I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 744: Goddess of wealth


As soon as he returned to the world of St. Sauron, Louis was moved in his heart. God's gaze fell from the boundless heights and gazed at the former Seven Kingdoms Alliance, now the city of wealth in the Kingdom of Dragons.

Although there are not many demigods in the entire Saint Sauron world, their overall number is much greater than that of gods. In this case, there will always be many demigods in the vacant priesthood positions, especially those powerful priesthood positions. Go grab it. In this situation of multi-person competition, no demigod can be calm, because as long as his competitor succeeds in becoming a god, then the demigod will completely lose his way forward and want to change the direction of the priesthood. Neither can be done.

"After so many years, is Danlu Xier finally going to become a god..."

The faith of the earth has become less and less useful to Louis. When he becomes a god, the faith of the earth becomes dispensable.

"No matter what, you are my future god, so let me see with my own eyes your success in becoming a god."

Leaving the imaginary space of Tyranid's home star, Louis stepped directly into the 'time and space wormhole', and the next moment he returned to the star realm.

There is not only one 'space-time wormhole'. As a technological product, replicability is a basic attribute. Although the total number of 'space-time wormhole' devices of the Tyran civilization is not large because of the huge cost, there are always several systems. Yes, after completing his mission on the earth plane and even getting far more than he imagined, Louis is also preparing to return directly to the world of Saint Sauron.

Louis activated another 'space-time wormhole' on the Tyranid home planet. After entering the standard coordinates, he opened the door to the world of Saint-Saurol. At this point, Louis was completely relieved, because technological creations may be damaged. Yes, now there is a redundant 'space-time wormhole' device, so even if there is a problem with the first device Louis got, he doesn't have to worry about how to travel back and forth between the two worlds.

It was under this situation that Danlu Xier panicked and found Louis, expressing his surrender, because compared to this demigod, Louis was actually more like the God of Wealth. If Louis was willing at the time, he could really rely on Using the power of the Kingdom of Dragons to construct the 'Wealth' priesthood, even if this priesthood is of little use to Louis, it is still a priestly power that can reach medium divine power.

Louis shook his head and was very optimistic about this lady.

Over the past hundred years, she has done a lot, and has even developed a church of nearly 100,000 people. Most of the people in it are businessmen, because Danlu Xier is the leader of the largest chamber of commerce. Using her power, She is the one who made many businessmen contribute their faith.

Because she was too rich, she built her main church before becoming a god. In that huge church that was so magnificent that it could even be described as vulgar, Danlu Xier looked very excited. She took a deep breath to suppress her inner emotions. Restless, he closed his eyes and started to light the divine fire, starting his own god-consecration ceremony!

"Nearly a thousand years of hard work finally comes to an end today!"

Therefore, under normal circumstances, as long as they feel that they have a chance to become gods, demigods will light the divine fire to try. The result is that many demigods failed in becoming gods, and in the end not even a trace was left, like There are very few demigods like Danlu Xier who have no competition. Most of them are like Patricia, the lich. Many people are competing for a priesthood.

"I was really cautious and waited until now to perform the final ceremony of deification. However, there is no demigod in the entire world of Saint Sauron who can compete with her for the position of 'Wealth'. The only one who can compete with her is me, who gave her a promise." , she indeed has the ability to walk on the road to becoming a god step by step."

Under normal circumstances, a new god only needs the faith of 10,000 or 20,000 people to become a god. The reason why Danlu Xier began to try the ritual of becoming a god after having a church of 100,000 people is because the merchants are too greedy. , is only interested in profit, and most of her beliefs are relatively weak. Since she can't compare with the quality, she can only compete with the quantity. It is only now that she has absolute certainty of becoming a god.

This is the richest city in the Kingdom of Dragons besides the capital. It is very famous in the entire material world. This city has been ruled by Danlusil for hundreds of years. The residents in it are very good at doing business. They are spread all over the world. Business is going on in major countries on the mainland. As soon as outsiders hear that you are from the City of Fortune, their first thought is that you are rich.

Louis calculated the possibilities of his plan, and finally came to the conclusion that the best time is when four-fifths of the positions of the gods are occupied. The most perfect situation is when all the priesthoods are occupied by the major gods. There will never be a new god born again, but this is impossible. The concept of priesthood covers a wide range. In the future, it will be extremely difficult to become a god at best, but there will definitely still be new gods born.

Compared to matters on the earth plane, the world of Saint Sorenel now needs him more.

More than a hundred years ago, under the instruction of the Dragon God, Danlu Xier surrendered to Alexia, the king of dragons and elves, and she also acted as a slave to help Alexia conquer most of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance. The territory was all occupied, and the remaining part was abandoned because it was a plain and there was no dangerous ground for defense as a national border.

"When Danlucier succeeds in becoming a god, and when Patricia becomes one of the three gods of death, about four-fifths of the entire system of gods will be completed, and the gods will be completely restored, and all important priesthoods will be completed. There is already a master, so the remaining one-fifth will no longer be important, and my plan can be launched directly."

Louis thought this way, and his incarnation disappeared from the star world and came to the main material world in a flash.

Because all the Tyranids have died, the development of this civilization has temporarily stagnated. Louis can only let Zhi Nao carry out the deduction of civilization technology. If he wants to let this civilization develop again, he can only wait until Louis achieves the great deeds of gods. , re-create a new racial civilization, and then continue.

Although not all residents of this city are businessmen, this perception has been developed when the proportion of businessmen remains high.

The main material world, the kingdom of dragons, the city of wealth—

That was the demigod that Louis once met in the "Mingshui Palace", the master of the City of Wealth. Because of the development and growth of Louis' Dragon Kingdom and his emphasis on the economy, this man who tried to achieve the status of 'Wealth' finally The demigod gave up the protection of Suni in the "Palace of Bright Water" and chose Louis instead.

Since then, Danlu Xier has given up political power in the City of Fortune and devoted all her energy to developing her own church.

As an earthling, Louis is very aware of the importance of the economy, so he vigorously developed the economy when he was still the Dragon Lord. Money needs to be supported by force. With the expansion of the Dragon City, it has developed to the current Dragon City. country, with the huge military support of the entire country, no matter how talented a businessman is, no matter how powerful the chamber of commerce is, they have to surrender.