I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 738: Head to the Tyranid homeworld


Before going to the depths of the universe, Louis first came to a depression on the moon. The surface of the moon was uneven and covered with countless deep craters caused by the impact of celestial bodies. It was like a human face covered with pockmarks. If ancient humans had really seen the true face of the moon, it would probably be difficult to praise the moon with beautiful legends such as 'Chang'e'.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

After Louis became a god, faith was no longer important to him. With all the technology of the Tyran civilization, why didn't he create a civilized race from scratch that absolutely believed in himself and was absolutely loyal to himself? .

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

Although all countries in the modern world have probes that have entered the back of the moon, the range that probes can explore is still too small for this mysterious side of the moon.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

Just the technological content of this spacecraft is enough to allow the earth's civilization to break through the limitations of gravity and go into the universe. Especially the material of this spacecraft is definitely something that the earth dreams of today. However, sometimes the human species is really too much. Unrestrained and bold, just like the modern earthlings have been hiding weapons that can wipe out human beings all over the world several times. No one knows if this spaceship is really discovered, will it be the light of human civilization or the glory of humankind? end.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

Although all countries in the modern world have probes that have entered the back of the moon, the range that probes can explore is still too small for this mysterious side of the moon.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

The destruction of the Tyranid civilization occurred 30,000 years ago in the world of St. Solon, but the time rates of the two worlds are different. The Tyranid civilization once made extensive use of 'space-time wormholes', which also distorted the time on the earth's plane. , so in fact, the spacecraft that crashed on the earth did not sleep here for 30,000 years, but only for a few decades.

Just the technological content of this spacecraft is enough to allow the earth's civilization to break through the limitations of gravity and go into the universe. Especially the material of this spacecraft is definitely something that the earth dreams of today. However, sometimes the human species is really too much. Unrestrained and bold, just like the modern earthlings have been hiding weapons that can wipe out human beings all over the world several times. No one knows if this spaceship is really discovered, will it be the light of human civilization or the glory of humankind? end.

The destruction of the Tyranid civilization occurred 30,000 years ago in the world of St. Solon, but the time rates of the two worlds are different. The Tyranid civilization once made extensive use of 'space-time wormholes', which also distorted the time on the earth's plane. , so in fact, the spacecraft that crashed on the earth did not sleep here for 30,000 years, but only for a few decades.

Louis' heart moved, and he directly used his divine power to open the coordinates of the universe recorded in his brain. For gods, as long as they have the coordinates, even the end of the universe can be reached instantly. Although the universe on the earth plane is huge, it is probably no more than the same as that of the Holy Spirit. The infinite star realms in the world of Soron are almost the same and can be described as infinite. Louis is also familiar with this huge plane.

As for helping the earth's civilization reach the level of the Tyranid civilization, Louis has never thought about it. He understands human beings too well. With the bad nature of human beings, it is very likely that when their own civilization develops to that level, Louis will beat up Louis for helping them. , Gratitude for rice and hatred for rice is a human nature that cannot be eliminated.

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

The destruction of the Tyranid civilization occurred 30,000 years ago in the world of St. Solon, but the time rates of the two worlds are different. The Tyranid civilization once made extensive use of 'space-time wormholes', which also distorted the time on the earth's plane. , so in fact, the spacecraft that crashed on the earth did not sleep here for 30,000 years, but only for a few decades.

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

Before going to the depths of the universe, Louis first came to a depression on the moon. The surface of the moon was uneven and covered with countless deep craters caused by the impact of celestial bodies. It was like a human face covered with pockmarks. If ancient humans had really seen the true face of the moon, it would probably be difficult to praise the moon with beautiful legends such as 'Chang'e'.

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

Louis' heart moved, and he directly used his divine power to open the coordinates of the universe recorded in his brain. For gods, as long as they have the coordinates, even the end of the universe can be reached instantly. Although the universe on the earth plane is huge, it is probably no more than the same as that of the Holy Spirit. The infinite star realms in the world of Soron are almost the same and can be described as infinite. Louis is also familiar with this huge plane.

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

Just the technological content of this spacecraft is enough to allow the earth's civilization to break through the limitations of gravity and go into the universe. Especially the material of this spacecraft is definitely something that the earth dreams of today. However, sometimes the human species is really too much. Unrestrained and bold, just like the modern earthlings have been hiding weapons that can wipe out human beings all over the world several times. No one knows if this spaceship is really discovered, will it be the light of human civilization or the glory of humankind? end.

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

Louis' heart moved, and he directly used his divine power to open the coordinates of the universe recorded in his brain. For gods, as long as they have the coordinates, even the end of the universe can be reached instantly. Although the universe on the earth plane is huge, it is probably no more than the same as that of the Holy Spirit. The infinite star realms in the world of Soron are almost the same and can be described as infinite. Louis is also familiar with this huge plane.

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

After all, the technological content of this spaceship exceeds that of several eras of earth civilization. If science is not advanced step by step, but is accomplished overnight, it is very likely that mankind will be completely lost. Of course, it is also possible that major countries are competing for the ownership of this spacecraft. , thus fighting.

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

Although all countries in the modern world have probes that have entered the back of the moon, the range that probes can explore is still too small for this mysterious side of the moon.

If the earth in the past was like a mother to Louis, then the earth now is more like a daughter to him. As an old father, he is thinking about the earth and the human civilization nurtured on it. Find ways to help Earth's civilization reach adulthood so that it can feed itself.

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

Before going to the depths of the universe, Louis first came to a depression on the moon. The surface of the moon was uneven and covered with countless deep craters caused by the impact of celestial bodies. It was like a human face covered with pockmarks. If ancient humans had really seen the true face of the moon, it would probably be difficult to praise the moon with beautiful legends such as 'Chang'e'.

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

It's like America discovered some parts and kept them, while the most important core part was completely integrated by Louis.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

Although all countries in the modern world have probes that have entered the back of the moon, the range that probes can explore is still too small for this mysterious side of the moon.

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

It's like America discovered some parts and kept them, while the most important core part was completely integrated by Louis.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

Before going to the depths of the universe, Louis first came to a depression on the moon. The surface of the moon was uneven and covered with countless deep craters caused by the impact of celestial bodies. It was like a human face covered with pockmarks. If ancient humans had really seen the true face of the moon, it would probably be difficult to praise the moon with beautiful legends such as 'Chang'e'.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

Louis is thinking about the future direction of the earth. After all, the earth is also his home planet. As the saying goes, wealth and wealth will never forget each other. If Louis becomes a god, he will not mind helping his home star to make the people on earth truly Enter the universe and become a cosmic civilization.

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

Louis is thinking about the future direction of the earth. After all, the earth is also his home planet. As the saying goes, wealth and wealth will never forget each other. If Louis becomes a god, he will not mind helping his home star to make the people on earth truly Enter the universe and become a cosmic civilization.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

"Fortunately, the earth's civilization did not discover this spacecraft, otherwise the people on earth would probably have destroyed themselves."

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

Just the technological content of this spacecraft is enough to allow the earth's civilization to break through the limitations of gravity and go into the universe. Especially the material of this spacecraft is definitely something that the earth dreams of today. However, sometimes the human species is really too much. Unrestrained and bold, just like the modern earthlings have been hiding weapons that can wipe out human beings all over the world several times. No one knows if this spaceship is really discovered, will it be the light of human civilization or the glory of humankind? end.

After Louis became a god, faith was no longer important to him. With all the technology of the Tyran civilization, why didn't he create a civilized race from scratch that absolutely believed in himself and was absolutely loyal to himself? .

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

After Louis became a god, faith was no longer important to him. With all the technology of the Tyran civilization, why didn't he create a civilized race from scratch that absolutely believed in himself and was absolutely loyal to himself? .

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

As for helping the earth's civilization reach the level of the Tyranid civilization, Louis has never thought about it. He understands human beings too well. With the bad nature of human beings, it is very likely that when their own civilization develops to that level, Louis will beat up Louis for helping them. , Gratitude for rice and hatred for rice is a human nature that cannot be eliminated.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

After all, the technological content of this spaceship exceeds that of several eras of earth civilization. If science is not advanced step by step, but is accomplished overnight, it is very likely that mankind will be completely lost. Of course, it is also possible that major countries are competing for the ownership of this spacecraft. , thus fighting.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

Louis is thinking about the future direction of the earth. After all, the earth is also his home planet. As the saying goes, wealth and wealth will never forget each other. If Louis becomes a god, he will not mind helping his home star to make the people on earth truly Enter the universe and become a cosmic civilization.

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

Louis is thinking about the future direction of the earth. After all, the earth is also his home planet. As the saying goes, wealth and wealth will never forget each other. If Louis becomes a god, he will not mind helping his home star to make the people on earth truly Enter the universe and become a cosmic civilization.

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

"Previously, I borrowed the name of the 'Ancient Ones' underground in the Antarctic to give some of the biotechnology of the Tyranid civilization to the people on earth, so that humans can defeat most diseases and most terminal illnesses. However, birth, old age, sickness and death are natural laws. In this case, the average life span of the earth will be greatly increased. If there are too many people born and fewer people die, then the earth's resources will be exhausted, and wars will come at any time."

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

Louis is thinking about the future direction of the earth. After all, the earth is also his home planet. As the saying goes, wealth and wealth will never forget each other. If Louis becomes a god, he will not mind helping his home star to make the people on earth truly Enter the universe and become a cosmic civilization.

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

Those tiny spaceship wreckage on the earth are not enough to make human civilization jump, but this relatively well-preserved wreckage on the moon is very dangerous, especially since it is on the back of the moon. It is possible to discover it with human technology. It's very big, but Louis doesn't want to overthrow it, so it's better to completely destroy it before the people on Earth find it.

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

If the earth in the past was like a mother to Louis, then the earth now is more like a daughter to him. As an old father, he is thinking about the earth and the human civilization nurtured on it. Find ways to help Earth's civilization reach adulthood so that it can feed itself.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

The destruction of the Tyranid civilization occurred 30,000 years ago in the world of St. Solon, but the time rates of the two worlds are different. The Tyranid civilization once made extensive use of 'space-time wormholes', which also distorted the time on the earth's plane. , so in fact, the spacecraft that crashed on the earth did not sleep here for 30,000 years, but only for a few decades.

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

Compared with the size of the solar system, it is an extremely small point in the entire universe. However, in such an unimportant and remote area, two spacecrafts of the Tyranid civilization could crash here, one of which is still the flagship. The probability is also very small.

"... However, under my suppression with the power of 'myth', wars between countries should not really happen. Then in order to obtain more sufficient energy, the only direction for each country is to go to the universe, especially after proving that 'outside the world' Now that Starmen exist, the population of more than seven billion is a heavy burden for the earth, but for the entire universe, this number of lives is simply a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning."

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

As for helping the earth's civilization reach the level of the Tyranid civilization, Louis has never thought about it. He understands human beings too well. With the bad nature of human beings, it is very likely that when their own civilization develops to that level, Louis will beat up Louis for helping them. , Gratitude for rice and hatred for rice is a human nature that cannot be eliminated.

Louis' heart moved, and he directly used his divine power to open the coordinates of the universe recorded in his brain. For gods, as long as they have the coordinates, even the end of the universe can be reached instantly. Although the universe on the earth plane is huge, it is probably no more than the same as that of the Holy Spirit. The infinite star realms in the world of Soron are almost the same and can be described as infinite. Louis is also familiar with this huge plane.

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

And because of this, the spacecraft of a Tyran civilization that crashed here in a deep pit on the lunar plane has never been discovered by humans.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

After Louis became a god, faith was no longer important to him. With all the technology of the Tyran civilization, why didn't he create a civilized race from scratch that absolutely believed in himself and was absolutely loyal to himself? .

When the many space warships of the Tyranid civilization returned to the Earth universe from the world of Saint Solon, they appeared randomly in various places in the universe. In addition to the warship that crashed on the moon, the other most important ship in the solar system , the flagship carrying the Intelligent Brain crashed on the earth, but the flagship had completely disintegrated. The core part crashed in South America, and some parts were scattered all over the earth.

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

"Many accidents led to necessity, which shaped me..."

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

It was a spaceship with a rather weird appearance, with a metallic luster all over its body. As far as the technology of the Tyranids civilization was concerned, the so-called spaceship was not limited to its appearance at all. The materials developed by the Tyranids civilization could perfectly cope with the problems in the universe. various physical phenomena.

It's like America discovered some parts and kept them, while the most important core part was completely integrated by Louis.

As for helping the earth's civilization reach the level of the Tyranid civilization, Louis has never thought about it. He understands human beings too well. With the bad nature of human beings, it is very likely that when their own civilization develops to that level, Louis will beat up Louis for helping them. , Gratitude for rice and hatred for rice is a human nature that cannot be eliminated.

But the speed of development of this civilization must be under his control.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

The spacecraft is about several kilometers long. Compared to the moon, which is a quarter of the diameter of the Earth, this kilometer-long spacecraft is very small. The probability of human detectors finding it on the back of the moon is extremely low, but Louis knows This spaceship may not look big from the outside, but its internal space is different. The Tyranid civilization has been able to compress space with force fields, so even a spaceship several thousand meters long may carry a large number of life forms inside. with matter.

If the earth in the past was like a mother to Louis, then the earth now is more like a daughter to him. As an old father, he is thinking about the earth and the human civilization nurtured on it. Find ways to help Earth's civilization reach adulthood so that it can feed itself.

Louis' heart moved, and he directly used his divine power to open the coordinates of the universe recorded in his brain. For gods, as long as they have the coordinates, even the end of the universe can be reached instantly. Although the universe on the earth plane is huge, it is probably no more than the same as that of the Holy Spirit. The infinite star realms in the world of Soron are almost the same and can be described as infinite. Louis is also familiar with this huge plane.

For example, the protagonists in some novels lead humans on earth to conquer the universe after gaining abilities. In the view of rational Louis, it is very unnecessary and it is a very dangerous behavior. Human beings' greed and desire will inevitably reap the consequences in the end.

This time Louis went to a deep crater on the back of the moon. This is still an unknown area for humans, because some people may not know that the back of the moon is the side that always faces away from the earth, and is the side that human eyes can always see. The missing side.

With one step, he left the solar system, crossed the Milky Way, and reached the extragalactic galaxy.

Although all countries in the modern world have probes that have entered the back of the moon, the range that probes can explore is still too small for this mysterious side of the moon.

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

"At that time, we will use the help of 'alien civilization' to allow Earth's technology to travel as freely as possible in the solar system. At that time, Earth's civilization will be able to stand on its own and choose the development direction of civilization on its own."

"Although the remaining Tyran civilization spacecraft closest to the earth is in the Milky Way, it will be impossible to find it for a long time with the level of development of the earth. So let me go and take a look at the Tyran star."

Louis sighed, and then blew the divine storm. With the storm that was enough to annihilate all matter, it completely destroyed the wreckage of the spacecraft in front of him, leaving not even a single atom behind.

Louis looked at the aesthetically pleasing spaceship in front of him, shaking his head and muttering to himself.