I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 745: Complete pantheon


The City of Fortune is a city with an extremely prosperous economy. In the center of the city is a huge church with a towering hall. The entire church is decorated with splendor and splendor. All the materials in the church are made of the world's most famous Saint-Saurol. Top-notch building materials, whether ceilings, walls, columns or floors, are all covered with luxurious decorations. The combination of the Baroque style church and these expensive decorations simply tells others what luxury and wealth are. .

The church title of this demigod is quite strange. The pope is called "Holy Coin", and he has "gold coin", "silver coin", "copper coin" and so on as the rank of church members. It tells you what is vulgar from the inside out. of 'money'.

"However, the circulation of wealth requires strong protection. If tyranny occurs, then even the richest people will have nothing... Money is a manifestation of power, but it is not absolute. 'Money' is not valuable. , it is just an 'equivalent', in fact 'money' has no effect."

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

If medium divine power and weak divine power are the mainstays of the gods, then there are only a few powerful divine powers who are the 'kings' recognized by the gods.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

"However, the circulation of wealth requires strong protection. If tyranny occurs, then even the richest people will have nothing... Money is a manifestation of power, but it is not absolute. 'Money' is not valuable. , it is just an 'equivalent', in fact 'money' has no effect."

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

The church title of this demigod is quite strange. The pope is called "Holy Coin", and he has "gold coin", "silver coin", "copper coin" and so on as the rank of church members. It tells you what is vulgar from the inside out. of 'money'.

And now Louis, as the main god, has powerful divine power. He also has the priesthood in his hand that is enough to become the "Kobold God" with medium divine power. In addition, he will definitely become the goddess of wealth with medium divine power, and two weak divine powers, the Good Dragon and the God of Wealth. The God of Evil Dragons, this is all the gods that Louis has for the time being.

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

And now Louis, as the main god, has powerful divine power. He also has the priesthood in his hand that is enough to become the "Kobold God" with medium divine power. In addition, he will definitely become the goddess of wealth with medium divine power, and two weak divine powers, the Good Dragon and the God of Wealth. The God of Evil Dragons, this is all the gods that Louis has for the time being.

Even Louis couldn't completely hide the sight of the gods. When so many gods came to watch, they naturally discovered the dragon god who was in the city of wealth. In addition to the 'Orc Lord God' and 'Earth Goddess' In addition to the Dark Elf Queen, these gods who have enmity with Louis, other gods who are either on good terms with Louis or have no normal communication with him greet and show respect to this powerful god.

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

Ugly and poor people are despised no matter which world they live in. This is quite a reality.

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

In Louis' sight, in the deepest part of the church belonging to Danlusil, a new divine fire burned. When the divine fire appeared, it represented the success of becoming a god. After that, the godhood was forged in the divine fire. A level It is not difficult to forge the godhead of '0'. As long as the god successfully ignites the divine fire, it is impossible for him to fail.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

"However, the circulation of wealth requires strong protection. If tyranny occurs, then even the richest people will have nothing... Money is a manifestation of power, but it is not absolute. 'Money' is not valuable. , it is just an 'equivalent', in fact 'money' has no effect."

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

Ugly and poor people are despised no matter which world they live in. This is quite a reality.

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

Not perfect, but complete.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

"... It seems that Ms. Danlu Xier clearly understood the nature of 'money', so she went to the "Palace of Bright Water" to seek protection from powerful forces. However, the most that Her Majesty Suni can give you is the peace between gods. Protection, but cannot give your believers the protection of the main material world, and I am the real power!"

Not perfect, but complete.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

The City of Fortune is a city with an extremely prosperous economy. In the center of the city is a huge church with a towering hall. The entire church is decorated with splendor and splendor. All the materials in the church are made of the world's most famous Saint-Saurol. Top-notch building materials, whether ceilings, walls, columns or floors, are all covered with luxurious decorations. The combination of the Baroque style church and these expensive decorations simply tells others what luxury and wealth are. .

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

The church title of this demigod is quite strange. The pope is called "Holy Coin", and he has "gold coin", "silver coin", "copper coin" and so on as the rank of church members. It tells you what is vulgar from the inside out. of 'money'.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

In Louis' sight, in the deepest part of the church belonging to Danlusil, a new divine fire burned. When the divine fire appeared, it represented the success of becoming a god. After that, the godhood was forged in the divine fire. A level It is not difficult to forge the godhead of '0'. As long as the god successfully ignites the divine fire, it is impossible for him to fail.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

"... It seems that Ms. Danlu Xier clearly understood the nature of 'money', so she went to the "Palace of Bright Water" to seek protection from powerful forces. However, the most that Her Majesty Suni can give you is the peace between gods. Protection, but cannot give your believers the protection of the main material world, and I am the real power!"

Louis was completely relieved, there was no way this demigod would fail to become a god.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

The church title of this demigod is quite strange. The pope is called "Holy Coin", and he has "gold coin", "silver coin", "copper coin" and so on as the rank of church members. It tells you what is vulgar from the inside out. of 'money'.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

But Danlu Xier, the goddess of wealth, did not need this, because she had the protection of Louis. After she succeeded in becoming a god, she entered Louis' kingdom of God without even thinking, avoiding all possible dangers and coming to see him at the same time. His own main god.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

It is morning now, and Danlu Xier has set the church clergy's prayer time in the early morning. She recognizes that "the plan of the day lies in the morning" and recognizes hard work to earn money, so she wants to become a qualified rich person. A qualified businessman must get up early and get busy, rather than waiting to die.

"... It seems that Ms. Danlu Xier clearly understood the nature of 'money', so she went to the "Palace of Bright Water" to seek protection from powerful forces. However, the most that Her Majesty Suni can give you is the peace between gods. Protection, but cannot give your believers the protection of the main material world, and I am the real power!"

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

Even Louis couldn't completely hide the sight of the gods. When so many gods came to watch, they naturally discovered the dragon god who was in the city of wealth. In addition to the 'Orc Lord God' and 'Earth Goddess' In addition to the Dark Elf Queen, these gods who have enmity with Louis, other gods who are either on good terms with Louis or have no normal communication with him greet and show respect to this powerful god.

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

If medium divine power and weak divine power are the mainstays of the gods, then there are only a few powerful divine powers who are the 'kings' recognized by the gods.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

Lazy people will only reduce their wealth, she firmly believes this.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

If medium divine power and weak divine power are the mainstays of the gods, then there are only a few powerful divine powers who are the 'kings' recognized by the gods.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

In Louis' sight, in the deepest part of the church belonging to Danlusil, a new divine fire burned. When the divine fire appeared, it represented the success of becoming a god. After that, the godhood was forged in the divine fire. A level It is not difficult to forge the godhead of '0'. As long as the god successfully ignites the divine fire, it is impossible for him to fail.

The City of Fortune is a city with an extremely prosperous economy. In the center of the city is a huge church with a towering hall. The entire church is decorated with splendor and splendor. All the materials in the church are made of the world's most famous Saint-Saurol. Top-notch building materials, whether ceilings, walls, columns or floors, are all covered with luxurious decorations. The combination of the Baroque style church and these expensive decorations simply tells others what luxury and wealth are. .

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

Not long after, the originally bright morning turned into darkness. Among the stars in the sky representing the gods, a star rose precariously and finally landed at the bottom of the starry sky. This represented The birth of a new god.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

"... It seems that Ms. Danlu Xier clearly understood the nature of 'money', so she went to the "Palace of Bright Water" to seek protection from powerful forces. However, the most that Her Majesty Suni can give you is the peace between gods. Protection, but cannot give your believers the protection of the main material world, and I am the real power!"

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

Apparently Danlu Xier did this very well.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

Even Louis couldn't completely hide the sight of the gods. When so many gods came to watch, they naturally discovered the dragon god who was in the city of wealth. In addition to the 'Orc Lord God' and 'Earth Goddess' In addition to the Dark Elf Queen, these gods who have enmity with Louis, other gods who are either on good terms with Louis or have no normal communication with him greet and show respect to this powerful god.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

After seeing the incarnation of Louis here, the other gods all looked away. Unless it was a secret meeting, there were actually no secrets among the gods. Louis had intercepted the love and beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water". The gods also know very well about the affairs of gods. Knowing that the 'power' that this new goddess of wealth seeks is him, the dragon god, the other gods have no extra thoughts about the goddess of wealth.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

Louis was completely relieved, there was no way this demigod would fail to become a god.

In Louis' sight, in the deepest part of the church belonging to Danlusil, a new divine fire burned. When the divine fire appeared, it represented the success of becoming a god. After that, the godhood was forged in the divine fire. A level It is not difficult to forge the godhead of '0'. As long as the god successfully ignites the divine fire, it is impossible for him to fail.

If medium divine power and weak divine power are the mainstays of the gods, then there are only a few powerful divine powers who are the 'kings' recognized by the gods.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

"However, the circulation of wealth requires strong protection. If tyranny occurs, then even the richest people will have nothing... Money is a manifestation of power, but it is not absolute. 'Money' is not valuable. , it is just an 'equivalent', in fact 'money' has no effect."

In Louis' view, this is simply a god that only businessmen or rich men believe in. The poor themselves have no assets, so they naturally do not need to be over-protected. As for the increase in wealth, it is not the poor's turn to play. The real What are the ways to make money? That is 'monopoly' and 'capital money makes money'. To put it bluntly, if you are poor, you will not become rich even if you believe in the God of Wealth. Only rich people who believe in Him will become richer.

Even Louis couldn't completely hide the sight of the gods. When so many gods came to watch, they naturally discovered the dragon god who was in the city of wealth. In addition to the 'Orc Lord God' and 'Earth Goddess' In addition to the Dark Elf Queen, these gods who have enmity with Louis, other gods who are either on good terms with Louis or have no normal communication with him greet and show respect to this powerful god.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

Lazy people will only reduce their wealth, she firmly believes this.

After seeing the incarnation of Louis here, the other gods all looked away. Unless it was a secret meeting, there were actually no secrets among the gods. Louis had intercepted the love and beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water". The gods also know very well about the affairs of gods. Knowing that the 'power' that this new goddess of wealth seeks is him, the dragon god, the other gods have no extra thoughts about the goddess of wealth.

Ugly and poor people are despised no matter which world they live in. This is quite a reality.

After seeing the incarnation of Louis here, the other gods all looked away. Unless it was a secret meeting, there were actually no secrets among the gods. Louis had intercepted the love and beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water". The gods also know very well about the affairs of gods. Knowing that the 'power' that this new goddess of wealth seeks is him, the dragon god, the other gods have no extra thoughts about the goddess of wealth.

Ugly and poor people are despised no matter which world they live in. This is quite a reality.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

Not perfect, but complete.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

If medium divine power and weak divine power are the mainstays of the gods, then there are only a few powerful divine powers who are the 'kings' recognized by the gods.

Lazy people will only reduce their wealth, she firmly believes this.

Even Louis couldn't completely hide the sight of the gods. When so many gods came to watch, they naturally discovered the dragon god who was in the city of wealth. In addition to the 'Orc Lord God' and 'Earth Goddess' In addition to the Dark Elf Queen, these gods who have enmity with Louis, other gods who are either on good terms with Louis or have no normal communication with him greet and show respect to this powerful god.

And now Louis, as the main god, has powerful divine power. He also has the priesthood in his hand that is enough to become the "Kobold God" with medium divine power. In addition, he will definitely become the goddess of wealth with medium divine power, and two weak divine powers, the Good Dragon and the God of Wealth. The God of Evil Dragons, this is all the gods that Louis has for the time being.

Not perfect, but complete.

Not perfect, but complete.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

Not perfect, but complete.

The City of Fortune is a city with an extremely prosperous economy. In the center of the city is a huge church with a towering hall. The entire church is decorated with splendor and splendor. All the materials in the church are made of the world's most famous Saint-Saurol. Top-notch building materials, whether ceilings, walls, columns or floors, are all covered with luxurious decorations. The combination of the Baroque style church and these expensive decorations simply tells others what luxury and wealth are. .

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

If Danlu Xier were on the earth plane, she would probably become an economist instead of a pure rich person. If you want to become a god represented by a 'priesthood', you don't just have to have it, but It is to understand the inner workings of the priesthood, to understand its true nature.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

Lazy people will only reduce their wealth, she firmly believes this.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

His other incarnation was in the "Dragonbone Wilderness" to greet the Goddess of Wealth who had just completed her canonization.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

The starry sky in the main material world once again turned into the morning sun, which represented the end of the ceremony of conferring gods. Louis did not think much about it. His incarnation continued to wander on the land of the main material world. Depending on his mood and temperament, he might Do something, or get to know a mortal because of fate. The deeds of these mortals meeting gods will become the material of legends and biographies in the future.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

And now Louis, as the main god, has powerful divine power. He also has the priesthood in his hand that is enough to become the "Kobold God" with medium divine power. In addition, he will definitely become the goddess of wealth with medium divine power, and two weak divine powers, the Good Dragon and the God of Wealth. The God of Evil Dragons, this is all the gods that Louis has for the time being.

This is Danlu Xier's church, and the Pope, now known as the 'Holy Coin', is leading believers in prayer in preparation for Danlu Xier's canonization.

When changes occur in the main material world, it will also attract the attention of the gods. The newly born 'God of Trade and Wealth' camp is absolutely neutral. This means that money is not just or evil, but what it is. If such a person uses it, except for gods related to "thieves" and "tyranny", no other gods will be hostile to the God of Wealth. God's eyes and God's thoughts come together, Welcome this newly born new god.

This demigod has completed his own teachings in more than a hundred years. Danlucier, who aspires to become the god of trade and wealth, has relatively simple teachings, which are generally to protect wealth and advocate the increase of wealth, while at the same time Criticizing thieves and robbers who get something for nothing is also one of the ways to protect wealth.

It is morning now, and Danlu Xier has set the church clergy's prayer time in the early morning. She recognizes that "the plan of the day lies in the morning" and recognizes hard work to earn money, so she wants to become a qualified rich person. A qualified businessman must get up early and get busy, rather than waiting to die.

But Danlu Xier, the goddess of wealth, did not need this, because she had the protection of Louis. After she succeeded in becoming a god, she entered Louis' kingdom of God without even thinking, avoiding all possible dangers and coming to see him at the same time. His own main god.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

The City of Fortune is a city with an extremely prosperous economy. In the center of the city is a huge church with a towering hall. The entire church is decorated with splendor and splendor. All the materials in the church are made of the world's most famous Saint-Saurol. Top-notch building materials, whether ceilings, walls, columns or floors, are all covered with luxurious decorations. The combination of the Baroque style church and these expensive decorations simply tells others what luxury and wealth are. .

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

After seeing the incarnation of Louis here, the other gods all looked away. Unless it was a secret meeting, there were actually no secrets among the gods. Louis had intercepted the love and beauty in the "Palace of Bright Water". The gods also know very well about the affairs of gods. Knowing that the 'power' that this new goddess of wealth seeks is him, the dragon god, the other gods have no extra thoughts about the goddess of wealth.

When the Goddess of Wealth, who will inevitably become a medium-power god in the future, joins the pantheon, the basic structure of Louis' pantheon will be completed. The pantheon also represents Louis' sphere of influence. Generally speaking, in a pantheon, in addition to being a In addition to the powerful divine power of the main god, there are only one or two medium divine powers, three to four weak divine powers, and either many or very few weak divine powers. It is possible that there are a lot of gods in a divine system. Sex does not exist, as this would create conflicting beliefs between gods.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

The incarnation of Louis appeared in front of the true form of the goddess of wealth and congratulated her casually.

"Congratulations, Your Highness Danlu Xier, you are now a true god!"

After a god has just been crowned a god, it is most dangerous when his godhead is '0', because he has not yet undergone a qualitative change. At this time, as long as several demigods join forces, they can kill the true god who has just been crowned a god. Only when the god is established Only after you master your most basic divine kingdom can you gain security and achieve true immortal changes.

But Danlu Xier, the goddess of wealth, did not need this, because she had the protection of Louis. After she succeeded in becoming a god, she entered Louis' kingdom of God without even thinking, avoiding all possible dangers and coming to see him at the same time. His own main god.