipotence of divine power. Although from the perspective of destructive expression, the True God is incomparable to technological civilizations like Tyran, but in terms of individual power and even the mysterious performance of distorting the laws of physics, the True God It has a better way of operating than technological civilization.

In the church of the God of Love and Beauty, the most beautiful goddess will gladly accept the deity, use a dragon tail whip to convey love, or even eat the other person unceremoniously, as long as If you make a request to her in the way of 'love', then the goddess will fulfill your wish and can experience it with you in all the ways you can imagine and cannot imagine.

In the world of Saint Sauron, whether it is the invasion of the Underdark by the Kingdom of Dragons and the Kingdom of Silver Moon, or Louis and several gods blocking the door of the Spider Queen, or even Rosalind taking control of the first level of the abyss and starting to Looting other planes of the abyss, these things cannot be accomplished overnight and require a lot of time.

In the past, Louis lacked strength and did not have enough resources to conduct experiments, and if the experiment failed, it would bring a serious blow to him, so Louis never did this and always acted in person. However, as the current Louis has become a powerful god , he no longer has any worries, and has enough resources to squander, which is the highest technology that allows him to travel through the Tyranid civilization in an incarnation.

After thinking about what he was going to do, Louis took another look at the earth and prepared to go to the depths of the universe.

The gravity of the moon and the earth are different, but this makes no difference to the gods. The gods have adaptability to all environments, not to mention alien stars, even if Louis is thrown into a neutron star or a white dwarf, his divine power shield It can also resist all invasions from the outside world. Even if Louis is thrown into a black hole, he has the priesthood of time and can smooth out the time dislocation caused by the huge gravity.

"If it gets to that point, I'll have to come in person to clean up the avatar."

Suni, who is in charge of the 'beautiful' priesthood, is the most beautiful woman and the most beautiful goddess in the world of Saint Sauron. This cannot be argued by any true god or mortal.

This is the way a god should live, it is pure hedonism. If he has to solve problems among believers all day long and face all kinds of troubles all day long, then there is no point in living for such a god. At best, it is A tool man.

Louis sighed.

Thinking that he must go to the "Palace of Bright Water" to communicate with the goddess in the future, one of Louis' incarnations crossed the "time and space wormhole" and came to the earth plane from the world of Saint Sauron.

This time, Louis did not come to the people of Earth to appear as a saint, especially what appeared here was his real human appearance, not some false god he played, so he left the lunar lander in one step. Camera, don't let yourself be filmed by this lunar rover.

As soon as his feet stepped on the ground of the moon, Louis looked back with emotion. It turned out that there was a lunar rover moving slowly not far away from him. From the logo on the lunar rover, it can be seen that it belongs to the earth. The country of China.

Because Shuni believes that love and desire are one, and the love of both parties can also be reflected in desire, she agrees that both parties in love should use various methods to please each other and enjoy the desire of love together.

Thinking of the excitement of the goddess of love when he said these words, and thinking that Louis understood the teachings and ideas she wanted to convey, Louis laughed a little.

Louis recalled what happened in the Church of the God of Love and Beauty in the Bay of Vera, and it was a bit confusing.